Jisoo, bad decisions... you better pray for your reputation!

  • I was so hyped for Jisoo's first ever acting gig, but I am so lost as to why she decided this heavy drama was a good debut for her, especially because this is her first ever role and introduction to the public, this isn't a kpop issue per say, it's mostly a Korean issue due to the lies the drama is spewing. We shouldn't be shocked though because we know writers like to make problematic shit up just for ratings and buzz. But I don't think they expected this much buzz.

    Jisoo, jisoo....oh man. I don't feel like buying Disney plus so I will not be watching her drama at all, but from the clips I see, she really is acting as herself and not really a character. I just see jisoo and not a character. I don't even remotely understand the plot of Snowdrop and I really hate this new trend with writing dramas about a male love interest that is from North Korea and is a spy etc etc. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    YG, YG, we should not be shocked that YG gave a green light to jisoo to play this problamatic role. Whatever you may think about Koreans and their anger towards this drama, you have to agree that yg should NOT have allowed jisoo's acting debut to be this drama. Especially because this drama seems so dark! I'm not saying jisoo can't act in dark shows but for her acting debut? Seriously YG? I would be expecting something like, I dunno, true beauty?? I don't care for a lot romance k dramas but jisoo would have done so well In a drama like true beauty?! Not fighting and getting shot and attacked while running with some ex spy of North Korea!!

    Anyways, bye bye blackpink! It seems Korean netizens are not happy with Jisoo and this boycott is not looking good for her. Now the public will have a sour view of jisoo. I'm not blaming this whole thing on yg, Jisoo can make decisions herself too, and this, lord...was a severe laspe in judgment.

    Anyways, I'm not happy with YG and I'm kind of sad for jisoo. I do agree that snowdrop is a problematic drama for a lot of reasons, and from the 30 second clip I saw of it online, it doesn't look that promising. Well good luck Jisoo, your gonna need it sis... the press are not happy with this at all!

    Also, blinks, please....don't try to fight Knetz, unless you know the deep history of Korea and this issue, you should just sit back and let this play out, I know yall love jisoo but girl...you have to admit this was messy!

    Hope we will see idol jisoo again after this though. Or maybe this might be the final straw for YG and BP silently go into hiding. Or I guess Jisoo. Sorry.

    Edited once, last by ellenote ().

  • interesting perspective

    maybe you should actually watch a couple of episodes (cos apparently that might be all one is getting lol) and learn about what happened around that time to know the history a bit

  • interesting perspective

    maybe you should actually watch a couple of episodes (cos apparently that might be all one is getting lol) and learn about what happened around that time to know the history a bit

    it depends on how long the episodes are because I'm not sitting down for an hour to watch violence and patriarchy!

  • Yes this is not kpop, get this thread out of my sight, move it to k drama section. More so if they were troll threads

    Thank you for inlighting me and taking the time out of your day to write this insightful and life changing remark to me. Thanks.

  • Disney+ still worth it tho imo

    They keep putting weird shows on Disney plus though. Also I am not dying and shaking to watch snow drop that badly. I mean it's gonna get canceled sooner or later so it'll be a waste of money, maybe I'll just buy it for the marvel stuff.

  • ..............................................

    well praying aint gonna help....lets see what happens sigh

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