Posts by Tatiana1820

    You got that backwards

    Early people created god(s) to fill in the gaps in their knowledge. They then realised their new fictional creation was a great tool of control.

    weither you believe God created people or not, (which is another deep and more complex subject i'm not sure it's the right place to discuss about, specially on this thread), i was merely adressing that fact that if you take that presupposition like in nmixsup case as to suggest that God is evil because He let evil things happen, then your argument is off topic in this case and my argument stands.

    because in that case, nmix wasn't even debating about the existence of God or not, nmiw was debating about the character of God primarly. to which i answered accordingly.


    also why would you be afraid of an imaginary being to answer your earlier comment? God is either scary or God doesn't exist, it can't be both...

    ps: and if you wish so, im down to discuss that with you privatly, when i got some more time :thumbup:

    What religions? Because last time i check, the BIble, the Coran and the Tora are very violent. And they dont like people who think different.
    Anyway, doesnt not matter, All praises a God (or gods) very powerful who doesn't do shit when bad things happen. Imagine a cop who have the power to stop the rape of a child but does nothing. A president who have the power to stop the famine of his country but does nothing. Men like this are calling monsters and we hate them, but if is a God we calling merciful and we love her/him. Bullshit

    there will be no more free will then anymore. so more more humankind. no more reason for humans to be on earth either. since God created peopel to test their faith and to see who will behave the best.

    you may disagree with that but a God does what He wants. He is God, period.

    evil is the consequence of God giving humans free will. people should stop blaming God for the evil choices of humans. how convenient really to deflect the responsability. when most evil happens because of the aloofness, ignorance and indifference of the majority of common people.

    ultimatly justice will prevail because God is in power, the victims will be widely compensated and the criminals will suffer in hell in terrible tourments.

    end of story.

    Religion is an iffy subject. While the major religions are rooted in ideas of compassion and benevolence, there are many who hijack the teachings of sacred texts and use them for their own agendas.

    Personally, I'd like to respect religion and those who have righteous intentions for following religion, but I also think morality and human decency are common sense and don't require religion to achieve.

    Most of all, I believe in the Golden Rule. Treat others as you'd like to be treated. That principle is universal and is both religious and nonreligious, and I think it triumphs over any violent, hateful, or discriminatory ideology that's perpetuated in the name of religion.

    I agree with you, exept objective morality can only exist if there is a divine unchangeable source which it came from. otherwise, a big part of what is good or wrong is just left to the humans whims and their inherent subjectivity.

    for example making human sacrifices being seen as something 'good' in some primitive cultures because it may bring good fortune to the community etc... humans are malleable and unconsistant and left only to the human devises, what is good might widely differ depending of time and space or even just classes.


    Oh, now you choose who is allow to work and who doesnt not? Lol, lets go humanism.
    Only in your mind Feminism shame other women for wanted to be mothers. You drink the cool aid right wing sell to oppress women. Feminism is about choice, choice to be what they want. Well, religious people couldnt understand this, their stupid dogmas dont let them choose.

    religious intolerence now? :pepefacepalm:

    please, you've got the reading skills of a 12 years old... there is nothing more to add :eyeroll-pepe: .

    And isaids opinion of me is honestly utterly irrelevent.

    Not being able to accept different set of thoughts or beliefs (as long as they don’t advocate for crime or violence of course) is just pure intolerence and the testament of a very narrow mind.

    Totally uninteresting.

    And i would like to add that if bigotery means racism, then i take it as a grave insult and i do not accept being defamed in such ways.

    So unless the mods agree with isaid, i would like them to intervene and please moderate this matter because enough is enough.

    You can’t just get away with insulting people like that and just talk crap out of your *ss X( . Just because 'you' feel offended. Racism is a crime!

    They are the conservatives of Schodinger. They want women to stop working because they are miserable, and their happiness is with a husband, childrens and home. But Also want this middle age woman to go back to her job. Stupidity is really fascinating sometimes.

    Your reading skills seems the most stupid thing in this room tho as i have never advocated for such thing :pepe-tea: .

    I clearly stated that not all women were meant to be mothers or wifes. That some could be great at others things as well and this without being shamed or hindered. And MHJ is a great example of that.

    But the average women or men ain't geniuses, stars, producers or whatever. Those are exeptionals fields filled with exeptional people.

    Well it aint in my powers to add layers to a clearly limited simplistic mind anyways so :wellr: .

    Firstly, thank you for aknowledging my predictions :smirks: .

    To make it as short as possible, MHJ isn't giving up on her ceo status because she doesn’t wanna annulate her shareholder contract like that and give up on her stock prices. Not because she wants to stay in hybe in my opinion.

    And my prediction is that Im pretty sure she is gonna win her second injunction and take her ceo role back.

    (and likely annulate her non compete due to unfair firing)

    Also NJs is moving in the way that will be most suitable to their carrier and their safety.

    First and foremost, while MHJ is away, they needed to make Hybe understand that they wouldn’t take any abuse or bullying. So now the fear has probably changed the camp and is no longer on their side.

    We don’t know what they are going to do in the future yet. I feel like bold and imprevisible moves are part of their/mhj strategy. And also diverting attention and putting people in a state of confusion as well.

    There are only two solutions anyway.

    Either MHJ gets more independance with Ador within Hybe (which is quite unlikely but to which extent i don’t know) either she leaves Hybe all together with Ador and NJs because of the prejudice they went through at the hands of Hybe.

    And I'm also pretty sure she wants to leave hybe and so do the girls. It's only a question of how and when.

    Ps: Im not a shaman tho ;judgingpepe: .

    So dungeon time for NewJeans.

    I guess they will have more time to model clothes as fashion ambassadors.

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    This is good news. It will greatly help them in their legal case.

    this is why I will never choose a side. Yesterday I read MHJ interview and think okay maybe there's some hope for her. Then HYBE says nah everything she said was a lie. Who is telling the truth, idk. And that has been the case this entire time.

    Hybe lied easy. Supernatural was certified 100k in the fist weak, hybe brided a journalist to release an article that said they only sold 38k. And that therefore NJs results were decepointing. So a negative pr article.

    That was also the numbers we received, until yeasterday i didn’t even knew they sold 100k albums in japan :|.