Posts by Tatiana1820

    I’m just saying I’m more of an ARMY than those fake ones who only use the guys for their own agendas. It’s just like how I’m more of a BLINK than those who use the girls for chart politics but disrespect their autonomy. Or like how I’m more of a Tokki than those who only use the girls to push the anti-BTS agenda.

    I don’t put labels on it. I just like what I like and love what I love.

    I thought I was an ARMY until I went on AKP.

    Good for you then ;-).

    I did have some courses on feminism in uni actually. Western feminism more specifically. Studied the different waves and such. So...

    And i also did my own personal research on the matter. For example the female condition in traditional asian countries such as china. Or on the implimentation of the roman law in the lower middle ages as well as the napoleonic law in france specifically. And how both of them contradicted the natural anthropolological and social laws of the french but also of christianity.

    Surprisingly yes women in France had more rights under the medieval catholique church during the higher middle ages than during the lower middle ages with the prominance of the old pre-christian roman law.

    The roman and napoleonic laws actually took many rights away from the women. (Wont go into details) And one thing I understood is that women’s rights in europe and france were never a linear matter. For example they had the right to divorce before france was even founded in the 5th century until the church forbade divorce (in general) for both man and women.

    Yup :meme-stare: .

    Anyway, im not very interested of exchanging with you honestly. No thanks. But to say im ignorant lol.

    Yeah but they had it again. They're BACK. And it's kind of a miracle. The right promo with the right music!

    Well now Ive had Either Way/Baddie, Heya/Accendio decline. While aespa had Supernova/Armageddon. So...

    And what I'm trying to say is that i think that with the right songs, aespa can stay on top. The hybe is back.

    If Ive doesn’t get a major hit this comback around, then overall, their impact on the 4th gen will be smaller than aespa's. Specially if aespa comebacks with another top hit song.

    1. NewJeans

    2. aespa

    3. Ive

    Currently that's my ranking and i think aespa can still do really well in the future, while I think Ive's dominance is pretty much over. Hence why I put aespa above even tho at first glance i did agree with your ranking.

    Being able to be on top for 5 years is greater than peaking during 2 years and then decline and fade.

    I personally think Ive hype is over. But with the right songs, aespa could be on top right below NJs. (Overall)

    Somehow this hybe controversy revived the aespa hype. And with these amazing releases they're slaying. They have a very strong identity as well unlike Ive.

    And if no NJs, then on top altogether.

    What?! You were an army all along =O ? I didn't knew :eyes:...

    I agree with everything that you said :thumbs-up:. I didn’t knew an army could be that wise and nice actually :pepecute: .

    You’re the first likeable army i met :holding-back-tears:.

    Props to you :finger-heart:.

    This blind sheep like behaviour, the lack of a critical mind and the total lack of courage to speak your mind and stay true to yourself are amongst the worst human qualities really.

    Personally, i do not like to build my reality on such simplistic, resentful and conflictual grounds. Men vs women. Feminism or masculinism.

    I prefer to call myself a humanist and i like to build my perception of reality on a more harmonious foundations. I seek peace and harmony above all. And as such I'm for the protection of all moral human rights regardless of one's gender.

    So if anything, I would call myself a humanist.

    Bad can be done to women and bad can be done to man. Even though the means may differ, pain and injustice have the same effect regardless of gender. Yes some specific sub categories can exist for the sake of efficiency and recognition but just as such, a category.

    Therefore, on the basis of humanism, when an injustice is commited againt a fellow human, we should all unite men and women as one humanity and stand together and not partake in some kind of competition of victimisation that would only divide us.

    This perception of reality and human relations through the lenses of either feminism or masculinism is too limited, simplistic and conflictual, therefore dangerous for all humans. Specially in the long run.

    I actually think it's a pernicious trap. Just because some obscure rich old man decided once upon a time to impliment (in my case) some old misogynistic roman laws which greatly restricted womens rights and then suddenly, because it (mostly) served their political and economic agenda, to present feminism as the only alternative from such an unfair model we should all blindly follow it and accept it entirely? And trust 'these' people's good will? Lol. These people only ever defend their own interests. It's an historical fact.

