White people lack empathy for brown people, brain research shows.

  • White people lack empathy for brown people, brain research shows.
    New research from the University of Toronto-Scarborough shows that white people’s mirror-neuron-system fires much less, if at all, when they watch people of…

    No wonders people suddenly are pro-Ukraine and empathis with white people, yet hundreds of thousands of innocent people have been brutally murdered in Iraq, Syria and Palestine, etc... and nobody gave a fk about them. White privilege is one hell of a disease. Sorry not sorry.

  • People have more empathy for those who are similar to themselves (race, religion, country, gender)

    Thats not really rocket science, Its easy to observe it in everyday life

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  • As a brown person, I am pretty sure the reason is because Russia, a huge country with the potential to start world war 3, invaded Ukraine. This makes it bigger news than other similiar situations unfortuently. More news channels are covering it because it is from Russia.

    This would have happened if it was any country Russia invaded, including if they invaded a country where majority of the citizens are brown.

    And grouping white people into 1 single "they don't like brown people" standard based on a small group is not fair.

    For example, my mom is concerned about the Ukraine invasion because there are college kids in the Ukraine from India. But that doesn't mean other brown people only care about brown people and not other races or make brown people privelged just because of that.

  • It doesn't have to be a competition. I've seen tons of white people's empathy for Afghans, Uyghur people, and so on.

    The Russia-Ukraine situation happens to be a big deal because, for decades, people have been afraid of World War III. We learn history to prevent tragedies from happening, and this could be a repeat if our world leaders aren't careful.

    Alliances are a double-edged sword because they deter the emboldenment of aggressive world leaders. However, when other countries are obligated to step in, that runs the risk of a world war. Most people don't want that.

  • At base level, empathy works in concentric cirles: first circle, your family & friends; second circle, your neighbors and acquaintances; third circle, your city; fourth circle, your region; fifth circle, your country; and so on.

    Of course some variables can be added into the mix ,like spoken language, religion... But at the very base level, the fact is the more you know someone intimately or symbolically, the more empathy you have for them. It's not rocket science. It's like being surprised that people love their own kids more than strangers' kids. That's just the way it is, how evolutionary biology shaped us.

  • It doesn't have to be a competition. I've seen tons of white people's empathy for Afghans, Uyghur people, and so on.

    The Russia-Ukraine situation happens to be a big deal because, for decades, people have been afraid of World War III. We learn history to prevent tragedies from happening, and this could be a repeat if our world leaders aren't careful.

    Alliances are a double-edged sword because they deter the emboldenment of aggressive world leaders. However, when other countries are obligated to step in, that runs the risk of a world war. Most people don't want that.

    Lol no stop with the lies. Only little White European people cared about us, you don't know what you are talking about. They also bombed us, raped our women and killed kids brutally. Yet they have the audacity to call us terrorists. of course not everyone ignored, but we are talking about the majority here. it's not only white people, even other brown people empathise more with white people. look how koreans are praying for Ukrainians, yet they never cared about what happened in Arab countries. White people never gave a fk about what happened to people of color being brutally murdered in Vietnam and Japan. It's disgusting and it makes me angry how we are ignored and being treated less than humans.

    Edited once, last by G-DRAG0N ().

  • Russia did the same thing to Georgia (the country) in 2008 . I don't remember the media making as big of a deal about it (but of course I didn't pay attention to world politics back then just watched the news at the same time my parents did). But then Georgia is located in the Caucasus on the other side of the Black Sea and is therefore farther away from Western and Central Europe.

    I think it has to do more with geography than skin color.


    "And they escorted her to a prison cell..."


    Edited 2 times, last by Poetry ().

  • The world is not black or white, your article is clearly racist. Some authors wrote the same thing about the Jews during the 2nd world war, it's meant to dehumanize people. This kind of thing leads to genocides and mass murder. The truth is that there will always be people with a different sensibility, it has nothing to do with your religion, your skin color or the country you live in.

    If the media relays information about Ukraine more than other recent conflicts, it is for several reasons:

    - Since the Cold War Russia has always held the role of villain for Westerners, it is a feeling that was created by the USA to fight the ideas of communism. You can find many cultural works of the time in the USA or in Europe where the Russians are always the bad guys in the stories. And it is still relevant today, there is a real indoctrination of the populations.

    - Europeans are sensitive to this because it affects a neighboring country and Europe and the USA are also involved in the conflict by intermediate means. They are afraid that the conflict will affect them.

    - The threat of nuclear conflict is real

    Humanity and human beings are complex beings that are shaped by many things, it will never be summed up through this kind of stupid study. Always pay attention to these kinds of articles and try to take a step back. Always try to inform yourself also about the relevance of what you read, you know in science even the scientists do not agree between them, there is never anything certain in humanities and social science researchers.





    "People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy."


  • Lol no stop with the lies. Only little White European people cared about us, you don't know what you are talking about. They also bombed us, raped our women and killed kids brutally. Yet they have the audacity to call us terrorists. of course not everyone ignored, but we are talking about the majority here. it's not only white people, even other brown people empathise more with white people. look how koreans are praying for Ukrainians, yet they never cared about what happened in Arab countries. White people never gave a fk about what happened to people of color being brutally murdered in Vietnam and Japan. It's disgusting and it makes me angry how we are ignored and being treated less than humans.

    Now I know you're trolling when you mention Japan in your argument. Japan murdered tens of millions of "people of color" in the 30s and 40s. That superior empathy clearly wasn't functioning very well.

  • Do you have different link to the study? The one in the article doesn't work.

    But yes, people are racist and that's beyond disgusting/sad. But it's also true that people also more likely to sympathies with others who are more similar to themselves (both physically and lifestyle). It's easier to imagine their suffering. This goes for everyone, not just white people.

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