Posts by NaomiBlue

    My EDM-loving a$$ for one can't wait until Enhypen hits us with an absolute banger on Monday and I'm not ashamed :froghype:

    (also like I tried so hard to get into kpop through the 2nd gen and beginning of 3rd and no one can convince me it was somehow better on average than 4th gen. Nope not buying it not true doesn't fly)

    I mean you're not dumb, you're very much not dumb. I'm not going to talk to you like you're dumb.

    Well, you've forced me to for a bit: When things are extremely evident and obvious, especially within a community such as kpop, it's no longer shade. Shade is subtle. When it's just out and out directly referring to something we all know about and has dominated a lot of conversations for the last 48 hours there's no need to mention specifics. We all know the specifics. The name is implied.

    So, say, BTS signs two absolutely massive brand deals and announces them within a couple of days of each other, and it's all over the news and all kpop media and is constantly discussed on AKP and Twitter. So who else are they referring to? ARMY have been constantly insulted like this - note the 'miserable lives' part of the title - specifically for days? Like this is legit a straight out drag, and oc we're gonna step up to that.

    Basically, I'm asking you to not gaslight us, Icy. which is exactly what the whole dumb 'omg this isn't about ARMY why are you here!!!' argument kpoppers have decided to tattoo on their foreheads whenever they drag us w/out using names does. It's stupid. It just makes ya'll look like nothing you say is genuine or real.

    Drag shamelessly, fight openly, it's more fun & honest that way (of course, more chance of getting ripped to shreds, too, but that's the risk you take! :pepe-toast: )

    This. The endorsements are not the end goal.

    This is also why McDonalds was more hyped, because it will have a wider reach.

    Yes! Exactly. The McDonald's deal and advertisements are going to be so widespread, even if we don't get a new song and it'll be older BTS music there will be so many new ppl who've only heard their name seeing Bangtan & experiencing them for the first time. It's really exciting! :froghype:

    It's super simple why we hype endorsements: deals like this get BTS more attention, a lot more, from people who might have dismissed them thus far. More attention means more fans. More fans means more success and recognition for BTS. This is what makes us ARMY.

    This is all a big PR campaign and ARMY are their primary campaign managers. And it works, because all we and these endorsement deals have to do is pull GP into BTS' orbit and their music/artistry, stage genius and incredible personalities do the rest. it's the Bangtan Law of gravity. The being loud about it is part of the process.

    The hot takes on capitalist greed from massive kpop fans is pretty entertaining, tho':pepe-legs:

    How did this even become a BTS thread who even mentioned BTS in the first place time to ctrl f

    So... you're claiming that a thread about the grossness of hyping brand deals has nothing to do with BTS... after BTS signs two of the biggest (if not the biggest) kpop brand deals of all time in the same week? realllllly? Do go on.:pepepizza:

    This is all so fascinating - and it explains so much about a few things that have happened over the last year or so. HYBE really does have a roadmap.

    But if they have to use connections to win a Grammy what's the point?

    That mindset can be applied 100% to everything Grammys (and the academy awards. and the emmys, and the...) related; it's an industry awards show created by and run by big US label lawyers and specifically crafted to give 'prestige' to acts that make a lot of people lots of money. The big awards were always about connections, and they're insanely corrupt.

    The point is that despite this, there's a lot of weight to the Grammys, and it would be really a final validation they could put on their trophy shelf. BTS know how broken and gross they are, Weverse wrote a whole article on it, but they also grew up hearing about the awards and admiring them, and it's something they want. I don't blame them, and it would be a big big deal in Korea.

    Is it okay Publicly/in fan spaces? Depends on for whom, and why it's happening.

    Unfortunately fan service invites it often, and take cultural differences into account and it's not surprising people talk about it a lot.

    Also, art scenes tend to have a higher percentage of self-aware non-straights in them, often by a LOT, and especially in quite repressive countries like Korea. This is pretty universal, so everyone is aware it's super unlikely all our idols are straight. I believe there's a good amount of subtle signaling among idols, and you can't ask people to ignore that.

    For LGBTQ+ plus fans, it can be really comforting to be able to discuss the idea their idols aren't straight without judgement and in an open atmosphere. It's fun and interesting and ideally creates an atmosphere where there's nothing wrong or bad about the idea these beautiful people are gay or bi etc.

    BUT - for the idols themselves, living in Korea, especially for the majority who will end up in the famously terrible-to-LGBT ARMY? It's not great at all. It's even possibly dangerous.

    Still treating it as some terrible sin to discuss it ignores how Idols do fan service, at times seem to invite speculation/show their allyship or pride, and that there is nothing wrong in a universal sense with them being gay and it brings comfort to fans to discuss.

    In short: idk it's complicated af.

    Do you have exact ways you'd like it to be done? Just curious

    Hi - I do! I think kpop songs need to be more cohesive and make more 'sense', tell stories sonically like great pop does. To my ear they often seem like they are cobbled together based on other songs or the idea of 'what comes next' as opposed to what that particular songs needs to be good.

