Got this from reddit
- I'm assuming votes is literally votes like how many people voted, and points is depending on whether it is Korean or international votes it translates into points? If I'm wrong someone correct me.
- Dayeon actually has the lowest number of votes, but manage to get enough points to Rank 4. This shows the power of Korean votes since I believe majority of her fanbase is from Koreans and shows the power of each single Korean vote that even with the least number of total votes you can enough points to rank even higher than people who have almost x2 of your votes like Mashiro and XiaoTing
- Bahi getting a lot more votes than Chaehyun but is rank 2, means she has a huge international fanbase voting for her this time round. Chaehyun's Korean fanbase got her to No.1
- Mashiro and XiaoTing are examples of not having that huge of a Korean fanbase voting for her 1 pick, probably like we all know because Koreans only vote for Koreans. They have roughly similar votes to Yujin/Youngeun but rank much lower.
- Suyeon almost won XiaoTing even with literally 200k less voters than XiaoTing, simply because a lot of Koreans vote her (Koreans voting Koreans like we all already know)
- Yaning and RuiQi, having over 400k voters, almost 200k more than Dayeon who is ranked 3, did not make it because of the lack of Korean votes
If the lineup is PURELY BASED ON TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES, the lineup would be
- Huening Bahiyyih
- Sakamoto Mashiro
- Choi Yujin
- Seo Youngeun
- Shen XiaoTing
- Fu Yaning
- Su Ruiqi
- Ezaki Hikaru
- Kim Chaehyun
The difference would be Su RuiQi and Fu Yaning will replace Kim Dayeon and Kang Yeseo. Even Suyeon would rank higher than Dayeon if we do purely votes wise. This is how the lineup could have been if there wasn't any bias voting by giving Korean votes weigh more, and having the lineup done by pure votes
I lowkey would prefer this lineup ngl