old kpop fans, what did you think about the T-ARA scandal when it first came out?

  • theres been proof showing the girls are innocent..but there wasn't back then. when the scandal first blew up, with all the "proof video" its actually really seems like t-ara is a bully

    So oldie kpop fans, do you remember the scandal back then? what was your view on it at the time? Did you believe it? Did you dislike t-ara for a while? I'm just curious . Just be honest , no one gonna judge you for a 2012 opinion

  • girlgroupstan21

    Changed the title of the thread from “old kpop fans, what did you think about the t-ara scandal when it first came out?” to “old kpop fans, what did you think about the T-ARA scandal when it first came out?”.
  • I stayed a Queen’s and knew it was bullshit because of the umbrella incident. Where people tried to say Boram “broke” Hwayoung’s umbrella but it turned out Boram had the broken umbrella originally and was just trying to shelter Hwayoung from the rain.

    That’s when it was obvious everything was blatant manipulation.

    I spent my time defending the girls whenever someone said they wished T-ara would kill themselves and other worse things and got called a bully and told to kill myself too lol.

    I stayed a loyal Queen’s through it all and that’s why when people say 2nd Gen stans were better I remind them of the T-ara scandal because back then if you were a public T-ara fan you got called horrible names and got threatened.

    It was ass.

    ~ ω

  • Damn what a timing . So , I was doing a research about which are more toxic fandom 2nd gen or 3rd gen.

    And I revisited Lot of NB article and I kid u not I was reading the comments section of this post

    Compilation of T-ara's bullying history revisited
    So... As expected, nearly all of the top 20 posts on Nate Pann and Bestiz at the moment are all related to T-ara, with netizens scrambling...

    Then I see your post .

    Now that I think about it NB kinda played a role making it bigger outside of kr but at the same time she couldn't have know it was the other way around and she's just doing her job translating the hottest news at the time.

  • suspicious, every info was weird and was obviously fishy at least

    the fact that one of the greatest ggs ever had to be put on long hiatus because of a lie makes me disgusted

    also the girl just denied years ago? thanks wow

  • Okay my memory is kinda foggy but from what i remember, at that time i wasn't that deep into kpop. There was no particular group that i followed, so i was more of casual fans. When the scandal blowed up, i remember there were lots of articles about 'the proofs'. It did look like they were bullies tbh back then. But since i wasn't really into them, i didn't hold any kind of resentment toward T-ara or deep sympathy for Hwayoung. This scandal also didn't stop me from listening and enjoying their songs.

  • i was in high school when the news broke out.

    i didn't side with anyone back then bc the situation looks messy to me and i believe that the truth will just come out someday. Glad that it did.

    i didn't like the way their management handled their situation tho. t-ara was at peak ffs. but it didn't stop me from listening to their songs after all that had happened.

    but then i remember after the truth came out i was so disappointed at hwayoung.

  • I really liked T-ARA, but wasn't a Queen's.

    I didn't join the herd.

    And I didn't follow the hate bandwagon that most netizens and ifans were on.

    I think I was one of the very few who wasn't Queen's who was actually vocally and actively defending T-ARA on forums and sites, trying to appeal to reason and common sense and to start discussion and debate about what was actually known in facts.

    Reason for this was that a lot of the so called 'evidence' appeared to be, when looked closer into it, just clips and images taken out of context to fit the then-popular 'bash and shade T-ARA' narrative.

    I don't know, it felt too much like a witch hunt to me.

    Many people were too tunnelvision-minded and too eager to paint T-ARA in a bad light and to find evidence for it, and dismissed everything that didn't fit that story.

    Same reason btw why I didn't go along when entire masses of netizens and k-pop fans made a 180 degree turn a couple of years back and started bashing Hwayoung and her sister with the same fervor and single-minded tunnelvision that they did T-ARA before:

    - firstly, people could have and should have known before that, based on the available facts and information, that T-ARA weren't the villains many made them out to be and that the whole situation was more complex

    - and secondly, based on that same information, also Hwayoung and her sister aren't the villains that many now make them out to be.

    The whole situation that was misunderstood and misinterpreted as a bullying case was actually more a conflict within the group that got out of hand, an incident where both sides had different expectations and mistakes were made.

    It should never have gotten the attention, and the kind of attention, that it ultimately got.

  • Now that I think about it NB kinda played a role making it bigger outside of kr but at the same time she couldn't have know it was the other way around and she's just doing her job translating the hottest news at the time.

    Actually, NB is known for being biased and cherrypicking the most negative/controversial news and comments, in that way she's more like a Fox News or like a tabloid.

    Not sure how it's now, but NB had a history of sparing her own biases and at the same time cherrypicking the most negative comments on selected articles, and only translating those, even more so when targeting some groups.

    Luckily there are currently more translation sites around, not only NB anymore, so it's easier to see and compare, or to simply avoid NB that's into biased sensationalism.

  • Interesting research. Personally or prof?

  • Actually, NB is known for being biased and cherrypicking the most negative/controversial news and comments, in that way she's more like a Fox News or like a tabloid.

    Not sure how it's now, but NB had a history of sparing her own biases and at the same time cherrypicking the most negative comments on selected articles, and only translating those, even more so when targeting some groups.

    Luckily there are currently more translation sites around, not only NB anymore, so it's easier to see and compare, or to simply avoid NB that's into biased sensationalism.

    Interesting research. Personally or prof?

    Personally . It just fascinating u know . What is acceptable things to say on the internet back then to now .

    I just like documenting old stuff and comparing it to now . And make some

    hypothetical question .

    Coz u can't just compare it straight away but have to understand what happens in that time.

  • Still interesting. I suspect its worse today?

    Are you in SK?

  • theres been proof showing the girls are innocent..but there wasn't back then. when the scandal first blew up, with all the "proof video" its actually really seems like t-ara is a bully

    So oldie kpop fans, do you remember the scandal back then? what was your view on it at the time? Did you believe it? Did you dislike t-ara for a while? I'm just curious . Just be honest , no one gonna judge you for a 2012 opinion

    Most of the so called evidence back then that showed T-ARA were bullies, was actually content that was taken out of context to fit the 'T-ARA are bullies' narrative that many netizens and ifans blindly followed and repeated.

    There have been several articles (not NB) and sites over the years that compiled all the available, real facts objectively in a timeline that are good reads.

    Basically, anyone could've known or at the least suspected way back then that this wasn't a bullying case at all and that most of the 'evidence' for it was fake, by simply taking a step back and taking a calm, objective look at what was actually known and what was presented.

    The T-ARA scandal shows how easily misunderstandings and what was essentially a work conflict, can take a wrong turn and transform into this big bullying witch hunt :oops:

    In fact, all bullying accusations should be looked carefully at - and jumping to conclusions avoided - since it's obvious that anything that even slightly hints at a conflict/fight/harassment/bullying hits close to the fears and traumas of many netizens and ifans, making them quick to make rash judgements towards bullying.

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