• The whole world knows how much I love Korea, but this time, sorry this is too much.

    I endured the drama Vincenzo, because after all, even if the main character should be a mafia, he is gradually changing and in any case he does not appear like a saint. The mafia is not idealized that much.

    But this story that in Korea (and not only) they use it all the time as a concept it's bothering me. Starting with that stupid “mafia game” they play all the time (were you have to kill people please -.-).

    And now the Itzys who will release a track titled "Mafia in the morning" as if the word Mafia was something cool ... I ABSOLUTELY DON'T WANT TO INSULT THE GIRLS! (THEY'RE NOT AT FALT) BUT THE IDEA OF USING MAFIA AS A CONCEPT THAT IS WRONG and I want to tell you why.

    Maybe those who are not Italian imagine ita s a life of luxury, villas and power... yes well maybe that's that too, but it is above all FEAR, people blown up, THREATS AND CHILDREN MELTED IN ACID... how can you sing the word mafia without thinking about all this? How could I sing the word mafia with Itzy while forgetting the hundreds of victims?

    Will you really be comfortable knowing this???


    We Italians are not complaining about the cultural appropriation of the term! Because it’s clear that criminal organizations are everywhere, all over the world, the problem is to idealize the mafia, to make it cool to entertain the public. It has already been done many times, too many times. And it continues to be disrespectful to victims and victims' families.

    The mafia is a serious problem in Italy, and beyond, not a stupid game and it’s wrong to use it as a concept. I hope JYP understands the mistake… but I can’t support such a track sorry…

    I know most of the fandom is just trying to avoid this issue but educate yourself, inform and you’ll realize why we are complaining.

  • like so many others you have decided to close your eyes and pretend nothing has happened living in your ignorance ... ok... hope you at least read what I wrote and not just read the title od the post -.-

    Naah I read it all. Maybe its time for you to actually do something for victims if you are that much hurt. Actions speak louder than words.

  • Naah I read it all. Maybe its time for you to actually do something for victims if you are that much hurt. Actions speak louder than words.

    there are trials for this reason ... but singing the word mafia remains disrespectful and offensive

  • so op let me try to understand is the issue with the concept or is the issue with the use of the word mafia?

    because western rappers and others have "gangs" and gang concepts for a while now and they seem to be using that concept in a lot of music videos...

    so if the issue is the concept then the issue that you have is armed people terrorizing innocents shouldn't be used as a concept?

  • so op let me try to understand is the issue with the concept or is the issue with the use of the word mafia?

    because western rappers and others have "gangs" and gang concepts for a while now and they seem to be using that concept in a lot of music videos...

    so if the issue is the concept then the issue that you have is armed people terrorizing innocents shouldn't be used as a concept?

    the problem is the concept. and for me it's wrong even when rappers use it ...

    I'm not mad at Itzy, I just think people shouldn't take criminal organizations as something cool

  • the problem is the concept. and for me it's wrong even when rappers use it ...

    I'm not mad at Itzy, I just think people shouldn't take criminal organizations as something cool

    interesting point...

    now since you are Italian whereas I am not is this the prevailing view in Italy? that tends to frown upon mafia concepts in movies or tv shows or otherwise?

    the other point is maybe wait for the actual song/mc to come out since we don't know exactly how Itzy and JYPE will mke use of "mafia" within the song/mv?

  • copy your text, delete your post, then right click and select "paste as plain text" (or ctrl+shift+v) so it shows up as the default color for everyone's different theme.

    N Ξ O C I T Y


  • it's different the villains in the movies are the ones who are defeated are not idealized and made into heroes.

    Not necessarily true.

    In order to teach a good story, villains are used either to teach a lesson or to show the flaws of society/individuals. And villainous characters can be based on real evil figures, therefore just idealized versions.

    And guess what, many people can be fascinated by fictitious villains. But they can distinguish right from wrong, reality from fantasy. And if not, they need to seek help.

    • Official Post

    I almost thought you were a spammer. I'm glad you're not.

    Anyway, I respect your perspective. I get where you're coming from, but we still don't know what the song is about. It might be something as innocent as a game.

    If it's really a song that glorifies murdering people, it would be a different story, but I doubt that's what they're going for.

    Would you say you're okay with "Bad Boy" by Red Velvet, which alludes to shooting a "bad boy down" and includes a gun as a prop in the music video? I'm asking because I feel like, in a sense, it's acceptable to use certain things as metaphors as long as they don't cross certain lines. I'm just trying to see your perspective here.

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