Mnet is pushing Dayeon so hard its unfair, it reminds me of how they made wonyoung #1 when everyone was expecting sakura in produce 48 [ i have so much to say ]

  • Mnet used and sacrificed cai bing to push up doyeon and made her go from nobody to debut line up and rank #2 currently. Cai bing went from top 9 to now not even top 17, such a big drop.

    Korean members (aside from yujin) including dayeon failed to get any attention in starting like 4-5 episodes so mnet started to do their dirty work. If mnet didn't pushed dayeon so much she would had remained nobody whole season because she doesn't has any stand out quality other than the greatest leader thingy that mnet is showing whole day but now thanks so much scripted propaganda she is #2

    Their intentions are clear they want a korean leader (center and face too probably) for new debuting group so that's why they are making dayeon look like best leader to ever exist in history of mankind. The way mnet is able to manipulate the rankings through their scripting is unfair and no different than just rigging.

    This korean first ideology of mnet obvious and it is discriminatory.

    Cai bing deserves justice, if she doesn't debut i will never stan gp999 group

  • no i think dayeon evolution is pretty natural

    she didn't stand out the first 4-5 episodes a lot because she didn't have much screentime with Mnet pushing Yujin as the #1 korean trainee

    but since IC people have discover, the great leadership skills and dance skills of dayeon

    + the way she treated her teamates by trying to give all of them their own center part

    she's talented, a great leader, and she always put her team first before herself in contrary of Cai bing

    that's why Dayeon deserve to debut

  • she's a great leader, and she always put her team first before herself in contrary of Cai bing

    that's why Dayeon deserve to debut

    that's what mnet wanted everyone to see by dedicating like whole episode to show it and they are successful with their emotional manipulation of viewers.

    Nobodys voting dayeon for dance or talent, their were korean trainees who could dance much better than her and were more talented than her but now they are gone, everyone's voting for her only because of "the great leader" show that mnet put

  • Naah given how dayeon eats most of the trainees in talent this was very natural...

    this happens every season.. woojin climbed up, seungwoo and seungyoun climbed up... these people were so talenetd that it got hard to overlook, so when they were actually given some screentime the public noticed how good they are..

    Cai bing may be getting some evil editing right now but she was the one who got one of the best editing towards the first few episodes...

    Some girls themselves complained that they dont want cai bing as leader so that says something bro... its not just mnet... not saying cai bing is evil but she definitely does not have what it takes to be a leader which is okay.. not everyone can be a leader.. its not an easy job either which is why many dont even try..

    and yes dayeon eats in talent, there was a reason she was the centre..

    I am sure those girls participating in the show know better than us fans and they have said they prefer dayeon over cai bing so case closes over there

  • im pretty sure dayeon had a stable fanbase before the leadership thing
    she was k4 iirc? i voted for her. she's been portrayed as the underdog all along.

    this is definitely not that sudden, its a gradual thing

    It definitely didn't seem gradual, her votes just exploded after that leadership propaganda episode. Only yujin was k group candidate who was getting attention, i didn't even knew dayeons name before that episode.

    I checked on Wikipedia and Her ranking in 3rd and 5th episode was 9th among korean members, and even more worse overall

  • that's what mnet wanted everyone to see by dedicating like whole episode to show it and they are successful with their emotional manipulation of viewers.

    Nobodys voting dayeon for dance or talent, their were korean trainees who could dance much better than her and were more talented than her but now they are gone, everyone's voting for her only because of "the great leader" show that mnet put

    LMAOOO there's some thing said by cai bing who can't be always blame on just the "it's just evil editing" '-'

  • It definitely didn't seem gradual, her votes just exploded after that leadership propaganda episode. Only yujin was k group candidate who was getting attention, i didn't even knew dayeons name before that episode

    you didnt know who was the centre selected on a performance basis for the intro song ... ?? the centre in the mv? the person who did the mission the best??

    then you probably dont even care about the talent or performance aspect of the show..


    nvm I was wrong to even make a point

  • The fact is Mnet picks and choose what they want to feature, and it's all deliberate with their own agenda behind it.

    Suyeon was outshining Dayeon in the beginning but Mnet didn't decide to show the good things Suyeon did with her team and others. Instead they chose to focus on Dayeon over other trainees. There's nothing "natural" about wanting to show Dayeon so much over many trainees, including showing her mother and her restaurant. This is preplanned with Mnet's own goal in mind, and that is to have Dayeon be "top one" in the final group.

  • I was not being lliteral

    I checked on Wikipedia and Her ranking in 3rd and 5th episode was 9th among korean members, and even more worse overall. So her jump to currently #2 ranked candidate overall on the show wasn't "gradual", that's what i wanted to say

    Stop trying to act so edgy with your frog gifs

  • yeseo is better.

  • The fact is Mnet picks and choose what they want to feature, and it's all deliberate with their own agenda behind it.

    Suyeon was outshining Dayeon in the beginning but Mnet didn't decide to show the good things Suyeon did with her team and others. Instead they chose to focus on Dayeon over other trainees. There's nothing "natural" about wanting to show Dayeon so much over many trainees, including showing her mother and her restaurant. This is preplanned with Mnet's own goal in mind, and that is to have Dayeon be "top one" in the final group.

