This is probably the easiest question to answer I have ever asked here, simple, unlike the others Twice never had fraudulent chinese sales inflating their sales to begin with, period.

If you know me you also know how I have been talking about this topic for months, a topic very few are brave enough like me to point out publicly, so this thread is for every single one of you out there who talked about it and were attacked and mocked by fandom in denial of reality.
So far groups like aespa, red velvet and itzy were affected heavily by this curse, cutting in half their previous album sales, lesserafim who recently had a comeback wasn't affected that hard, like a 20% or 25% of decrease in sales that some months ago were projecting a continue and rapid grow, but we know hybe, they have their tricks and lesserafim is a trendy group.
Gidle survived the curse a little because cube did a trick I will cook in another thread. Nmixx situation is a little complicated because jyp is incompetent even to commit fraud. So far Twice is the only girl group that increased their sales organically, and that just prove once again no girl group has reached the point of the career twice is right now being as big as them, they are legendary I fear.
Of the top groups of 3rd and 4th gen there is 3 we have to wait to see the results: ive who released their last album just before the curse started affecting, newjeans that needs to sell 4M of sales in the first day or I will scream they are frauds because people talk about them like they are beyond the rest of mortals, and blackpink but since they disbanded and we don't know when their reunion comeback will be the wait will be very loooooooooong.
I'm happy how at last everyone who talked about the fraudulent inflated sales was proved right, we deserve it