First time making a thread and I think it's a message that many need to see
Yujin's message
I'm not who I was a year ago.
I have a new favorite artist,
I like to drink coffee different from before.
There's nothing that's changed in my daily life
I also think in a way that I didn't know in the past.
In many ways, this trilogy was an unforgettable experience.
The indescribable joy and pain of the past year,
And I leave this writing remembering the countless questions life has asked me.
Because the fact that I'm with you at this moment
I want you to understand how much it means.
Throughout the last year, I've asked myself.
"How can we survive?"
The dictionary meaning of "survival" is
It continues to exist despite hardships and trials.
It would have been nice if it had just been easy to exist,
To be honest, no matter how hard I try
There weren't many moments when I felt alive.
What's more memorable is
Shame and doubt, jealousy and emptiness that sometimes came like waves.
We're stuck in comments and algorithms until dawn
I thought, "There's nothing good to see."
I remember a night when someone's warm words were desperate.
I remember loneliness.
I remember I was afraid it would all be over.
My dream, which was a small flame, grew out of control
Everything seemed to be lost in the fire.
I feel like I'm dying but how on earth does this survive?
I feel awful for the girls for the hell they've been put through because the hate train was never about a performance. Yunjin had to deal with a lot last year with people weaponizing hate by pretending she's a zionist due to drinking starbucks on her way to work. The same people that were hating her for that, are the same people that are quiet when the group they support is advertising McDonald's and Coco Cola who are on the boycott list. It's insane that fans were weaponizing a real life issue to hate a person. It pains me when I see people continue to hate her and Somi due to drinking starbucks
The group itself and Illit shouldn't be hated for being a Hybe group. I am not a fan of the company, but to extend hate to these 2 groups due to actions of a company is just wrong. Don't get me wrong I dislike Hybe, but they're not the first company to be awful and they won't be the last. So, it doesn't make sense to extend hate trains towards these groups due to CEOs fighting. The hate these 2 groups is just not normal and people need to cut it out. During the hate trains both groups had idols that are minors and we've all read how much the hate has affected them.
It's refreshing to see an idol be this open because it's a rare thing to see. It's a beautiful written letter and it's nice to see it's in English because the words will not be lost in translation. I think that is one of the advantages of having an English speaking idol because it's easier to communicate messages to international fans.
Lastly, I just want to state in the age of social media idols are obviously reading messages. I think we as fans need to be considerate of their mental health. It's okay to criticize a group, but it's not okay to hate on them. Right now, Lisa is going through a hate train and I hope she remains strong because the hate she's receiving is not normal, and people just need to cut out the hate. You can criticize her music but it's not healthy for all involved to continue hating a idol for every little thing they do. I felt the hate she's receiving is similar to LSF and it's obvious it's deeper than performances and music. I don't like hearing about people going to dark places because we've all been there ourselves. It just pains me to read what certain idols are going through due to hate trains. Mental health is an important thing and I don't think people should only be concerned when it reaches to the breaking point.