    Even jia was outshining dayeon talent wise but now she's elemented

  • It definitely didn't seem gradual, her votes just exploded after that leadership propaganda episode. Only yujin was k group candidate who was getting attention, i didn't even knew dayeons name before that episode.

    I checked on Wikipedia and Her ranking in 3rd and 5th episode was 9th among korean members, and even more worse overall

    but in the 8th episode it was K3 and now its K1

    thats not all that sudden

    r o s e s   a n d   p e a c h e s

  • had no clue frog gifs were edgy but okay lol

    Also you are just a bitter cai bing stan... too bad that girls from even the c-group dont think she fits as a leader for them.. :wellr:

  • Dayeon was rising already due to the ice cream leader edit and deserved too imo. She's really talented and has a great personality. Some other trainees could learn a thing or too from her. Looking at you Shoot team. You've got to make things happen for you.

    However, she tends to get overshadowed by others and that doesn't make her center material at all. She's the debut group's leader and Korean spokesperson at best but not the center.

    Yes Cai bing was evil edited but she didn't help her situation tbh. She didn't deserve the drastic drop though that was just mean.

  • good thing of pointing that from current k girls there ain't too many which would 'steal' attention...

    on the other hands Fu Yaning, and Wen Zhe are doing better than before, as well as Manami, Shana...

    the only k girls that can 'cook' some surprise and make it to the top 9 in long run in final episode are Yeseo and Youngeun

  • Kinda agree, never saw anyone being hard pushed like her in this ep. Yes, she's talented, but the reason she stand out so much in Ice Cream was her insanely long center time, which makes me question her as a leader that put the team first.

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  • Dayeon was rising already due to the ice cream leader edit and deserved too imo. She's really talented and has a great personality. Some other trainees could learn a thing or too from her. Looking at you Shoot team. You've got to make things happen for you.

    However, she tends to get overshadowed by others and that doesn't make her center material at all. She's the debut group's leader and Korean spokesperson at best but not the center.

    Yes Cai bing was evil edited but she didn't help her situation tbh. She didn't deserve the drastic drop though that was just mean.

    We have no idea what happens behind the scenes. Dayeon could have gotten some help with the choreography and then they pass it off as if she's some genius who came up with everything on her own. Just speculation, but it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility considering what Mnet has done in the past.

    There are many trainees who are deserving but Mnet just doesn't want to focus on them, they spend precious broadcasting time around making Dayeon look good.

  • I have no doubt this will be the least popular of the Produce Series Girl Groups

    I think people were already sick of Mnet's BS even before GP999 aired, a lot of these things people are getting upset about now were always a part of the show in the past but people gave Mnet the benefit of the doubt and they were forgiven somewhat, but now people are taking a more Zero Tolerance perspective on Mnet and their ways

  • It is definitely not "as gradual" as it is supposed to be.

    Without the Ice Cream edit that gave her CENTER TIME + LEADER + CHOREOGRAPER SCREENTIME, and even though she pretty much hog the spotlight but the masters somehow said that EVERYONE SHINE WHICH DON'T MAKE Sense BECAUSE SHE LITERALLY BAM AN ENTIRE DANCE BREAK WHILE OTHERS STAND AT THE SIDE TO FIX THEIR HAIR = Dayeon angel edit

    This week we have Shoot Team visiting DAYEON'S MOTHER, and then they headed off to DAYEON'S DAD'S RESTAURANT. I wouldn't even be surprised at this point if the Sweet Potato guy was DAYEON'S UNCLE. Maybe the guys at the parachute are DAYEON'S BROTHERS WHO KNOWS?

    DAYEON'S MOTHER literally has more screentime than 10 nugu J trainees screentime combined. I probably can remember Dayeon's mother's face better than some of the trainees

    The group should be called DA*YEON

  • well good thing she got the screentime cause she needs to make it to the group otherwise with the current lineup they are bound to flop .. she was robbed off her screentime in the first few episodes anyways

    So basically you are justifying mnet scripting and running a narrative to manipulate the lineup through propaganda because otherwise you think without dayeon the group is gonna flop (are you some future teller?), never seen so stupid justification

  • well good thing she got the screentime cause she needs to make it to the group otherwise with the current lineup they are bound to flop .. she was robbed off her screentime in the first few episodes anyways

    she was bound to make top 9 even before today's episode. MNET is just trying to ensure that Rank 1 is Korean thats all. in the only way possible, now that they can't physically rig the votes anymores

  • I thought my interest in the show was waning simply due to my favorites being out or having little chance to continue

    Then Yanning surged up the rankings this episode, but it hasn't got me excited again for the show? If anything I am even more disappointed? than I was before

    I wonder how many other people are feeling the way I am, like there were few on AllKpop who were more active in GP999 threads than I was, I watched every single Introduction Video and familiarized myself with all 99 Contestants, waiting for each new Episode was all I thought about during the week, Girls Planet became my Hobby I stopped being interested in any other Kpop over the last few Months it was all GP999

    Now I only really care about prediction stuff and seeing if I was right, I honestly feel kinda done with the show and just want it to be over already so I can see what the final lineup is

    Even if all my Favorites get in, Suyeon, Yanning, Hikaru

    I don't think I really care about the Show or the final Group anymore

  • she was bound to make top 9 even before today's episode. MNET is just trying to ensure that Rank 1 is Korean thats all. in the only way possible, now that they can't physically rig the votes anymores

    I agree, without being able to rig votes, this is the only way they can do this. However, what upsets me is that this takes away from other kgroup members as well.. like yeseo who is in a massive fight for the top 9, if more of her votes go to dayeon, then she is done.

