for kpop its simple. if your fave is doing well on charts it means its a good music. if your fave is doing bad on charts that means gp is tasteless. but there are exceptions of course

Does charting means good music?
imo for kpop, if the song charts high and free falls then it's because of the fandom, however if it the chart position is stable for weeks then that means the GP has discovered it and is listening to it after the fandom mass streamed the song.
Something being popular doesn't mean it's good.
Something being good doesn't mean it's popular.
Things can also be both popular and good.
exactly the same
Charting simply means people are listening to the music. Objectively, that's all it really means.
Now, is the music good or not? That's subjective. Opinions abound and you're left to form your own thoughts.
Generally, charting is good since it offers exposure and is a decent indicator of interest. So I see it as more of a good thing than bad.
charting = popularity
and popularity doesnt always mean a cb is good. sometime if the fandom is seriously dedicated, theyll stream anything
charting means more people are listening to it ie. the popularity of the music...
whether a music is good or not is subjective...
what I find good might be different to what you find good
I wished I had said this. Rolling Stone does a list of the all time greatest albums. I don’t care for The Beach Boys Music at all. I never cared for Michael Jackson. I am not a big Adele fan. But their music is still enjoyed by millions of people. Art is always subject to what you like. Same with books and movies and plays
I wished I had said this. Rolling Stone does a list of the all time greatest albums. I don’t care for The Beach Boys Music at all. I never cared for Michael Jackson. I am not a big Adele fan. But their music is still enjoyed by millions of people. Art is always subject to what you like. Same with books and movies and plays
exactly there are so many things in the world to enjoy whether it be food or tv or movies or books or songs or whatever...
find something that you enjoy and who gives a damn what others think?
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