My social concerns in kpop 28
Lack of LGBTX representation (2) 7%
Colorism (7) 25%
Anti-Chinese sentiment (5) 18%
No mixed black idols in the Big 3 (2) 7%
Xenophobia of kfans (6) 21%
Stereotypes about minorities (5) 18%
Glorification of white aesthetics (6) 21%
Islamophobia (5) 18%
Mistreatment of SEA idols (6) 21%
Avoiding SEA trainees besides Thai (6) 21%
None (14) 50%
Ifans are well known to support lgbtx and BLM while simultaneously promoting their biases. So ifans care a lot about social issues. There are often discussions about CA. But besides that what are your social concerns in kpop?