    (You need to understand that for such feminist laws to pass on a political level, there were some very powerful and rich man behind who allowed it. That those in power for centuries collectively decided it)

    Well today, we can clearly see what are the consequences of feminism. There are definily good fruits that came out of it (mostly from the first waves) but there were also many many rotten apples as well, which is honestly getting out of hand in a more western woke societies.

    Indeed feminism and hyper capitalism are tighly linked and they birthed a modern society where women are enslaved to work and can’t even marry or give birth even if they want to (mostly for economic reasons) and in many cases (as such in a very western societies) feel ashamed, guilty or even humiliated for wanting to solely focus on that.

    I agree that in some more traditional societies, urgent laws have to be implimented to protect the lives and the freedom of the oppressed which often are the women and the poor.

    But i also think that if we can't collectively free ourself from this conflicutal and limited mindframe those people imposed on us and 'so generously' offered as an escape to an unfair patriarcal model, then they will succed in their objectifs of dividing us to better dominate us.

    WHICH has always been the goal of the rich and powerful as they spend all their time to maintain their power and their privilegies over us.

    They ain't giving anything away freely you fools!

    decided to take a gander at r/kpop...them hybe stans now adamant that Kakao was the mastermind behind this "plot to take down HYBE".

    They have no proof for that but even if it was true it's only vengence for what they did to their ceo.

    But honestly, the whole industry probably wants to take down Hybe, MHJ and SM at the forefront :pepe-tea:.

    And for all the good reasons obviously :meme-grumpy-cat:.

    Hybe are NASTY thugs man and they want to kill of all competition through monopoly probably because of how insecure and greedy they are.

    That's not how life works Bango :meme-bonk: . You only get what you sew. And you are hurting many people including your own artists on the way. Not that you care anyway pff.

    I disagree with these two realities existing together but let me go along with your delusion and say this, if you think both extremes are wrong than work on your own extreme opinions and be careful how you express them in the future.

    I do not think my opinion is extreme. So no.

    Extreme is to say a women is only good if she is a mother or a wife and i didn’t say that. Extreme is to harrass and humiliate women who do not wish to marry to do so, I didn't say that.

    Actually, I have a lot of respect for women who stayed true to themselves and pursuied their dreams to do otherwise if they wished so.

    (ahem mother MHJ for example lol)

    Im just saying that being a wife and being a mother is the natural and biological role of a women in general and that it is a more fullfilling reality than being a dozen overworked underpaid worker. (which most women are)

    And i guess this is where we can find a common ground because indeed, what is truly hindering women to follow the path which they would find most fullfilling today are those economic constraints and literaly forced labour to sustain themselves.

    Many women give up on motherhood or marriage because they just can’t handle all these responsabilities altogether that this post feminist* hyper capitalist modern societies has put into them.

    *latest waves more specifically

    I disagree.

    I think both of these realities are true depending on the society and also probably in some cases the social class in which you belong.

    And both extremes are wrong.

    (Also I think your understading of reality is rather limited, no offense)

    This is a myth that exists only on social media, this is made up problem (similar to so called misandry but I digress).

    Women are much more often shamed for picking their career over having children and a husband, than they are for picking to be mothers and wives. This is just a reality, and you are part of this reality and this clique.

    Depends were you live i guess. And to which extent it rings true.

    But in France and I dare say in most western societies and most strongly westernised societies, it is definitly the case.

    It’s not a social media myth at all. It's actually a social reality.

    turns out hybe's logo was also created by mhj

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    Well im not surpised lol. She basically designed the whole hybe building as well if im not wrong. Duh. Comical really.

    And to be back on topic, in not surpised by the latest news at all either!

    Lol hybe sabotaging NJs? Well now you got the proof. But my first reaction was: if only they just did some pr media play against NJs lol.

    I think they did much much worse. And im just waiting for the recips at this point.

    Anyway, this news puts into light how Hybe doesn’t have NJs best interest at heart at all. And that's a FACT.

