Why Groups don’t call out their own fandoms toxicity.

  • I’m pretty sure they don’t enjoy seeing their colleagues or even friends constantly being dragged by members of their own fandom. Seeing embarrassing tweets trending or pathetic fanwars.

    But it seems like they can’t call it out. Probably because this could ruin their career if they bite the hand of those who feed them ?

    Or they fear that they might worsen the situation?

    Or they don’t wanna throw their own fans under the bus ?

    Or they simply don’t care and are laughing together at the stupidity of their own fans while swimming in their money ?


    Mino is like one of the few brave ones I saw addressing fanwars.

  • Companies probably don't allow it because they wouldn't want to anger their source of money.

    There was an incident years ago where Heechul lashed out pretty badly at his fans because they bashed BoA, he told them he didn't want people like them to be his fans and support him lol.

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    I can see it from multiple angles.

    The company won't let them because it will piss off fans like you said.

    It's just not feasible to keep up with what's happening. Let's say for instance Group A and Group B have fans who are having a really toxic fan war online that is spreading to news/gossip sites. A member of Group A goes online and says "please stop attacking Group B's fans. we're all friends and support each other." Now let's say six months later Group A and Group C are having a fanwar, but that member of Group A doesn't know about it cause it's not spreading in the gossip as much. Now people are going to be mad at Group A for not speaking up to defend Group C.

    Retaliation. We've seen what happens when idols speak out about saesangs. Haechan told them off last year for being in front of their dorm and they posted "revenge" photos of him to damage his reputation. Saying something may turn those fans into antis which causes more harassment for them.

  • The company won't let them because it will piss off fans like you said.

    It's just not feasible to keep up with what's happening. Let's say for instance Group A and Group B have fans who are having a really toxic fan war online that is spreading to news/gossip sites. A member of Group A goes online and says "please stop attacking Group B's fans. we're all friends and support each other." Now let's say six months later Group A and Group C are having a fanwar, but that member of Group A doesn't know about it cause it's not spreading in the gossip as much. Now people are going to be mad at Group A for not speaking up to defend Group C.

    Retaliation. We've seen what happens when idols speak out about saesangs. Haechan told them off last year for being in front of their dorm and they posted "revenge" photos of him to damage his reputation. Saying something may turn those fans into antis which causes more harassment for them.

    Ughh I am about to sound super blunt but I just want to say if you cannot support an artist without being like these examples of throwing a tantrum. You likely do not need to be in any fandoms or have any access to wifi. If you are going to be a fan and constantly throw tantrums because an artist calls out childish and crazy behaviors when you act like a brat and bully numerous (sometimes thousands of people), you do not need to be their fan.

    @quark12395 I appreciate how elegantly worded your response though and that you brought receipts, it is sad we have those type of examples in existence but I am glad you don't pretend these things don't happen.

    Micah Forever

    Benny's Smoll Bean


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    As if it'll do anything. Stans will continue to be stans and argue/defend other people either way, if they're overly defensive or whatnot it's not the fault of the artist. They aren't babysitters.

    I also do think the "don't bite the hand that feeds you" mentality could come into play here, many fans could become antis if they felt like they were called out.

    Also, it's not like an idol/group can keep up with every fanwar that's happening. If it gets significant media attention, then that's a different story, but most artists are too busy to keep up with every fanwar on Earth that involves them.

    Most of the time I don't even think they have the platform to be able to do that. That's not their job as idols.

  • Totally forgot about that. Fans can turn into antis real quick.

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