Tbh, it'd pbly have a better chance with those types of guys.
I was wondering about this not too long ago
It'd be interesting to see if the biggest hits by bgs follow this logic.
Tbh, it'd pbly have a better chance with those types of guys.
I was wondering about this not too long ago
It'd be interesting to see if the biggest hits by bgs follow this logic.
Music for men be like
It’s a weird take for sure
i think people mostly point it out because men typically don't listen to boy groups and it's an accomplishment that groups like Big Bang had a lot of male listeners because it shows that the boygroup is popular with all demographics, because for girlgroups their listener demographics are more equal and represent the gp, whereas most boy groups are only listened to by the young fangirl demographic (not that I think there's anything bad about that demographic)
They really don’t have to. They just need listeners to chart well. Even if only women listen to them, as long as it’s a big number, they can still chart fairly well
I mean lyw has a huge female demographic but he can still chart on Korean charts.
personally as a dude I can listen to both BG and GG doesn't matter either way if the music is good (for me can't speak for others)
but apparently the korean GP just prefers GG to BG
It'd be interesting to see if the biggest hits by bgs follow this logic.
Idk about Big Bang but it does not follow this for BTS especially in Korea.
Their biggest hits apart from spring day are Boy with Luv and Dynamite. Next would be Idol i think.
Anyway the reason bgs are not able to attract male fans is not because of the music it's because they are bgs.
Brave Girls viral song showed that when the military (mostly men) hyped the song it can go to the top of the charts. Maybe that’s why GGs have better charting ability compared to BGs.
Sad to say but the stereotype that only girls listen to BG is strong and many men are put off because of that. In addition, korean public still have this perception that idol groups (especially BGs) are for teens (I’ve watched too many videos of Asian Boss and the likes about this). Only BTS and Bigbang were able to shake this prejudiced view from the public IMO.
Anyway the reason bgs are not able to attract male fans is not because of the music it's because they are bgs.
Let me finish this... "And toxic masculinity teaches you that that 'being gay' is abnormal and that liking anything to do with boys (ex liking the music that boys sing) is gay."
There are certain "men" it's ok to admire and look up to, but boys who sing about things like love or feelings?
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