Which type of fan are you like?

  • I'm more like type: 21

    1. A (19) 90%
    2. B (2) 10%

    Fan type A - "the Enjoyer"

    - at most buy 1 album or none

    - stream whenever you feel like it, not for music show points or records

    - rarely if ever mention bias' achievements

    - don't participate in fanbase activities ("streaming parties", mass voting)

    - very rarely checks charts

    - critique bias' songs if they feel like it

    - are honest whether they enjoyed a comeback a lot or not so much

    Fan type B - "the Minion/Pawn"

    - talk about bias' achievements regularly

    - consider mass streaming as one of your "fan duties"

    - check the charts to compare how your biases are doing

    - goals/records are on your mind each comeback

    - if you can afford it, you buy more than 1 album

    - participate in fanbase activities to raise views/votes/numbers for your bias

    - police criticism or opinions others have about bias' songs or comeback

    Also, some of you don't try you pretend like you aren't B type when there's active threads of you doing type B activities

  • If I’m being completely honest, I am A type fan. I’m solely into K-pop for the music. I don’t really care about achievements, but it’s nice if my faves do get them! It’s not mandatory though! And I’m really honest if I don’t like the music my faves put out, but I state my opinion in a respectable manner.

    But B type fans are super dedicated, which is heartwarming to see! <3

    ・❥・🖤🤍~A wish your heart makes~🤍🖤・❥


  • The type A gives zero fucks about achievements or "how the group is growing", they just do things purely for their own enjoyment and don't put any additional work. Once you start putting any extra work you become type B

    Then I'm half B, I compare views and use looping playlists to help viewcount and give the occasional reposting but more than half of the B-type behaviours doesn't apply to me

  • Type A for sure. I buy more than one album though because I feel like I have to support my faves financially a little more than that. Spotify stream revenue is not much for the artists.

    I keep informed about their achievements but I don't feel compelled to brag about it and create a million threads about every single thing. This shit should be reserved to guild threads.

  • The type A gives zero fucks about achievements or "how the group is growing", they just do things purely for their own enjoyment and don't put any additional work. Once you start putting any extra work you become type B

    Well, I was Type A before joining akp. I can see I have transitioned into Type B lately. My personal preference would be to get back to Type A.

  • Type A for sure. I buy more than one album though because I feel like I have to support my faves financially a little more than that. Spotify stream revenue is not much for the artists.

    I keep informed about their achievements but I don't feel compelled to brag about it and create a million threads about every single thing. This shit should be reserved to guild threads.

    That's type B fan mindset

    If you paid just to get extra benefits for YOURSELF (concert, fan meet) then that would be A

  • I guess b at my first year, but now I feel I am more and more towards a on second year. Starting lose interest towards kpop after been here over year. I am pretty autistic person and if I find new thing in life, I focus on it 100%.

  • i am more like A

    Fan type A - "the Enjoyer"

    - at most buy 1 album or none, yeah i have 0 kpop albums

    - stream whenever you feel like it, not for music show points or records, i dont force myself for streaming but my fave's music is so great that i naturally streams it a lot always :saint:

    - rarely if ever mention bias' achievements yes,

    - don't participate in fanbase activities ("streaming parties", mass voting), i naturally stream a lot, i don't participate in mass voting that much but i only do participate for most important ones

    - very rarely checks charts yes

    - critique bias' songs if they feel like it yes - i am very honest with my bias's music

    - are honest whether they enjoyed a comeback a lot or not so much - yes, am honest

  • - at most buy 1 album or none

    I would only buy more than one if they're different versions and I want both for my collection.

    - stream whenever you feel like it, not for music show points or records

    Yes, I only stream when I fell like it.

    - rarely if ever mention bias' achievements

    Only when they get a major achievement. But I don't bring them later.

    - don't participate in fanbase activities ("streaming parties", mass voting)

    I hate these.

    - very rarely checks charts

    I do, I like seeing everyone's statistics.

    - critique bias' songs if they feel like it

    Yes, in Discord.

    - are honest whether they enjoyed a comeback a lot or not so much

    Yes, in Discord.

  • Fan type A - "the Enjoyer"

    Fan type B - "the Minion/Pawn"

    I honestly think I’m about half and half and suspect only a few people fall into one of these two narrow categories.

    Type A

    - I buy one or no album (depending on how much free cash I have)

    -mostly stream when I feel like it, but happy to stream more on first days if I love it (but then I generally feel more like it then anyway soo...?)

    -critique bias’ songs if I feel like it

    -am honest whether not I enjoy a comeback

    Type B

    - talk about biases’ achievements (when it is appropriate)

    -check the charts to see how they’re doing

    -goals/records are on my mind at comeback time (but I don’t lose sleep about it)

    -sometimes take part in voting for awards but I don’t often remember.

    • Official Post

    I'm closer to A. I do check charts around comeback time just to see how it's doing, but once promotions end I don't usually bother. However if I see it or any other achievements my groups have done on the timeline, I'll give it a congrats.

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