i've been looking at the new melon chart every now and then to see how it is and its just like? people were crying the first few days bc a few fandoms were practicing mass streaming so a lot of older songs appeared on the chart for a few hours. then we entered the second stage of grief where people said the new chart means nothing and to only use the daily chart. but looking at TOP100 its rlly not even that crazy? no fandom mass stream enough to keep it up for more than a few days, the boyz quickly died off soon after their cb day, and the chart goes back to 24 hits at midnight so theres still no zombi streaming. so whatwas the actual problem? does it rlly upset people that much that a chart that allegedly means nothing has lost a smidge of its exclusivity? you hate idols getting a chance to feel even a bit accomplished that much? feel free to respond to these questions with honesty.

revisiting melon's revamped chart TOP100 - all the crying was for nothing?
It's better than before except at 12AM/8AM.
the boyz charted for a whole week without falling off once from the top 100 chart ....
They still keep on entering at some times as well...
Also not another melon reform thread about people tracking tbz charts when they dont even stan...
Love to see it... XD
looks like the point went over someone's head. this was not the boyz shade and no, i wasnt looking at the chart to track them
maybe you should look at your own words then
" the boyz quickly died off soon after their cb day"
I guess constantly charting well for a week is quickly dying off....
Also the shade whatever does not bother me, if people talk about tbz its a win for us lmao... its just funny how everyone loves to only talk about them when they wanna prove a point like this while downplaying... anyways keep on going XD
But not a surprise looking at OP
It's obsessive that melon is pushing a hourly tracking as their main chart lmaooo What's next 5 seconds tracking
maybe you should look at your own words then
" the boyz quickly died off soon after their cb day"
I guess constantly charting well for a week is quickly dying off....
Also the shade whatever does not bother me, if people talk about tbz its a win for us lmao... its just funny how everyone loves to only talk about them when they wanna prove a point like this while downplaying... anyways keep on going XD
But not a surprise looking at OP
well, yeah? is a week a long time for you? maybe to a group that is charting well for the first time but not in the grand scheme of things. i have nothing against the boyz, i just said that matter of factly bc it was one thing people complained about.
The problem? GG stans 🤷♂️🤷♀️
Selected a post as the best answer. -
i mean the point of most ppl still stands, if u have a big enough fandom u can easily enter melon now The boyz have been charting for quite a while now (they didn`t just die off) and it doesn`t look like they will leave the chart any time soon, which is good for them don`t get me wrong, but what ppl were pointing out that u can enter and stay on melon chart with fandom is true
also they boyz and txt aren`t NCT and 17 they have even bigger fandoms so it will be intresting how far they can go thanks to big fandoms.. again i`m not complaining about the chart since i`m an NCTzen and i`m happy for my faves, but get why some ppl are annoyed
leave it to an aespa stan to say something so... misguided
not everyone charts for months lmaooo, I guess you never stanned a group from the point they werent already pretty famous XD
I just find it funny how tbz are only brought up by fans on akp when proving a point about charting... Nice to see people who dont stan keeping up with their charts...
It has happened so much the last week at this point it's a funny pattern
@keaji see the rise love
also icyruios your point is being proven true yet again XD
exactly.. when its any thread about tbz music or their activities or literally anything.. no one would give a fuck to even enter... which is totally fine lmao their choice,..
But since they want a scapegoat now to talk about these charts suddenly everyone is a the boyz chart expert, even more the stans of the group themselves...
Users who never talked about them are talking about them and keeping up every hour with their positions...
how bothered for a group you never stanned or entered any other thread about XD
i mean the point of most ppl still stands, if u have a big enough fandom u can easily enter melon now The boyz have been charting for quite a while now (they didn`t just die off) and it doesn`t look like they will leave the chart any time soon, which is good for them don`t get me wrong, but what ppl were pointing out that u can enter and stay on melon chart with fandom is true
also they boyz and txt aren`t NCT and 17 they have even bigger fandoms so it will be intresting how far they can go thanks to big fandoms.. again i`m not complaining about the chart since i`m an NCTzen and i`m happy for my faves, but get why some ppl are annoyed
meanwhile the boyz isnt even currently on the chart. and they don't reach up to 17 like they did the first few days which is what i was rlly referring to. and again, why does it matter if like...5 of the bgs with the biggest fandoms can now chart on melon a little more easily? who cares whats going on in the bottom 50 (for the most part) that much? other than chart obsessed fans.
leave it to an aespa stan to say something so... misguided
another keyword added to aespa stan aka Mys all time low akp brand reputation:
[NEW] misguided (courtesy of WatchingAll )
recent names: annoying, abusive, bullies, toxic, ripia fave, loud, arrogant and hmmm, what else?
the list keeps going on not even 1 year old...
another keyword added to aespa stan aka Mys all time low akp brand reputation:
[NEW] misguided (courtesy of WatchingAll )
recent names: annoying, abusive, bullies, toxic, ripia fave, loud, arrogant and hmmm, what else?
the list keeps going on not even 1 year old...
exactly.. when its any thread about tbz music or their activities or literally anything.. no one would give a fuck to even enter... which is totally fine lmao their choice,..
