The hate Exo, NCT and Seventeen got by Knets/Inets because of leaked sheets about live singing. Complete denial of their singing talent

  • I am referring to this.


    I don't usually get triggered this much by Kpopies but there are just too many toxic comments regarding any SM artist and even Seventeen. I don't care if they say they're flops, I don't keep up with charts and they know better in that BUT coming for their vocals is a joke. Anyway I wanted to make this thread as a response to the claim "They never sing live"

    I don't know Seventeen so I won't be able to post their stages but I believe they are also getting misjudged because of these sheets that only represent certain performances (Carats, please posts examples if you want).

    • First, most SM groups' fans don't deny that their artists lip-sync sometimes.

    Even the artists themselves mention it. They aren't insecure about it because they have fairly good real-live stages as well. Even LSM himself views lip-sync as a genre and has told the whole world about it so the company's artists aren't trying to fool anyone with AR but rather think there's aesthetics in dance-focused with recorded vocals (something like musical movies/Bollywood songs etc.. where the singing is clear while dancing/performing). Also for the fact, Kpop idols perform the same song many times more than regular singers so they don't need to prove it over and over. Sometimes keeping vocal's health by not singing live.


    The comments are dismissing their talents because of few sheets that say they lip-synced certain performances. Say these groups can't sing live and never did in their entire career?
    They literally are trained for singing live while dancing/running. They are trained to sound stable Live while dancing. Something professional singers don't do around the world and don't need to do (it isn't an indicator of their good vocal technique. Stability while dancing=/=vocal technique. The best way to judge vocals is singing in a relaxed position anyway). But despite that, they do train to improve their stability while dancing besides improving their technique. Why would they do that if all their singing (especially while dancing) is a lie according to these kpopies?

    Shinee mentioned how they used to make them practice like that

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    Some people want to believe SM artists never sing live so badly to compensate for their own insecurities. So I am just going to post few examples of when SM artists don't lip-sync:

    Their great Radio live singing

    Good live stages with dancing

    Singing Acapella (harmonize)

    Singing fine even in encore stages

    Iconic live stages by the vocalists flexing their beautiful voices



    Edited 8 times, last by Yumeku ().

  • If there is atleast one clip of them singing live. It is great for me, even if there isn't, it does not mean they are bad singers. I think, it is better to judge from the actual studio recording than a live. When an artist is in a studio, they are probably way more comfortable than on stage. Singing live while dancing is a bonus for me. Not everyone is a great dancer. So we shouldn't judge so quickly.

  • They KEEP CLINGING TO THAT FCKING LIST as if their life depends on it.

    I was arguing about it on Twitter about this very thing few months ago and My god, I even showed them the live clips and you know what they said

    "They even recorded their breathing, they ain't singing live"

    And they keep bringing up LSM's words as if that means anything. He is no longer CEO of SM for 10+ years.

    I love Pikachu.

    Always have, Always will.


  • But SM stans even on this forum claim performances which have been proven to be Live AR (aka full lipsync, pretending to be live) are live and bash anyone who disagrees. SM groups lipsync even ballads at award shows, it has nothing to do with dancing. Your entire comment is wrong.

  • I don't care about music shows because if they sang every single performance their voices would get hoarse all I care about is that they're live when it matters

    And when even Baek messing up the lyrics gets put on their concert album I'd say that's pretty live

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    He sounds so cute too :cryingr:

    𝒮𝐻𝐼𝒩𝑒𝑒 - 𝒮𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃 - 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝒸𝒶𝓉𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓇 - 𝑀𝑜𝓃𝓈𝓉𝒶 𝒳 - 𝒯𝒳𝒯


  • I don't care about music shows because if they sang every single performance their voices would get hoarse all I care about is that they're live when it matters

    And when even Baek messing up the lyrics gets put on their concert album I'd say that's pretty live

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    Exactly. Looks like he ran out of breath or something or maybe his voice cracked?

    I love Pikachu.

    Always have, Always will.


  • Exactly. Looks like he ran out of breath or something or maybe his voice cracked?

    I watched the stream and I think he just forgot the lyrics. Happens to the best of us xD

    𝒮𝐻𝐼𝒩𝑒𝑒 - 𝒮𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃 - 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝒸𝒶𝓉𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓇 - 𝑀𝑜𝓃𝓈𝓉𝒶 𝒳 - 𝒯𝒳𝒯


  • Not singing live is a drag wherever you go in the music industry. I don’t know how people are trying to justify this

    Unless you aren’t feeling well, I don’t think there’s any good excuse

    What music industry has artists that perform their songs repeatedly as much as K-pop idols do and isn't filled with lip-synced performances? The fact they prove to sing the same thing they once lip-synced live and they do it well takes back the drag. Also, it's not a drag when 90% of the industry did it too. I can't think of any K-pop group that never lip-synced in its career (maybe btob? or groups that are just known for vocals like Davichi; but such groups are rare).



    Edited once, last by Yumeku ().

  • everyone in kpop lipsynch, that's why i find it hilarious when non SM fans don't mind their own business and try to drag SM artists for things their own faves do too

    as for those recording sheets, i remember once seeing one that says EXO lipsynched a ballad in an award show, unlike many people who take anything knets throw at them at face value, i watched the actual performance and it was undeniably live. i stopped caring about these sheets. i can tell whether a performance is genuinely live or not easily, i don't need to be spoon-fed an unreliable information.

