Übermensch was a choice for an album title but he was apparently inspired by Nietzsche. I studied some extracts from him in high school so I understand.
But this worldwide tour teaser made me uneasy and he posted it with a red flag in his story.
Übermensch was a choice for an album title but he was apparently inspired by Nietzsche. I studied some extracts from him in high school so I understand.
But this worldwide tour teaser made me uneasy and he posted it with a red flag in his story.
I love GD but wtf is this poster?
Are you German ? ( I am asking since you talked about the ü. ) I am not but everything about it screams the propaganda poster that I used to study in school.
I love GD but wtf is this poster?
You are a VIP if I am not wrong ? I don't know if it's intentional or not but I hope that he is not coming with a poster like that in Europe. It's tasteless.
Are you German ? ( I am asking since you talked about the ü. ) I am not but everything about it screams the propaganda poster that I used to study in school.
and yeah. while there is nothing directly similar to the posters you know. the resemblance is obvious.
Maybe he only wants to provoke. Anyway i still dont like what i see. I imagine the audience of the concert will be 50% pink haired shool girls and 50% skinnheads.
This will certainly draw a lot of attention to his tour. Plain posters not so much.
You are a VIP if I am not wrong ? I don't know if it's intentional or not but I hope that he is not coming with a poster like that in Europe. It's tasteless.
Yes I am but that does not mean I cannot acknowledge and speak on when something seems distasteful. I would be a hypocrite if I did not hold my faves accountable
This will certainly draw a lot of attention to his tour. Plain posters not so much.
Not sure that it was the best decision.
Not sure that it was the best decision.
Maybe not but even negative attention is more than no attention
Yes I am but that does not mean I cannot acknowledge and speak on when something seems distasteful. I would be a hypocrite if I did not hold my faves accountable
I am not really surprised by your reaction, I know that you are level-headed. I still side-eyed some of the artists that I love because of past behaviours. It’s just that I did not know if I was seing ghosts at the start.
Maybe not but even negative attention is more than no attention
I understand that but it’s still distateful.
The Kpop obsession with European sounding things is just too much sometimes lol
It reminds of what?
It reminds of what?
Nazi imagery.
What cheap provocation
It reminds of what?
an famous austrian painter.
Nice.. it is intended to provoke some outrage or at least chatter.
But I personally don't read too much into such stuff.. Nazis do not own Nietzsche, that font, Umlaut, Gothic style or even Swastika.
Why should such things be yielded to an evil regime.
We don't have problems with using Volkswagen, Jet engines, Rockets, many fertilizers (Bayer), methadone and more - all arising from/during Nazi rule, often from their war industry.
So why should art and stuff be given up.
If the actually MV/lyrics glorify Nazis or puts down anyone, than that is objectionable. That we will know soon enough.
Oh, just like how you used to always rage-bait and tried to get people triggered over the topic of race?
While I'll say it's a boneheaded decision to wear black paint on the face, to be fair, he also did wear red face paint for this concept. The intention wasn't to portray a Black person, but to represent some kind of duality between black and red. That was his concept for his comeback at the time.
Nazi imagery.
Interesting, GD always used black, white, red colors for his promos so I didn't see the correlation.
It reminded of his others eras like
Yeah... I even posted a thread about his world tour with this exact same poster because I didn't know it could be interpreted this way. When I found out, I was pretty disappointed regardless of what his or his team's intention may be.
Even though they don't teach these specific things in every school curriculum (maybe it's different in Europe vs. in the U.S. and elsewhere), I would expect him and his people to do better research and to be more mindful.
Just imagine his fans reposting this without realizing the possible implications.
My excitement for this tour and album took a hit with this one. That's for sure.
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Always similar vibes imo, buuuut idk his intentions so, let's see if the songs will indeed have some relation with that which I hope it doesn't bc that would be an instant NO for me.
Display MoreYeah... I even posted a thread about his world tour with this exact same poster because I didn't know it could be interpreted this way. When I found out, I was pretty disappointed regardless of what his or his team's intention may be.