  • she was bound to make top 9 even before today's episode. MNET is just trying to ensure that Rank 1 is Korean thats all. in the only way possible, now that they can't physically rig the votes anymores

    do you really think mnet will let a C or a J trainee be #1?

    no absolute chance.. the gp support already isnt that big this time and if that happens then the group is done for.. my bet for centre was yeseo but it seem dayeon will be one which is better cause I honestly think she is way more talented anyways.. yeoseo will make it too because girl is talented + a visual, they wont let her go too

  • same for me Initially this show was interesting to see because of suspense factor but now that we can already see and predict which direction its going its no fun, it has become boring. It turned from a survival show into a kdrama

  • So basically you are justifying mnet scripting and running a narrative to manipulate the lineup through propaganda because otherwise you think without dayeon the group is gonna flop (are you some future teller?), never seen so stupid justification

    are you watching a mnet show thinking it would be 100% fair... rather than a talentless trainee getting more screentime (which happened a lot on the first half of the show) I would easily prefer the talented ones getting to show off what they can do so public votes shift towards what can actually make a better group..

    and yes dayeon was robbed of her deserving screentime (both other J and C centres received it better than her so she was the only one left out) so its better they are compensating it right now

  • We have no idea what happens behind the scenes. Dayeon could have gotten some help with the choreography and then they pass it off as if she's some genius who came up with everything on her own. Just speculation, but it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility considering what Mnet has done in the past.

    There are many trainees who are deserving but Mnet just doesn't want to focus on them, they spend precious broadcasting time around making Dayeon look good.

    Sure but like you say it's just speculation. I'm just going off of what I saw.

    This dayeon push is gonna backfire though somewhat. People might be put off and decide to vote another k trainee instead.

  • Wonyoung wasn’t pushed nearly as much. In fact I haven’t seen such blatant favoritism in any of the Produce seasons like I saw during the latest episode. Dayeon is talented and seems nice but Mnet is overdoing it.

    GP999 is a mess in general honestly (not the fault of the girls obviously). No wonder it is a complete non factor in Korea and everyone has shifted towards Street Woman Fighter instead. I don’t know if they’ll make a male version next year (I was sure they would at the beginning but now not as sure), but if they do they’ll have to change a lot of things.

  • Wonyoung wasn’t pushed nearly as much. In fact I haven’t seen such blatant favoritism in any of the Produce seasons like I saw during the latest episode. Dayeon is talented and seems nice but Mnet is overdoing it.

    GP999 is a mess in general honestly (not the fault of the girls obviously). No wonder it is a complete non factor in Korea and everyone has shifted towards Street Woman Fighter instead. I don’t know if they’ll make a male version next year (I was sure they would at the beginning but now not as sure), but if they do they’ll have to change a lot of things.

    Making Shoot team screentime being about another trainee and showing her mom and everything is too much. Even Sohye screentime wasn't nearly this bad. Hoping that next eps they push the trainees in a more natural way.

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  • This week we have Shoot Team visiting DAYEON'S MOTHER, and then they headed off to DAYEON'S DAD'S RESTAURANT. I wouldn't even be surprised at this point if the Sweet Potato guy was DAYEON'S UNCLE. Maybe the guys at the parachute are DAYEON'S BROTHERS WHO KNOWS?

    Basically, Shoot team was working as Dayeon promoters this episode - talking about Dayeon with her mom, watching Dayeon's childhood photos, performing for Dayeon's mom, calling Dayeon to talk with her mom, advertising her dad's restaurant, and, the most hilarious (I think) thing, they had an entire segment where Shoot girls had to write letters to Dayeon :pepe-cringe: Why that was even necessary?

  • Basically, Shoot team was working as Dayeon promoters this episode - talking about Dayeon with her mom, watching Dayeon's childhood photos, performing for Dayeon's mom, calling Dayeon to talk with her mom, advertising her dad's restaurant, and, the most hilarious (I think) thing, they had an entire segment where Shoot girls had to write letters to Dayeon :pepe-cringe: Why that was even necessary?

    I totally forgot about the letters.

    If it was me I would write 'please tell MNET to give me more screentime juseyo'

  • Kinda agree, never saw anyone being hard pushed like her in this ep. Yes, she's talented, but the reason she stand out so much in Ice Cream was her insanely long center time, which makes me question her as a leader that put the team first.

    I think this was part of Mnet's planning. They may have suggested to Dayeon and the mentors to have her be very prominent in the choreo so she stands out when it's broadcast

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