  • This is one of those so called leaked Exo performances. Well if people still believe this is live ar bc of a paper, it's not exo's but their problem they better check their ears.

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    Yes Exo has lip synced performances. Esp during their rookie years. But they have so many more live performances and they are great at it. Coming for their vocals is not wise when they have the best vocal line and live performances in 3rd gen. They dont need to prove themselves.

  • everyone in kpop lipsynch, that's why i find it hilarious when non SM fans don't mind their own business and try to drag SM artists for things their own faves do too

    as for those recording sheets, i remember once seeing one that says EXO lipsynched a ballad in an award show, unlike many people who take anything knets throw at them at face value, i watched the actual performance and it was undeniably live. i stopped caring about these sheets. i can tell whether a performance is genuinely live or not easily, i don't need to be spoon-fed an unreliable information.



    I love Pikachu.

    Always have, Always will.


  • This is one of those so called leaked Exo performances. Well if people still believe this is live ar bc of a paper, it's not exo's but their problem they better check their ears.

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    Yes Exo has lip synced performances. Esp during their rookie years. But they have so many more live performances and they are great at it. Coming for their vocals is not wise when they have the best vocal line and live performances in 3rd gen. They dont need to prove themselves.

    Aha so it was in fact KBS Song Festival 2017. I was right then

    I love Pikachu.

    Always have, Always will.


  • Do it

    Missed opportunity to use this

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    I love Pikachu.

    Always have, Always will.


  • This is one of those so called leaked Exo performances. Well if people still believe this is live ar bc of a paper, it's not exo's but their problem they better check their ears.

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    Yes Exo has lip synced performances. Esp during their rookie years. But they have so many more live performances and they are great at it. Coming for their vocals is not wise when they have the best vocal line and live performances in 3rd gen. They dont need to prove themselves.

    this is the performance i meant. it is not even up to debate whether this is live or not. this video alone should end those leaked sheets' whole career lol.

  • What music industry has artists that perform their songs repeatedly as much as K-pop idols do and isn't filled with lip-synced performances? The fact they prove to sing the same thing they once lip-synced live and they do it well takes back the drag. Also, it's not a drag when 90% of the industry did it too. I can't think of any K-pop group that never lip-synced in its career (maybe btob? or groups that are just known for vocals like Davichi; but such groups are rare).

    And that’s why all those acts get dragged for those live performances. It’s not anything new. Just go on YouTube and type any famous act and add lipsync to it. They get dragged

    Even BTS got dragged even though it was misinformed. One music critic who wrote on BTS bbma performance for 2018, couldn’t believe BTS were dancing and singing live at the same time. So they assumed they lipsynced and wrote about it. BTS got dragged to hell for that before armys set things straight. That should give you a clue of how much lipsync is viewed outside of kpop

    And it’s not like singing live is new. Older gen of kpop idols were doing that a lot. It’s this current gen that live singing is taken for granted.

    And live singing isn’t about hearing perfect pitched vocals. It’s like a sign of respect to your fans and audience to sing live. Lemme borrow this analogy from a friend

    Imagine you’re a good cook and your family and friends come from afar to meet you for thanksgiving meal. But then into the meal, they find out you bought restaurant food and served them with it. That’s how disrespectful it is.

    Fans will obviously eat lipsync performances up because it’s their faves. But the music critics and outsiders won’t show that much grace.

    And saying that my faves sing live but they lipsync sometimes still doesn’t look good and convincing

    Anyways that’s my opinion on this. I’m not trying to convince you or anything but that’s how some of us see this. Don’t take things to heart 💜

  • and how do you feel about the fact your own faves lipsynch too?

  • everyone in kpop lipsynch, that's why i find it hilarious when non SM fans don't mind their own business and try to drag SM artists for things their own faves do too

    as for those recording sheets, i remember once seeing one that says EXO lipsynched a ballad in an award show, unlike many people who take anything knets throw at them at face value, i watched the actual performance and it was undeniably live. i stopped caring about these sheets. i can tell whether a performance is genuinely live or not easily, i don't need to be spoon-fed an unreliable information.

    This is one of those so called leaked Exo performances. Well if people still believe this is live ar bc of a paper, it's not exo's but their problem they better check their ears.

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    Yes Exo has lip synced performances. Esp during their rookie years. But they have so many more live performances and they are great at it. Coming for their vocals is not wise when they have the best vocal line and live performances in 3rd gen. They dont need to prove themselves.

    Let's for argument's sake say that those performances were indeed lip-synced. I don't care about one specific performance because I know it could possibly be lip-synced as they do it sometimes and aren't afraid to admit it. Just as they undeniably sing live the other times. So I don't bother to argue over that.

    However, those sheets are shady af. I read someone said that the sheets, list this performance in MR, not AR (honestly couldn't zoom in and read the whole thing so I will take that person's words for it)


    The boy was literally smiling with teeth showing and his singing voice was still ongoing without any change of tone. Even if it was a backtrack. The voice would at least be lower at that moment than the rest of the performance but it was exactly the same. The idk-from-where-leaked-sheets say it's MR even when the boy wouldn't sing along his line while his voice was playing. Yet performances that seemed more real were AR. I mean it can't be shadier than that. Was it even confirmed to be real? I believed it because it was everywhere and didn't bother to question it because it doesn't change my perception of those groups.



    Edited once, last by Yumeku ().

  • Anyways, for the fun of it I'm here to expose my faves awkward lipsyncing. Even the YouTube comments are laughing at their failure to lipsync

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