Even though they don't teach these specific things in every school curriculum (maybe it's different in Europe vs. in the U.S. and elsewhere), I would expect him and his people to do better research and to be more mindful.
Just imagine his fans reposting this without realizing the possible implications.
My excitement for this tour and album took a hit with this one. That's for sure.
I can't talk about every European country but in some of them, it's definitely something that is studied.
Interesting, GD always used black, white, red colors for his promos so I didn't see the correlation.
It reminded of his others eras like
It's not just about the colors.
It's the combination. The colors, the font, the flag. It might not be intended but it is still provocative and I hope he doesn't receive backlash (only if it was unintentional).
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Always similar vibes imo, buuuut idk his intentions so, let's see if the songs will indeed have some relation with that which I hope it doesn't bc that would be an instant NO for me.
Nothing is wrong with these posters, but this one is different. It's not just the colors, there is the flag in his story, the lettering, the letter ü in tour as neigl said.
The ubermensch theme comes from a German writer/philosopher Nietzsche and it means "overman" then the Nazis appropriated the word and used it a lot.
He is likely just inspired by Nietzsche but the whole aesthetic is just not that.
i dont know if it's purely intentional, I don't even think that it's going to be a problem in his new songs to come but someone who is a bit knowledgeable about the subjet would find this poster questionable at least.
It's not just about the colors.
It's the combination. The colors, the font, the flag. It might not be intended but it is still provocative and I hope he doesn't receive backlash (only if it was unintentional).
This. Individually, these things are harmless, but together, they paint a picture that could be interpreted as something controversial and nefarious.
For instance, his use of 88 is based on his birth year and Asian symbolism, but when combined with this other imagery, people could connect the dots to see it as Nazi imagery.
I understand a lot of great artists are a bit crazy, but some territories are just not worth going into. I honestly don’t know how to feel moving forward because his comeback was the one big thing I was really excited for in K-pop.
Display MoreNothing is wrong with these posters, but this one is different. It's not just the colors, there is the flag in his story, the lettering, the letter ü in tour as neigl said.
The ubermensch theme comes from a German writer/philosopher Nietzsche and it means "overman" then the Nazis appropriated the word and used it a lot.
He is likely just inspired by Nietzsche but the whole aesthetic is just not that.
i dont know if it's purely intentional, I don't even think that it's going to be a problem in his new songs to come but someone who is a bit knowledgeable about the subjet would find this poster questionable at least.
Tbh idc what words nazi used, they don't own words like this and the concept is pretty clear so far, fans did a whole "analysis" on twitter to explain everything.
About the poster, I doubt his intentions were to disrespect people, for all I know GD is easily one of the few idols that actually support so many communities, but let's see what his aesthetic choices will be in this era.
If it's something problematic then I'll skip obviously.
This. Individually, these things are harmless, but together, they paint a picture that could be interpreted as something controversial and nefarious.
For instance, his use of 88 is based on his birth year and Asian symbolism, but when combined with this other imagery, people could connect the dots to see it as Nazi imagery.
I understand a lot of great artists are a bit crazy, but some territories are just not worth going into. I honestly don’t know how to feel moving forward because his comeback was the one big thing I was really excited for in K-pop.
Totally agreed.
Whether or not it was intentional, I'm really hoping that this doesn't continue. I'm all for being controversial (in a non-harmful way) but somethings are not worth it. This could actually ruin his career for good.
I agree.
I also don't care what words they used but that also doesn't mean that GD (or at least, his team) should do this. As much as it might not have been intentional, some people will still take it the wrong way and not everyone will seek out an analysis of his concept. The subject of Nazi's is a very touchy one that a lot of people have formed huge distaste toward. This to the point that you will be more than side-eyed for simply saying the name of that subject. Now imagine what would happen if one was caught being provocative.
Display MoreTotally agreed.
Whether or not it was intentional, I'm really hoping that this doesn't continue. I'm all for being controversial (in a non-harmful way) but somethings are not worth it. This could actually ruin his career for good.
I agree.
