Some Korean singer lady just want to do a vlive for her fans in peace but a bunch of ifans spam the vlive chat with comments about another idol and hateful remarks calling her ugly. This isn't the first time ifans do this, and it's obviously fans from big/popular groups who do it. Is it just mature to act like minions when they are in numbers?

Why are big group ifans so hateful?
Bro, she has a name and she's not a nobody. Have some respect.
Some Korean singer lady just want to do a vlive for her fans in peace but a bunch of ifans spam the vlive chat with comments about another idol and hateful remarks calling her ugly. This isn't the first time ifans do this, and it's obviously fans from big/popular groups who do it. Is it just mature to act like minions when they are in numbers?
Her name is literally on the headline
Oli London stans entered the chat
AKMU's Suhyun.
Thanks i just read the AKP article.
NGL i felt bad for Suhyun. It's one thing for some troll to call her ugly on a rando Kpop forum that the idol will almost never visit. But to actively harass her directly on her own Vlive? Like why? I know it happens everywhere and that's part of being a celebrity these days, Kpop or Western...but still, i felt bad.
Thanks i just read the AKP article.
NGL i felt bad for Suhyun. It's one thing for some troll to call her ugly on a rando Kpop forum that the idol will almost never visit. But to actively harass her directly on her own Vlive? Like why? I know it happens everywhere and that's part of being a celebrity these days, Kpop or Western...but still, i felt bad.
I could never imagine saying that to someone like that.
I mean I don't even understand saying it in general.
But certainly not directly on their v-live to their face.
What kind of piece of shit do you have to be.
Absolute trash.
Please, click here to sign this petition against i-fans and their wokeness:
why are you acting like “armys” is 1 single person? lol there are sane people and crazy ones in every group of people on this planet; 1 person’s action doesn’t represent the whole group so your ranting is pretty nonsensical. God forbids someone groups me with you as 1 “kpop i-fan” and i have to take responsibility for your behaviour 🤢🤮
why are you acting like “armys” is 1 single person? lol there are sane people and crazy ones in every group of people on this planet; 1 person’s action doesn’t represent the whole group so your ranting is pretty nonsensical. God forbids someone groups me with you as 1 “kpop i-fan” and i have to take responsibility for your behaviour 🤢🤮
I never once mentioned Armys in specific. The OP LITERALLY says big group ifans, so that includes several entities. Even BTS themselves were targets of hate from other big fandoms.
okay then replace “army” with “big group ifans” in my post and everything else still holds. In fact big group ifans is an even bigger group of people than armys, so the fact that you’re complaining about “the same people” leaving stupid comments while being woke on social media when they’re obviously different individuals is even more nonsensical lmao
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