    To be cynical about it, they just need to pay for current songs and producers. I actually think production is the bigger problem; there are often some great melodies and ideas in current kpop songs but that disjointed quality happens again and again. Random drops, dead-end choruses, weirdly unneeded shifts, no payoff, floating bridges, etc.

    On the more current thing, sometimes the songs will use pieces of new sonic ideas but as a whole sound like EDM or Swedish pop from 8 years ago, for example. That's the money thing again - someone who's being truly, modern creative at a professional polish level is most likely expensive, or at least takes advanced A&R to find.

    Miss Right is the one true skip for me in BTS's whole massive discog. it's the one song of theirs that outright BORES me, can't stand it. Friends is their only more recent release I'm not into, it sounds like a filler song from a musical, too 'cute'.

    For bts, Danger, stigma and respect. Overall Danger is truly just the worst. A waste of a bomb choreo and bts' talents. I don't even rate it.

    I always shit talk this song lol

    Danger is my least favorite title, I thought I was alone :pepe-comfy: I like BTS's more 'chaotic' songs usually but it just seems messy and kinda disjointed. Will still listen but never seek it out.

    Agreed, now that they've hit officially mainstream, the media is probably starting to poke into their backstory/ARMY on staff are telling them and it's going to come out more and more! Their tale is such a great rabbithole to pull more people in :pepe-devil:

    I'm so happy for them :pepe-comfy: It's the very least they deserve, and they legit left that corrupt old show up.

    Edit: No this is literally how I feel:

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    Now I do really hope for a win WHY CAN'T IT BE NEXT WEEK ALREADY :pepecry:

    Bragging is fine. Army should be allowed to brag, what they did for BTS is unbelievable, propelled those boys to the stratosphere of boyband legends.

    Paving the way however is an insult that is used to discredit the work that other groups have put in. Plus it aint even true on its face. BTS didnt have a single thing to do with AIIYL charting in Bubbling Under, a Korean song from a rookie girl group that nobody in America knew about with no American promos. And D4 peaking at 55 on the Hot 100, no Korean act has ever charted in this chart as a 2 year old group, yet another Korean song that charted with no American promos (i dont remember the girls even setting foot in the US until late 2018-early 2019 long after its release).

    You can argue that BTS paved the way for certain BGs to promote in the US with successful tours and promo of their own (NCT, SKZ, MX, Ateez). You can argue that they paved the way for Enhype and Txt. But that's about it.

    I think the 'paved the way' thing is something we'll never agree on! And I genuinely get where you're coming from, the fanwars have gotten to the point where nuance is utterly wiped out and the cannons are set to "Complete Generalization" when the phrase is used in that context. You're right, BP legit had attention doing their own thing when they debuted.

    But there's a couple of things here - Kpop had a following in the US in 2016/2017. It was a niche following, it was not even close to mainstream, it was it's own thing, but it was enough to make it worth it for huge groups to travel here, to justify kcon, and it was overwhelmingly focused on Big 3 groups. Big Bang was real real big Within This Niche. So was 2NE1. YG groups have always had lots of western attention in the scene that was kpop.

    BP was not at all unknown, and AIIYL is a great song. D4 has an incredible video, and as other specific kpop videos have gone viral before, it's not outside the history of idol music for there to be some heat for a Korean act bc of a good release. But to the west, D4 was a novelty.

    The Paved the Way argument is about the (attempted) MAINSTREAMING of Kpop. This is where we can disagree forever, but the metrics show that all kpop keywords follow the same graph rise as BTS's. Most of kpop didn't have Twitter, BTS wins the BBMA, suddenly everyone does. Kpop was not a genre to be taken seriously in any way before BTS. This is not BP's fault, but the way BP (whose trajectory has never looked like BTS's) was injected randomly into media about Bangtan was weird and very, very YG. in 2018 BTS was already making massive waves; BP is very unlikely to have gotten the partnerships they did, the Coachilla gig, etc, without BTS's influence. That they were the girl counterpart to BTS was a big push.

    The western media had little to no interest in kpop being seen as anything serious before BTS, and them changing that game had a massive impact on all Kpop acts, including Blackpink. (Psy proved that you can BIG viral and still not be taken seriously whatsoever) Without Bangtan it would have been a fire video or two, the biggest gg in global kpop, real big in Asia, but not seen as a contender. The only thing that would have changed this if YG gave the girls truly contemporary music.

    BP can both be legit successful AND have benefited from BTS's success. These aren't mutually exclusive. They're not mainstream, tho', and I do believe they were seen as a contender for mainstreaming because of BTS's influence on how the west approached korean idol music.

    BTS lifted all of Kpop up - but it's up to other agencies to support their acts to walk the path they cleared. The next act to do it at a level closer to BTS will not look like them (or any Big3 group, with their aging house styles) but will have music that fits the trend and mood and feels different as well.