there voted

SNSD, f(x), Red Velvet or aespa?
Musically: Red Velvet and f(x). Arguably the best girl group discographies in kpop ever. SNSD got better with age. Aespa has amazing titles but are very clearly the weakest when it comes to albums
As a group: SNSD. Just too iconic. They had it all
this but id like to add that aespa releases this year have been INSANE!
Music wise I gotta give it to Red Velvet
Psycho, Red Flavor, Peekaboo, Cosmic, these are god tier songs the other girlies are not on their level I'm sorry.
RV, FX and Aespa all have a part of Snsd. Snsd has done each of their concepts at some point throughout their career. I can name Snsd titles that could easily match with or be owned by RV, Fx and Aespa.
So, Mama Snsd birthed them all and gave them all a part of her power.
RV stands out the most musically for me only because they do more R&B. But, Snsd has a more powerful discography in general. Their Japanese discography is unmatched.
That's it. Vote. Go.
As a fan of all, ultimately it's Aespa for me. Just the most all-rounded group across the board in my opinion.
I chose the order primarily based on which group I would most like to listen singing the rest of the groups songs. e.g. prefer Aespa singing RV songs over RV singing Aespa songs.
- music and concepts really appeal to me, can listen to all their vocal tones all day. Members wise their personalites are the ones I vibe with the most. Like all members. Karina > Ning/Gigi/Winter
- best discog still (aespa are on track to match/surpass this in a few years), like all members, Seulgi has one of my fave voices. Like all members. Seulgi > Irene > Yeri/Joy > Wendy
- there are some members that I'm ambivalent to, fun title tracks but many haven't aged well. Taeyeon > Tiffany/Yuri > Seohyun > Yoona >>>> Sooyoung > Hyoyeon/Sunny >>>>>> Jessica
- similar to Snsd, less members that I like. Krystal >>>> Sulli/Vic >>>> Luna/Amber
since i like all 4 groups this will be based solely on my enjoyment of their music and not members/personality/impact/success
1. Red Velvet (easy win for them)
2. SNSD (one of the best Japanese discographies, a string of bops, every album has at least a couple of b-sides I come back to often)
3. aespa (they've only been around for a handful of years so they could potentially climb to 2nd, from their tts there's a couple I don't really listen to much but their b-sides are usually good and they already have 3 no-skip albums for me so far)
4. f(x) (I like most of their tts but they have much fewer b-sides I enjoy compared to the other 3)
I like all four of them! But SNSD was my first ult group, so I voted for them.
I've been listening to all 4 groups since their debut and still listen to them now, so it's hard to rank them. Of course, there have been times when I listened to f(x) a lot, then had a break and so on. Recently aespa has been on repeat, because I absolutely love their last few releases. So I guess I will just put SNSD on top and then the other three groups are 2nd place for me.
SNSD the GOATs of course
RV by far
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