I also don't care what words they used but that also doesn't mean that GD (or at least, his team) should do this. As much as it might not have been intentional, some people will still take it the wrong way and not everyone will seek out an analysis of his concept. The subject of Nazi's is a very touchy one that a lot of people have formed huge distaste toward. This to the point that you will be more than side-eyed for simply saying the name of that subject. Now imagine what would happen if one was caught being provocative.
As I said, I'll wait his official release and how he'll portray his songs and aesthetic, for now while distasteful for some, it's still GD for me.. it reminded of his others works. But let's see.
Someone dumb it down for the Americans
Someone dumb it down for the Americans
Most of this thread is people doing that
Tbh idc what words nazi used, they don't own words like this and the concept is pretty clear so far, fans did a whole "analysis" on twitter to explain everything.
About the poster, I doubt his intentions were to disrespect people, for all I know GD is easily one of the few idols that actually support so many communities, but let's see what his aesthetic choices will be in this era.
If it's something problematic then I'll skip obviously.
I agree. But they also don't own swastika and we all know what's the first thought when we hear that word. Eta: or at least in the west. It's best to not use problematic words. Especially in this climate
I'm actually pretty annoyed about Nazis and Neo-Nazis co-opting the swastika because it has religious and cultural significance for me. It was supposed to mean something peaceful and positive in my religion and culture. I still wouldn't use any variation of it because I know some people might take it the wrong way.
I also dislike how they co-opted 88 because, again, it represents something culturally for me.
Now I understand why Hitler got rejected from art school. He couldn't be original for once.
As European it did strike me
The red flag, the ubermensch, the sinister vibe
It's hard to not think about it cuz as someone said it even if the nazis doesn't own any words in the world it's hard to deny that some word have a pretty big relation to the nazis
And with all these different elements put together it's hard to not think that it was intentionnal
I've follow GD since heartbreaker and the red flag is something he used a lot since Coup d'etat era, in his mv, promo or even just performances
But it's the accumulation of all these little things put together in one poster that make me think that it's impossible that his team didn't think about it before
I doubt when his team and he himself used idea of ubermench from Nietzsche they didn’t see Nazis usage of this theme. It literally pops up on google when you search it.
Also 88 and red flag with black paints do it even worse in combo.
At the very least it is extremely ignorant and disrespectful.
As a person whose grandads fought with nazis it is not cool at all.
And you don’t have to be European to know about fascism and nazism and its symbols. It is literally taught in history lessons worldwide
Display MoreNothing is wrong with these posters, but this one is different. It's not just the colors, there is the flag in his story, the lettering, the letter ü in tour as neigl said.
The ubermensch theme comes from a German writer/philosopher Nietzsche and it means "overman" then the Nazis appropriated the word and used it a lot.
He is likely just inspired by Nietzsche but the whole aesthetic is just not that.
i dont know if it's purely intentional, I don't even think that it's going to be a problem in his new songs to come but someone who is a bit knowledgeable about the subjet would find this poster questionable at least.
the ü in the word tour is probably the only thing in the poster that have no relation to nazis. The only reason i can think of, why they put it in it, is to make fun of the german language.
But all the other things give a different vibe. one for one its ok. like übermensch is probably related to nietzsche. but if it was nietzsche they would not have used this font. why use this word in this font when both was used by the nazis? there are also to many things that you can say its a mistake. this is intentional. and since i dont think they are nazis the only reason is that it is for provocation to offend people. its no crime. but its not very nice.
About the font you guys are saying it was the one nazis used.
Yes I am but that does not mean I cannot acknowledge and speak on when something seems distasteful. I would be a hypocrite if I did not hold my faves accountable
I agree 100%, BUT let's be real, people are only mad about this, because Hitler made these symbols unpopular, to say the least.
To be honest, being racist or at least being ignorant about racial issues like black face is a bigger problem for me.
This "Übermensch" title, and the poster is not a big deal, until we find out the meaning of his album.
As stand-up comedians say: You can make fun of everything, it's just the snowflake society wants to take away your freedom to do that.
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