I'm craving meatloaf and mashed potatoes.
What's your comfort food?
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mb9 yakiniku wagyu
Pancakes (I eat them even when I am sick) and ćevapi
Spicy chicken nuggets and fries dipped in buffalo sauce.
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soy milk and candy
Pancakes (I eat them even when I am sick) and ćevapi
Oooh I love pancakes too. Or crepes. Or dutchbabies.
Pasta. I'm eating it now.
Carbs do make my day brighter.
berger cookies
berger cookies
I've never heard of those, but they look fricking delicious
Oooh I love pancakes too. Or crepes. Or dutchbabies.
You just gave me an idea. I know what I will eat today
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Skillet cornbread om nom nom
i c e c r e a m
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