bypannchoaJuly 06, 2022
    (pic not included)

    Or was it someone around you?

    original post: here

    1. Is it even possible to have never experienced it?????

    2. Of course, 3 times

    3. Freaking lots of times. I can't even count the number of times I've been subject to s*xual harassment. I've experienced it from boys in my class so I went to an all-girls school after, but then experienced it from my male teachers. When we play games and s*x is mentioned, I'd always experience it, I just endure it for now since I've had it so many times

    4. The man that my mother was dating touched me thinking I was sleeping. My unnie also experienced it

    5. Subways are especially severe. When I used to be in elementary school, they would come from behind and they would just play with their 'thing', when I was young, I didn't know what s*xual harassment was but I remember hating it and feeling so bad. I've also seen a f*cker in his 20s slap a woman's ass in the metro because she was wearing a dress. I was so freaking shocked so he starred at me and started laughing

    6. There was nobody on the bus but he had to sit right behind me and started touching his 'thing'. I was so young and still a minor, I was so scared so I couldn't say anything and just let it slide... One night, I was going home and a man on his bike passed next to me and brushed me saying "Do you want to see my thing?" I told him "there's a police station right there, do you want to go?" and he ran away. It's so dangerous to go around by yourselfㅠㅠ

    7. Ever since I was a choding until now, 5 times

    8. Too many times... I've been victim of it more in my school days than when I turned adultㅜㅜ

    9. Because of that I committed school violence in middle school...

    10. Someone shoved their hand on my ass.. He kept trying to shove his hand upㅋㅋ I've experienced it so many times that I've grown traumatized of taking public transit..


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • Quote

    . Is it even possible to have never experienced it?????

    yup true

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  • most women experience sexual harassment at least once in their life time

    in the US a study showed that 81% of 2000 women between 18-24 experienced sexual harassment


    Internationally 1 in 3 women do


    1 in 3 is violence

    Im sure the daily dose of harassment is universal

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  • Physical or sexual. They often go hand in hand too

    Im seeing harassment is alot more common that 33%

    Its 100% of women who experience sexual harassment

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  • It's disgusting how common it is. I've experienced it and most, if not all, women I know have experienced it ourselves too. Most perpetrators will never admit to their crimes and it will continue to happen so long as women are the ones blamed for it.

  • the worst part is that although everyone saw this guy's weird behavior, no one helped me. there was a boy behind me, rubbing and touching me. I was afraid to get off the bus because I knew he could follow me. I was only 15 but I looked older so I told myself that it was normal: no one reacted because they thought we were a couple. I had to deal with it myself and I never told anyone about it. there were more such situations as I matured and none of these people ever suffered the consequences so I learned to defend myself and others around me.

  • Yes I have at work once. Some girls I worked with tried to set me up with a fella who was old enough to be my father at the time and when I confronted them about it, they said it was just some misunderstanding. He got my phone number and kept ringing me up at home and wanted to go out with me. I was only 22 and he would've been 50's. I told the employer about it and she didn't seem to care either. It was a toxic workplace and I left.

  • I remember when I was in 7th grade and a fellow classmate smacked my ass while walking in the school hallway.

    Oh, and in 9th grade my freaky music teacher touched my face all over with his nasty ass sweaty hands during a brown out in class. I cursed really loud and my classmates laughed and he was like ‘everyone be quiet!’

  • God, honestly. I doubt there is any woman my age who couldn’t reel off dozens of examples of harassment and sexualisation. I remember the street catcalls starting when I was twelve (and believe me, I really LOOKED twelve). As for more serious abuse, for me personally, sadly several examples and I am far from the rare example.

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