Your top 5 Kpop title tracks and b-sides

  • I chose one song by artist for the title tracks :

    1. BTS Spring Day

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    2. Red Velvet One of these nights

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    3. Girls' Generation I got a boy

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    4. Gfriend Me Gustas Tu

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    5. Oh My Girl Closer

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    Same for the b-sides :

    1. BTS (Jin) Awake

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    2. Mamamoo Sleep in the car

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    3. Red Velvet Cool World

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    4. Twice Like a fool

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    5. Purple Kiss Skip Skip

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  • i think we're the same person i-

    these are the ones off the top of my head, i'll do top 10 for title tracks though bc it's hard

    1. BTS- Run

    2. BTS- Spring Day

    3. Red Velvet- One of These Nights

    4. 9Muses- Sleepless Night

    5. Taeyeon- Fine

    6. T-ara- Day By Day

    7. Gfriend- Rough

    8. Wendy- Like Water

    9. G-idle- Hann

    10. Girls' Generation- I Got A Boy

    edit: i forgot some exo tracks on both of these lists but i'm too lazy to think too hard about it but they're important for sure


    1. BTS- Butterfly

    2. Red Velvet- You Better Know

    3. BTS- Magic Shop

    4. Taeyeon- Time Lapse

    5. Wendy- When This Rain Stops

    also you linked My Heart Skip A Beat instead of Skip Skip ;(

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

    Edited 2 times, last by FeLiNa ().

  • Top Title tracks:


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    Top B-Sides


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  • Tiitle Tracks I decided to pick top of all time so it was interesting this is literally just me going off the top of my head but I will admit it was very hard pass the first two.

    Title tracks(1 per group to make it easier or else it would be too much T-ara probably )

    1. T-ara-Roly Poly

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    2. Super Junior-Sorry Sorry(best bg song ever and I wanted some equality in here because I don't think it'll be in the b sides)

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    3. Kara-Wanna(I love the Chaser a ton but this is Sweetune's real magnum opus)

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    4. Lovelyz Ah Choo(probably my top 3rd gen gg song)

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    5. SNSD-Oh

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    B sides(again doing 1 group per 1 song)

    1. T-ara-One and One

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    2. f(x)-airplane

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    3. Iu-Love of B

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    4 Infinite-Cover Girl

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    5. Brown Eyed Girls-Mystery Survivor

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    This was very hard that's all I will say.

  • Thank. I will fix it. Who do you stan and like exactly ? I need to know. :eyes:

  • Airplane and Love of B. Taste. <3

  • It's so hard i've forgot so many masterpiece forgive me my favs :pepe-comfy:

    Title track :

    B track :

    "Every winter has its spring."


  • I love all the songs that you chose.

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