But since they want a scapegoat now to talk about these charts suddenly everyone is a the boyz chart expert, even more the stans of the group themselves...
Users who never talked about them are talking about them and keeping up every hour with their positions...
how bothered for a group you never stanned or entered any other thread about XD
meanwhile the boyz isnt even currently on the chart. and they don't reach up to 17 like they did the first few days which is what i was rlly referring to. and again, why does it matter if like...5 of the bgs with the biggest fandoms can now chart on melon a little more easily? who cares whats going on in the bottom 50 (for the most part) that much? other than chart obsessed fans.
it`s obvious some gg stans are annoyed cuz now charting on melon isn`t really seen as something special anymore or an achievement and knetz who don`t care about idols get annoyed if ppl stream on charts.. even if ur not bothered u could at least get where these two groups are coming from
also it`s not that big right now but in the future when fans get the hang of the chart we could see way more "successful"streaming.. just before 24hits chart reform even knetz got really annoyed when bts b-sides were all charting at the top and then Iz*One came and then NCT 127 so knetz became really annoyed since melon was overtaken by their b-sides.. so if 3 actually big groups with big fandoms come at the same time we could see them over take the chart
"who cares about whats going on in the bottom 50? "
But let me just use this group who just started charting better recently in the bottom 50 chart to prove my point XD
I guess people obviously care XD
bro...get out of my thread
and ? did something change ?
i think the point of many users pointed in the last thread passed way above your head '-'
People complain that this chart was helping group who have a big fandom ? they never care about how long they'll chart or not, they just point out this and it was true
and people complain because chart are a mirror of what the public like and listen to , by creating this new chart, melon change the rules, now it's no longer a mirror of what the public really like or listen to , but just a mirror of what certain fandom are streaming
and not at some of you acting like TBZ were some kind of martyr being attacked because people were watching their charting, the only reason why people cared about tbz charting was because they were the first group comeback after the reform and the best indicator of how the new reform change how easy it would be to chart.
Without mentionning that people troll more LYW after the reformfor his charting than the boyz
and the point still stand when you see that the boyz debuted at #26 and couldn't enter Melon 24hits
or how TXT were #42 last time on melon top 100 but are only #96 on the 24hit chart
all of you complaining that boygroup doesn't have longevity in the chart doesn't change the fact that the complains of users on the other thread were valid
considering that this new system messed up melon and gave a big advantage to BG with a decent fandom to chart well in chart, even if it's for few hours
they day we'll see BG with bad UL debuting in the top 50 of Melon maybe at this moment you'll be able to say that the complaints of these people were wrong and that the chart didn't change anything
another keyword added to aespa stan aka Mys all time low akp brand reputation:
[NEW] misguided (courtesy of WatchingAll )
recent names: annoying, abusive, bullies, toxic, ripia fave, loud, arrogant and hmmm, what else?
the list keeps going on not even 1 year old...
Not me I'm the best My on here
And btw people were not just complaining they were legit calling out fans for doing Scam and Fraud
Imagine all the "12 yr olds" in jail for committing fraud
and ? did something change ?
i think the point of many users pointed in the last thread passed way above your head '-'
People complain that this chart was helping group who have a big fandom ? they never care about how long they'll chart or not, they just point out this and it was true
and people complain because chart are a mirror of what the public like and listen to , by creating this new chart, melon change the rules, now it's no longer a mirror of what the public really like or listen to , but just a mirror of what certain fandom are streaming
and not at some of you acting like TBZ were some kind of martyr being attacked because people were watching their charting, the only reason why people cared about tbz charting was because they were the first group comeback after the reform and the best indicator of how the new reform change how easy it would be to chart.
Without mentionning that people troll more LYW after the reformfor his charting than the boyz
and the point still stand when you see that the boyz debuted at #26 and couldn't enter Melon 24hits
or how TXT were #42 last time on melon top 100 but are only #96 on the 24hit chart
all of you complaining that boygroup doesn't have longevity in the chart doesn't change the fact that the complains of users on the other thread were valid
considering that this new system messed up melon and gave a big advantage to BG with a decent fandom to chart well in chart, even if it's for few hours
they day we'll see BG with bad UL debuting in the top 50 of Melon maybe at this moment you'll be able to say that the complaints of these people were wrong and that the chart didn't change anything
literally who cares
Not me I'm the best My on here
hey, that many recent names are made because OF YOU
it was me all along
you better accept it
literally who cares
u made this thread and asked for a response and when somebody gives it u say "who cares"
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