Posts by Tatiana1820

    This case is so confusing, there is sooo much misinformation I don't even know who is telling the truth. Whenever something comes up on the news, the opposite of exact event is released as statement the next day


    Supernatural was certified 100k first week sales. Hybe lied and said it was 38k to dowrate NJs success in japan and briebed a journalist to make a pr article saying so.

    (there is an audio of that)

    This is a fact even tho hybe denies it. But it's a blatant lie. Hybe is a side that lies continuously during this conflict. How can anyone still trust anything that they say is the real mystery!

    Good thing feminism allows for you to have this opinion … for yourself ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Anyay why are you on your device spending hours on end here don’t you have some work in the kitchen and family to attend to tut tut tut not very womanly of you if you ask me.

    Certainly women shouldn’t be expressing their opinions like this on forums that to to strangers that too so boldly it’s very unbecoming of you.


    One loads of bullcrap after another easily proven false by simple facts and recips.

    Hybe is pathetic. And very very dumb.

    I guess we can't confirm Tatiana1820 's stance on feminism after all. AI says so:

    Tatiana1820 feminist?.png

    Im not a feminist, im a humanist. Simple.

    Im for the defense of all the oppressed people, regardless of their gender. And i advocate for unity, peace and harmony as core principales.

    My difference is that I do not accept major ideological parts of the feminist movement which I think contradicts the natural law, the divine law (yes i have my religious beliefs). and just are detrimental to the well being of human societies in too many ways.

    But i am going very far and very deep into the matter, which wasn't necessarily my intent on this forum. Lol. Well :wellr: .

    Lol. All your assumptions are so mess up. Women were happy in the kitchen with five children? Yeah, they were so happy that they have to invent feminism because they had way less rights than men. Lol, read some women history, please.
    Hey, how about the men stay at home and raise the children and woman work? They can take the responsabiity of the house, right? Why only the women have to take this burden?

    You say you only care about the reality and the truth, but then you came with some imaginary bullshit: "OH, they should be a institution to protect them"? who you think fight for institutions like this? Men? the conservatives? Who you think is behind Gisele Picot? Lol, reality, yeah, bullshit it is.

    Here in SOuth AMerica I always see people like you saying: "Oh the feminism is like is bad, they are dumb, they achieve nothing" Oh, but when something terrible happens to a woman and there is no justice, the only people who go outside to demand justice and puts their bodies in danger are the feminists, because here the goverments and the police are shit. People who think like you doesn't do shit.

    feminism was lead mostly by higher class educate wealthy women who had enough free time to do so and wanted to have access to higher ranking jobs. so maybe you should get educated yourself first.

    it wasn't supported and still isn't supported by the majority of women. because guess what, most women want to build harmonious loving homes and dont wake up everyday to wage wars on men or patriarcat or whatever.

    many of them dont even have the luxury to preocupy themselves with such thoughts.

    and women take care of childraising because they are the ones in charge of childbearing. it's a biological reality. something woke feminist refuse to accept and that's their problem.

    And if women chose to fullfill these roles and find satisfaction while doing so who are you to critise it? I only advocat for a true choice. Free from this ideological and economic constraints.

    those institutions can be put by a state who has humanist values with both man and women in charge. but see your kind always has to see reality through a binary conflicutal lense.

    truth is bad people exist everywhere. no gender is all wrong and diabolical.

    The goverments are the one who allowed those laws to take place. They are the ones who teach children these ideology in school?

    Now ask yourself why..


    So hybe offered her money to leave after she won the injunction? Daaamn.

    Also hybe pr team did lie about NJs album sales. And again the hybe pr team send a slanderous case about MHJ to a Billboard worker!! I can’t imagine how nasty it must have been!

    I imagine they did that as well when they had the japanese debut. Saying sh*t like they were korean far rightist or smth japan haters... =O .

    I did feel like NJs reception in japan by those hosts felt a bit cold... to say the least ?(.

    This is so not surprising!

    This thread is literally so useless i have no idea what is going on ever and i literally just check twitter.

    The @mods need to nake a thread that is strictly filtered, true, relevant content OUTSIDE of the mega thread that nobody can comment on. The mega thread can be all about comments and fights but i’m so tired of not even being able to fucking load the page to find out the destruction of my favorite group because Yama, Adelaide, Tatiana, that kai obsessed internet scholar and random other people are blathering on about random BS.

    Can someone PLEASE make this site useful again. I know you get the clicks in this thread already, but PLEASE just also make it useful for INFORMATION

    Don’t worry if something important happens we'll stfu. We're here for NJs as well primarly :thumbs-up: .

    (me more than anyone i think :eyes:)

    And i think the reason why so many people are present here is because they are invested to. But nothing of much consequences is happening yet.

    So i guess we all have to be a bit patient. Or just talk to the mods idk.

    :cutes: It’s okay.

    When will Adelaidestevsn , NmiXXSupremacist , and you have a discussion about A Clockwork Orange?

    It's one of my favorite movies of all time :pepe-loop: !

    The rawness of the tone in the way of filming, the punk! the psychological analysis on the birth and the nature of evil, the philosophical questioning about WHO is the biggest evil as everyone from the criminals, to the victimes, to the parents, to the law and the state are EVIL!