    We all know anyway from where all these anti NJs articles were coming from don't we? Pff.

    Well despite our seemingly opposite stances, i think we can definitly agree that women should have the free will to pursue their dreams and the model of life which suits them the best.

    And i definitly agree that not all women are meant to be wife or mothers. And they can also be great models and widely contribute to the society. For sure!

    But you can't disagree either that the latest wave of feminism and the modern capitalist society don’t share much respect for motherhood and for being a housewife. It's like you only have value if you make money otherwise you're just a bum and a failure.

    And this is a major source of psychological stress and even an humiliation of women's desire to pursue such a way of life. The modern model of female happiness and success is solely based on illusional dreams of carrier success when in reality most people, man or women are only replaceable faceless dozens to make other people rich while being widely undepayed. Or for man to support their family.

    The reality of the modern hyper capitalist sociaty is actually pretty ruthless and it doesn’t even leave the choice (mostly for economical contraints) for women to live the kind of life they would find most fullfilling.

    The reality of life is also to accept that no, not everyone is exeptional or meant to be stars, most people are average. Average workers, averge mothers, average fathers.

    Now which one of these two prospects you would think sounds more fullfilling, loving, human for most women?

    I dare say the second one. Specially if this post 3/4th wave feminist hyper capitalist modern society didn’t make them so ashamed of such desires.

    Actually you can find much meaning and so much beauty in motherhood. Difficult to say you would do so by selling lipstick or taping on a laptop all day long!

    Whilst I don’t know your situation, this seems like a mental barrier no?

    I understand how societal pressure can feel limiting, especially for women, where we’re often expected to prioritize family over career.

    But I also understand why they exist. Love and procreation more than anything makes us more human, bringing forth some of the most profound experiences we can have

    I agree so much with that part!

    Why would you want to serve strangers all your life who don’t give two genuine f*cks about you and are probably underpaying you, instead of serving your family and catering them with love and warmth? Blessing them with your presence?

    Yes some people may have amazing jobs and not ALL women are meant to be mothers or even wifes and they shouldn't be shamed for that! Actually there were and still are many women who contribut to the society greatly even so.

    but id say most are.

    And most people also have mid jobs so they can pay off their expanses and just survive. If this part is handled by your partener then why who you refuse to focus on your couple and your family?

    If you could and most can’t. Most women, most couples are shackled by economical contraints and that's actually the real tragedy of the modern societies.

    Why wouldn't you want to focus on your interpersonal, familiale and social relationships when clearly, those factors are what can truly bring happiness and a sense of fullfillement to people and specially to womens?

    Im not saying you should only do so of course. There are so many other means to find meaning in life alongside. Like focus on an humanitarian, spiritual, artistic or intellectual pursuits or just self care. Mother DO really need that part because it can actually be an exhausting role!

    Also i would like to add that there are various waves of feminism. Indeed the first wave focused on the inegalities which were often intorelable and unfair! but we are now in the forth wave of feminism (if im not wrong), and most of it is just batsh*t woke insanity and male hating hysteria.

    Actually these feminist also hate mothers and families. Bro at this point they just hate humanity as a whole because such ideologies could only lead to the extinction of human race all together :eyes:.

    Ps: and lol im actually omiting the original factors that lead some very powerful figures of supporting the democratisation of female labor in most fields.

    (mostly for the stat to have more taxe payers, lower salaries, and the state to have a bigger role into shaping and influencing the kids thoughts and minds to be more inclined towards the state's sole interests and propaganda)

    'Most of HYBE’s subsidiaries, except ADOR, have debt, particularly with Lotte Capital. The debt is likely for operational costs. There is speculation that HYBE uses its subsidiaries as collateral for its debts. Despite having the highest revenue among entertainment companies'

    Damn, this is insane and revolting!

    They are treating people's precious company's and creative projects with such disregard and care. No respect at all for anyone!

    Endangering and risking of destroying those labels just so that Bango can go around making crap investements, hanging out with BJs in his LA mansion and pour millions into payola and sajaegi to promote his crap danworld propaganda :skull: .

    Dreadful <X.