... and bc of this they are successful ww. This here is such a weak excuse that non fans use to downplay BP success and impact in the west since debut that I am just ??? It's really impressive how some really change their narratives to put BP success on their music style and not bc of the girls and their talents
YGE is BP company right? And what music is YG inspired by? Yes, rap and "west" music and it's not them aiming to a place, it's just their identity in S.K. they literally are like this since the beginning so saying that BP purposely makes music to attract that type of region is just wrong at some point as BP are not the only YGE group making these type of sound. Their music for sure appeals to the west, more like ww, but let's not act like this was the plan since debut as YGE staffs and even Teddy already talked about how they didn't thought they would be such a success, so honestly they didn't have an exact plan... They for sure had expectations, but their expectations were thrown out of the window with BP Paks and glorious debut kkk. So yes, I'm aware their music is more aimed to the west than S.K., but right now they are the most successful gg in S.K. too with their west sound so yes, stop using this to bash the pinks and their success. It's like saying cute girls groups just make success in S.K. bc it appels to them and nothing more.
Music is ww and thank God more K-pop groups are making waves ww so let's just stop bashing people success when they clearly are passionate and work hard to be where they are.