Will gidle survive this scandal or will it be their end

  • I agree the timelines don't match up. If I'm not mistaken, SSA joined Waw Middle School during 8th grade. So I guess when she speaks of being abused by Soojin & friends for two years, she means 8th and 9th grades. The last two years in middle school, right?

    Problem is, several people have spoken up and stated Soojin was not a troublesome student from 8th grade onwards. These people said she already strayed away from the bad lot she used to be with. That's why most accusations that were talked about were events that allegedly happened in 6th or 7th grade.

    Of course these witnesses could have just made things up, their memory could be faulty. It's quite puzzling nonetheless.

    Imo the way to prove her innocence is the legal investigation. If the people willing to testify are in Soojin's corner, and the accusers are nowhere to be found, then she wins. It's crazy though that we're a situation where a court of law has to decide on whether or not Soojin talked smack in someone's back during middle school.

    The possibilities in my opinion (trying to be unbiased)

    Soojin lying: She indeed talked sh*t about the actress behind her back but she didn’t know she knew about it. She claimed she wasn’t with that bad group of people who bullied people but what the actress claimed can be simple teenager girl sh*t talk. Yes, it did hurt the actress but you don’t need to be a delinquent to talk bad about someone. You just need more then one person to have a conversation.

    Actress lying: Maybe she didn’t mean to start this big of a mess with her first post and things got out of hand. Maybe she wanted a little attention. Does she have an agency? Why there are no agency statements from her side? Iit’s possible that she trying to save face, creating a statement what doesn’t cancel Soojins but also make people take her side.

  • That Naver article has 22k+ upvotes in favor of SSA...yikes. There’s no way Gidle escapes this unfazed unless they kick out Soojin. It’s blowing up in Korea right now. Soojin really shot herself in the foot by demanding SSA to release a statement tbh.

    Does it blow up more than it did originally though? I remember one month ago things were gloomy too. People were already calling for Soojin's withdrawal like crazy back then so I'm not sure the situation is that different. Maybe it is though, I don't know.

  • That Naver article has 22k+ upvotes in favor of SSA...yikes. There’s no way Gidle escapes this unfazed unless they kick out Soojin. It’s blowing up in Korea right now. Soojin really shot herself in the foot by demanding SSA to release a statement tbh.

    That’s the thing. Why would you ask for a statement if you knew you did something? It doesn’t make sense. She is not stupid and Cube’s lawyers propably would have advised her against it. It’s just getting weird when you think about it. I wanna hear what cube and Soojin says because it’s really confusing.

  • That’s the thing. Why would you ask for a statement if you knew you did something? It doesn’t make sense. She is not stupid and Cube’s lawyers propably would have advised her against it. It’s just getting weird when you think about it. I wanna hear what cube and Soojin says because it’s really confusing.

    No, Cube's lawyers are probably the ones who advised her to ask for it. The more material gets out in public, the more you can look for something to disprove. She's staying silent because the first rule of lawsuits is SHUT UP, but the more they get her accuser to talk, the more material they have.

  • I think Gidle will survive but the bully member won't. The rest of the members have nothing to do with her. Also I find it very hard to believe a famous actress would lie...soooo I hope Cube is prepared for a fight cause it's gonna get messy and from what it looks like knetz are heavily on the actress's side.

  • I feel bad if the entire group will have to suffer. GIDLE is one of the few girl groups that I follow, I really like their songs.

    I think she should apologize to be able to continue, even tho her reputation will always be stained, but it's better than leaving the group. I'm against destroying someone's career over a scandal, but I'm more against people lying.

    It's obvious that she bullied SSA. SSA doesn't have anything to gain from going against a celebrity bigger than her, even if she is the victim, she still gained haters. By now, if the accusations were false, she would have apologized and take a step back. But she isn't. She even gave the statement that everyone was waiting for. And Cube is not releasing any statement, it's really bad for them for delaying everything. Even after the scandal started, their statements were vague, and only after many days, they released something clear. But why it takes so much to do that? It's like they are having a hard time writing a story that will be good to hear lol.

    I don't want her to leave the group. She worked for this. What else can she do if she is leaving?

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