From my perspective, many popular idols seem to be support genocide, slave labor, and dictatorships in order to get the bag from china.
If you don't already know China is committing genocide against the Uyghurs- there is evidence to point to them forcing many Uyghurs into concentration camps and forcing them to do slave labor(for example picking cotton)

Naturally, people were outraged any many companies boycotted this cotton.
The brands that boycotted Xinjiang cotton include, CK, H&M, and Nike.
In response, the Chinese government silenced these brands.
Then, Many idols came out and supported the Chinese government.
Also, many of these idols supported the militarization of Hong Kong.
All of this is so that they can continue to make money in China.
They will support genocide and say the Uyghur genocide is defamation to china.
Jackson Wang
Lay Zhang

Victoria Song
These idols call genocide defamation. They support booting brands that wish to not use Xinjiang cotton, and most of all they influence their millions of fans as well.
What is your opinion?
Can you support them?
How about the morality of their decisions?
Maybe, they have no choice but to support?
give me all your opinions.