Jennie continues to get fked over it Korea

  • I'm truly sorry, ForgottenSoul and someone00

    I honestly just got carried away seeing some of the reactions on X and other spaces. Some of the fans are always telling our favorites to forget about their cultural roots, move to the West, etc. And it's often just due to charts. It just doesn't sit right with me because I see it as disrespectful to idols. That's all.

    Being upset at these particular music shows because you want the best for your favorites is perfectly reasonable. I can empathize with that!

    It's ok, supersim!!

    I do think Korean channels are making it hard for Jennie and while I think she can ditch their kr music shows if they'll treat her like this I also love to watch her k contents in variety show so I would never just tell her to simply stop caring about Korea when I love kpop to begin with..

  • You really think the girls would leave YG and make their own music if they had no money it’s time to stop living in mars yes charts obsession is bad but wanting your favs to do well will never be a bad thing I’m sorry but I don’t want my favs to leave in a dorm filled with cockroaches the rest of their lives :pepestare: If you don’t care then good for you

    I care. I'm always fighting for the nugu groups for this reason.

    But a lot of the people in bigger fandoms tend to focus on charts for the wrong reasons. They just want to prove a point that's irrelevant to their favs' concerns. They want to brag to some rival fandom or get back at someone completely unrelated to their favs.

    I just want everyone to do well, which is why I just root for everyone's numbers without caring about chart position in relation to other artists.

    Example... It's a problem when fans pitch the BLACKPINK members against each other. That doesn't seem very much like wanting their favorites to live well. That seems more like weaponizing the girls for ulterior motives.

  • It became successful because Atlantic Records is part of Warner Music Group, hence the virality. And this is considering that Rose was the least popular in BlackPink, while the rest had a weak debut in their solo careers.

    Rose could release this song under any company it really doesnt matter

    Jennie also didnt have a weak debut but okay lol

  • Then how was it nominated and won 1st week on mcountdown but this week screws her over?

    Normally you can cover that up or change lyrics etc.. mute it.

    She has to release "clean" version if she wants to promote her song overthere. Exo had to change from lotto to louder for example.

    Lovesick mv was banned bcs Rose didn't wear seat belt. It is their national television so they have rules and they stick with them.

    ~ Retired exol, don't ask me about that group. ~

  • This isn't about Jennie, this happened to many others. If she wants to win Music Shows, she shouldn't include brand names in her song or start promoting a song that doesn't have explicit lyrics. I'm 100% sure she doesn't give a damn about Music Show wins, because she wouldn't release this song if she cares.

    What's weird in this is that she already won an MCount not long ago. So, I'm pretty sure something happened, but this Music Show Analysis page didn't say anything, so there's no problem at all, it's just BLINKS acting up as usual.

    Also, I don't get this argument that they hate her feminist song. How is this a feminist song?

    BLINKS should educate their fandom instead of talking about Music Shows because it's absolutely disgusting what they're doing, fighting inside the fandom which member is better. That's what you should care about, not lame ass Music Show wins.

  • She has to release "clean" version if she wants to promote her song overthere. Exo had to change from lotto to louder for example.

    Lovesick mv was banned bcs Rose didn't wear seat belt. It is their national television so they have rules and they stick with them.

    She released the clean version, and that's the version that's charting in Korea, but Music Shows keep picking the explicit version, because she doesn't have a different version outside of Asia, so they have to pick the explicit, because that's the one that's charting on Spoti, YT etc.

    The fact is, Jennie either doesn't care, or can't run a company, because no one in their right mind would release an explicit song in Korea, I'm pretty sure she knows she can't win with that version.

  • She released the clean version, and that's the version that's charting in Korea, but Music Shows keep picking the explicit version, because she doesn't have a different version outside of Asia, so they have to pick the explicit, because that's the one that's charting on Spoti, YT etc.

    The fact is, Jennie either doesn't care, or can't run a company, because no one in their right mind would release an explicit song in Korea, I'm pretty sure she knows she can't win with that version.

    I don't even remember bp attending kbs music show

    ~ Retired exol, don't ask me about that group. ~

  • Also… Due to rules regarding branding, BTS had to change the lyrics of “Converse High” and title if they wanted to promote it on M COUNTDOWN. They performed it as “LOVERS HIGH” instead.

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  • It's ok, supersim!!

    I do think Korean channels are making it hard for Jennie and while I think she can ditch their kr music shows if they'll treat her like this I also love to watch her k contents in variety show so I would never just tell her to simply stop caring about Korea when I love kpop to begin with..

    Thank you for accepting my apology. :pepelove1:

    I hope ForgottenSoul also forgives me, but somehow I get the feeling he’s not the type to. :pepecry:

  • I mean, this happens all the time, no? Countless songs have been deemed not appropriate for broadcast because of saucy lyrics, brand names, dance moves, etc? I’m guessing Jennie could have made changes if she was that desperate, but didn’t feel she needed to just to be on a music show.

    Do I think these shows could probably chill tf out a bit? Yes! But I don’t think this is a Jennie being targeted thing - more that she is so much more popular, it is more noticeable.

  • Rose could release this song under any company it really doesnt matter

    Jennie also didnt have a weak debut but okay lol

    She can release it under any label and this song will not achieve the same success as this one. Stop thinking that their personal rating somehow decides in promoting music, it is not so, the label always decides. Lisa is extremely popular, but her debut was weaker than the others, Jennie too, the least popular Rose moved to a top label and shows records.

  • Banned because she referred to In n' Out is that correct? that's crazy. BP's Pink Vemon referenced coco chanel twice and I don't remember that song being banned...

    In n'Out or Defender (as in Lad Rover Defender). And yeah, Shut Down also referenced Lamborghini. The brand name rules seem a little arbitrary, but it's a known thing and most Blinks I've seen have been annoyed by that but also been like "yeah, thats what they do, eh"

    The "profanity" thing is fucking ridiculous because it's the word ass. She's not dropping f bombs or cunt everywhere. I honestly can't picture even the most conservative, pearl clutching assholes getting offended by ass. Weird with that, for the first few days that Mantra dropped, Spotify Australia had two versions, the "E" version and a censored one that skipped Ass. Spotify was defaulting to the censored one, annoying af. Then the censored version just disappeared.

    What I dont get or understand is MC Countdown removing SNS scores from her. Whats the argument for that?

  • I really don't think Jennie gives two shits about whether KBS bans her song

    in fact it may even bring her more views and listens and whatnot since people are more willing to listen to find out why KBS banned it

    Exactly! I don't get why her fans are crying about this irrelevant Music Show. This is basically a free ad for her.😂

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