What factors do you consider when buying a badge? 28
I buy badges both from people I stan, but also groups who make music that I like, but I don't stan. (16) 57%
I only buy badges from people I stan. (13) 46%
I buy whatever badges match my current aesthetic. (5) 18%
I buy badges that I think are worth their price. (5) 18%
I buy whatever badges look good, regardless of my aesthetic. (4) 14%
Other (please explain below if you wouldn't mind doing so.) (2) 7%
Hello, I am curious about this. When choosing which badge to buy, do you choose based off of who you stan, whose music you like, price, what looks good or what best matches your current aesthetic? Some combination of those reasons? I am interested to know. For me, personally, I choose based on whose music I enjoy since I don't stan a lot of people yet and don't want to limit my options too much, but I will also only buy something if it looks pretty. I don't care if it matches my aesthetic or not since I can always change that easily if the badges are cute enough for it to be worth it. I do consider price, but if the badge is cute enough, it's not an absolute dealbreaker for me. I hope that makes sense. Anyway, what about you guys? Have a great day/night!