I'm more like type: 21
A (19) 90%
B (2) 10%
Fan type A - "the Enjoyer"
- at most buy 1 album or none
- stream whenever you feel like it, not for music show points or records
- rarely if ever mention bias' achievements
- don't participate in fanbase activities ("streaming parties", mass voting)
- very rarely checks charts
- critique bias' songs if they feel like it
- are honest whether they enjoyed a comeback a lot or not so much
Fan type B - "the Minion/Pawn"
- talk about bias' achievements regularly
- consider mass streaming as one of your "fan duties"
- check the charts to compare how your biases are doing
- goals/records are on your mind each comeback
- if you can afford it, you buy more than 1 album
- participate in fanbase activities to raise views/votes/numbers for your bias
- police criticism or opinions others have about bias' songs or comeback
Also, some of you don't try you pretend like you aren't B type when there's active threads of you doing type B activities