I never really thought of giving NCT much time. I only listened to them occasionally (being very generous here) and never bothered watching their performances let alone their shows or any kind of variety content. Therefore my assumptions about most members were completely... out of pocket.
The worst of it was probably Taeyong I was regrettably prejudiced against him, not because of all the pre-debut rumours but because of all the pushing he seems to get from SM, I used to think it was undeserved. You can't imagine my shock when I got into NCT and realised that a- he was very charismatic, b- has a heightened sense of artistry and c- is ridiculously kind
so now he became one of my favorite members.
The rest is just hilarious. Like for example, I used to think Mark would be all cool and aloof and that Ten would reserved, awkward and shy
and most importantly that Dream members and in particular Haechan would be boring
Basically everyone was the exact opposite of what I imagined