    Damn that movie is a masterpiece and Kubrick is my top 3 favorite filmaker of all time :thumbs-up: .

    maternity leaves and such facilities are not that common. it exists in some countries but it doesn’t in many others or it's not properly applied. specially in asian countries.

    feminist can wish what they want, as long as their demands doesn’t match the capital, they will get nothing back. they're the biggest fools in this situation right after the average women.

    both feminism and capitalism (through ultra liberalism) are tools of the rich to maintain most people in a state of slavery and submission.

    i don't think women should be enslaved to neither their husband not their work. so i cannot support either system that allows such a thing to happen.

    another way exists.

    if a women is abused in her couple, then there should be institution put in place to protect them or financial aids or smth. it doesn’t mean that ALL couples are disfunctional or toxic. and it doesn’t mean that women have it better by being enslaved to complete strangers who underpays them and who doesn’t even know their name.

    at last they love their children, their family and the family loves them back. (in general). this is far more fullfilling than being a faceless nameless replaceable dozeen in a company.

    most women were most likely happier in the kitchen with their five children actually, having a group of friends and sharing hobbies. i dare say so.

    the average work isn't really a privilege. it's a burden. and if the men has to take the responsability of such burden then defacto someone else has to take the responsability of child raising. it's only normal.

    otherwose who will be raising the kids? santa claus? the state? lol

    my point is that women should have the choice to do so if they want. and also not be brainwashed into thinking that this natural desire they have is something shameful just because there are no sparlkles or no money around.


    also i dont really care about ancient or modern. i only care about reality and truth. don't know what's the link with njs or whatever.

    Oh yeah you convinced me and I agree with your analysis entirely:thumbup: .

    But when i put my ranking, i was also thinking and the current trends and it’s potential future prospects.

    That's why I actually think that when this gen ends, aespa might possibly came up the the 2nd biggest gg :/ .

    Please, define wokeness.

    "Indeed feminism and hyper capitalism are tighly linked and they birthed a modern society where women are enslaved to work and can’t even marry or give birth even if they want to (mostly for economic reasons) and in many cases (as such in a very western societies) feel ashamed, guilty or even humiliated for wanting to solely focus on that."

    Please can you tell me how this is product of feminism and not the product of the savage economic rules (Neo liberalism for example) we have this days?

    It's actually self explanatory. And i already wrote why.

    Seemingly the 'right to work' was pushed by feminists and it was accepted by politiciens mostly because it served the interest of the state (more taxable people and more control of the childrens education) to the detriment of the children and the family structures and the companies as well, as they afterwards had access to a cheaper workforce which also allowed them to lower salaries, which resulted on the long run of both gender being obliged to work to maintain a proper lifestyle.

    Which is actually hindering women from making children if they want to because of the workload and the unbearable mental charge as most of them can’t afford to quit their jobs.

    Both of these ideologies are interlinked with one another intentionaly or not. And both serve the capital.

    Also im not saying women shouldn't have the right to work but this was used by the state as a mean to pump more money from it's citizens and to educate more docile other little citizens.

    Of course it didn’t came alone. It came along 'feminism' which sold the illusional dream of women liberation and such (tought in schools and such) when it actually ended up enslaving women to workforce and companies for the most part.

    Today most women don't have the luxury of choice to either work or be a housewife. This is a privilege of the wealthy only. So the choice is gone. So in the most extrême cases, people are barely making children, and societies are going into the path of extinction.

    Look for example at what is happening is Japan and Korea. The birthrate is terrible. And i think it is directly linked to that ideologies. A post feminist neo liberal hyper capitalist society which is becoming more and more individualistic. (as per the western modern model)

    The thing is those asian societies are in a state of schizophrénia as both very traditional models and very westernised modern models have to coexist together. Which leads to many extreme reactions such as a major rise of childless, single women in their 30s and 40s and who have no intention to marry at all, because they can’t possibly handle both the traditional and the modern role expected from them. So they discard the traditional one.

    Indeed it is honeslty too much to expect women from fullfilling both to such extrêmes. And it’s understandable that many are very scared of such prospect. So phenomenons of pet/dog are becoming very widespread for example, they treat them literally like babies. As probably a replacement of the real baby they can’t afford.

    Either time wise, economically and also out of pride and their internalized vision of a succesful modern women which is solely based on how independant she is and how much money she can make. (see? both feminism x capitalism interlinked)

    When they see their pairs being miserable doing both, they probably think that they have it better and in many ways they probably do, but in the end they end up alone and without a family. Which is miserable really.

    Because well humans aren't meant to be alone. They are social creatures who find utmost fullfillement within interconnected family structures and communities. So yes, most of these women will live a lonely and sad life. but they will be working so much they will barely realize it until they end up in a pension home all alone.

    Anyway it's such a complex matter and im getting very tired and very hungry :sweat: . So...ciao 👋.

    In France a man convinced 50 more men to rape her wife while she was sleeping, but feminism is bad because men cant open the car door to women anymore because they dont want to. :peperain:

    That man is a criminal regardless of feminism or not. Honestly, he deserves to die.

    What I'm saying is that you don’t necessarily need to be a 'feminist' to defend and protect women and their rights.

    You can just be a decent human and build a society based on the defense of the oppressed on the stance of humanism for example instead.

    Because feminism comes with the defense of the womens rights indeed but it also with many other bad apples as i listed beforehand.