If BTS had entered a 'Partnership' with Big Hit they might be close to be billionaires now

  • Hitman Bang was able to fool the BTS members into re-signing on October 2018.

    As a result, his net worth is around $3 billion, give or take some, while BTS members' net worth, individually, is less than 1/50 of that.

    Worse, they are signed up to 2027, plus a couple years accounting for their military services.


    Lee Jieun had run her affairs from around 2015, and when Edam Entertainment was formed around her, she managed to secure a 60% control of it.

    Her shares are worth $15 million according to a financial statement from Kakao, and she gets to keep a major portion of it for herself.

    Given that BTS earned about $600 million last year ,

    if they had entered into a similar arrangement like IU, with Big Hit (no Hybe in this timeline) keeping 40% of everything and Hitman Bang not getting to spend money on buying foreign outfits, their gross would have been $360 million, and their net profit , collectively, would have been close to half of it, or around $25m per person.

    Plus the value of their stock would have been very high.

    They are being peanuts compared to their relative value.

    BTS will only get to be independent on 2027 or later. By then they will mostly stick with their existing fans, at least 6 years older than today.

    What BTS does makes Mr. Bang what he feels like to do, while what IU does will make her do what she feels like.

    That is the biggest difference as they will be under the contract they signed back in 2018 all the way to 2027.

  • Crock of shit to stir.

  • They already are close to billionaires they made more than 50mil$ on advertisements alone were not even discussing royalties yet each member individually probably has a hundred million$$$ given a few yrs and some smart investments they will be billionaires they made more money in such a short period of time faster than nost if not all A list Hollywood actors and musicians

  • Public information in such things are unreliable.

    But even if true, IU in her music and branding is far more independent, than BTS is.

    And good for her, if she negotiated a better deal than BTS did.

    Nevertheless BTS having a smaller portion, still has a far larger pie to take from, than IU does.

    Being a soloist also helps, BTS might have trouble retaining the name 'BTS' if they broke away from Big Hit. Rebranding is not an easy thing at all - Beast/Highlight?

    There is no guarantee that BTS will do better independently of BigHit, so why spoil a fantastic thing?

    And being stakeholders in BigHit/Hybe means that they will continue to profit from future acts, starting with TxT, Enhyphen etc. Whereas EDAM has no such future. Of course I do think IU would have a bit of Kakao M as well.

    In any case, the business skills/deals of idols are utterly irrelevant compared to their artistic skills.

    Well frankly it would be an improvement if fans even considered art, given their fixation with visual and trivial.

  • Lmao, HYBE is far more dependent on BTS than BTS is on HYBE. RM himself even said during the press conference for their last concert that he believed the most important factors in their success were ARMY>BTS members>HYBE in that order.

  • Lmao, HYBE is far more dependent on BTS than BTS is on HYBE. RM himself even said during the press conference for their last concert that he believed the most important factors in their success were ARMY>BTS members>HYBE in that order.

    Of course he would say that, after all which businessman would not say "Customer is the king" and then the 'product'.

    While the actual creators, innovators would much rather have the money than the fame/focus.

    Consumers > Product > Business

    ARMY > BTS > HYBE/Bighit

    It is far better for business, that way, which depend on the naivete of consumers believing that they are the most important.

    So you are correct.

    Edited once, last by bbgc ().

  • As you know, I like to compare the BTS vs IU situation a lot, because although BTS rules the world in the end they have to answer to Mr. Bang, while IU has to answer only to herself.

    It is , again, the classic reformer vs. landowner situation ; the reformer does a lot of the reforms but the landowner still owns the local power structure, bides time and reverses every single change the reformer had done after the reformer's day had passed. It might take more than one gen, but it happens in the end.

    Although Edam is about 1/100 the size of Hybe, because its chief singer is the owner, she can wait as long as she feels like while BTS is still bound by whatever contracts they had signed back in 2018. She keeps virtually all of her earnings while BTS is still dependent upon the accountants of Hybe.

    If BTS keeps its popularity beyond 2027 and finally get to establish their own company, or enter into a relationship similar to IU-Kakao, then it will be another story. Until then, the Effective Owner of Edam will still retain her edge despite of the lopsided difference of their companies.

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