Love Dive is now the 4th Gen song with most digital points on Circles Digital Chart HISTORY



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    Love Dive


  • Is there any possibility to ever overtake this?

    I think Hybe Boy has a chance? I don't know the actual trajectory of both songs but for reference

    Hype Boy got 29mil last Dec and Love Dive got 21mil so both songs are still going strong. Next Level, the song which Love Dive overtook got 7.7mil last Dec so the gap between Love Dive and Next Level is bigger.

    I think both Hype Boy and Love Dive will slowly lose steam over the months/years with new songs released so we'll see how it goes

    Edit: Since BPhouse mentioned I AM, just to put it out there I AM pulled 35.9mil last Dec so it is higher than both Hybe Boy and Love Dive. Super Shy got 34.7mil last Dec if anyone is curious since I think these 2 groups are the strongest right now when it comes to Korean Digitals

  • Love Dive is so crazily good. Everything about it is just... hell I can't even describe it at all because my vocabulary is too limited ;( It is such a good song that when it got released, I made it my personality for 6 months. And I rewatched he MV every day. Concept-wise, it's IVE's best release

    ˙✧˖°🫧 ⋆。˚꩜˙✧˖° 🫧 ⋆。˚꩜˙✧˖ Oh, you make my heart melt away˙✧˖° 🫧 ⋆。˚꩜˙✧˖° 🫧 ⋆。˚꩜˙✧˖

  • Oh the gap between love dive and hype boy is not that big! So hype boy isn’t as unprecedented as a hit and they’re both about the same. Interesting thanks for sharing.

    So it’s next level which doesn’t have this longevity.

  • You’re so insecure it’s hilarious

    Someone literally asked if another song would catch Love Dive. I answered the question. Multiple people discussed said topic. Given that you didn't decide to get triggered until I put some objective data into the conversation, I wonder who's really insecure here?

    Sounds like a personal problem on your end, since you're clearly annoyed IVE won't have this record by the halfway point of 2024, as it's going to be snatched by the same group that has snatched all their other records.

    Like I always say, don't poke the bear if you don't want to get mauled.


  • Oh the gap between love dive and hype boy is not that big! So hype boy isn’t as unprecedented as a hit and they’re both about the same. Interesting thanks for sharing.

    So it’s next level which doesn’t have this longevity.


    Love Dive came out almost 4 months before Hype Boy, and Hype Boy actually gained more points in 2023 than it did in 2022.

    Only Ditto had more points in 2023 than Hype Boy. The gap between these songs is as pronounced as advertised.

  • thats even more impressive by the numbers posted? I’m talking month over month not the total being high lol.

    I thought hype boy would be some much higher number but its actually not.

  • thats even more impressive by the numbers posted? I’m talking month over month not the total being high lol.

    I thought hype boy would be some much higher number but its actually not.


    Love Dive is the second biggest hit of this generation and had a 3.5 months head start, and Hype Boy is already breathing down its neck.

    For context, look how long it took Love Dive to catch Next Level. Now look at how much faster Hype Boy will catch both.

    If you look at the 2023 year end chart for both Circle and Melon, Hype Boy was second on both behind only Ditto.

    And every "fastest girl group song to reach x number of streams and points" record on both charts belongs to Hype Boy.

    It spent a full year in the Melon top 10, and even now, is going UP the Melon Daily Chart again.

    Eh, it's not worth debating. Your reaction just confuses me.

  • I don't know what's more impressive, that 2 songs not even 2 years old are this high or that D4 held it's own for so long

    The real question is will Love Dive overtake D4 first or will Hype Boy overtake Love Dive first



  • You know I don't really pick fights, but I find it funny how you come into this thread saying how Hybe Boy is going to surpass Love Dive blah blah blah and how Love Dive has the edge because it is released earlier

    But in multiple threads over the past year actually, you have the same issue with others saying how I AM is going to surpass Ditto and how Ditto has the edge because it is released earlier.

    I just find it a little hypocritical that you would go at others for saying this, but you yourself say the exact same thing.

    The gap if anyone is wondering, in million, rounded down


    So sure Hybe Boy do stand a chance to overtake Love Dive (which I already state in an earlier reply), but I AM also stand a chance to overtake Ditto.

    By that logic and I mean your logic I suppose Hybe Boy wins 2022 in the long run and I AM wins 2023 in the long run right?

    I'm not denying that Hybe Boy could possibly would overtake Love Dive, but you come into this appreciation thread, rile up a bunch of people, at the same time arguing against many others at other numerous threads who is doing the exact same thing you are doing now.

    Not that I have anything against you and you probably know that I don't exactly dislike you. I just find it hypocritical that's all.

  • To be clear, I didn't come into the thread with any agenda. People asked the question about other songs that could take the record, so I gave my perspective on it. I wouldn't have brought up Hype Boy if people didn't ask.

    As for Ditto/I Am, I don't see how I'm being hypocritical.

    I've been clear on the fact Ditto is a bigger hit song and I Am will never close the gap. Where's the hypocrisy?

    Also no need to damage control going at me for any takes. I welcome to conversation and don't take anything personally like others here

  • You are being hypocritical

    The gap, I already posted an image. Basically Hybe Boy is slowly closing the gap between itself and Love Dive while I AM is also slowly closing the gap between itself and Ditto

    You have an issue with many others in many other threads saying how "I AM is bigger than Ditto because it has more weekly points now and can close the gap Ditto has more total points because it is released 5 months earlier"

    But you have absolutely no problem saying "Hybe Boy is bigger than Love Dive because it has more weekly points now and cam close the gap Love Dive has more total points because it is released 3 months earlier"

    That is the hypocrisy I'm talking about

  • I keep saying dive is the kpop song of the decade

    Don't wanna spoil the celebration but you forgot to add "girlgroup" there :whistling:

    Btw Congratulations to Ive. It was pretty certain that 'Love Dive' would be holding this record at some point. I'm also certain that it will hold the record for all time girl group songs at some point.

    Looking at how much bad blood is between NewJeans and Ive fandoms, it will be interesting to see which out of 'Attention' & 'After Like gets to 1b first. Both have exact same points at this time. And the song which will get to 1b first will make the artist first kpop group other than BTS to have more than 1 song with 1b points. Let's see who gets the bragging rights....

  • It's not hypocritical.

    Hype Boy is accumulating points at a much faster rate than Love Dive.

    Just look at the year end chart

    Hype Boy gained 719m points in 2023. Love Dive managed 427m.

    That is a HUGE difference, and they both released in 2022, so 2023 is the perfect sample for figuring out how fast each song is gaining points.

    This isn't comparable to Ditto and I Am at all. Putting Ditto having over 650 hours of PAK aside, people have already discussed the charting of these songs in the digital thread. To make my life easier, I'll just copy and paste.

    "I am's first 30 days were better than Ditto's, the 31-100ish of both songs were basically the same, and after that Ditto performed better. In the long run Ditto has a slighty better performance (comparing day by day, like if they were released the same day), sadly Guyso removed the tool it had to compare songs' graphs directly, but a couple of months ago the last time I checked it Ditto already had a decent gap and the trend was just making it increase"

    The situations aren't comparable.

    Hype Boy is gaining so many more points than Love Dive that the gap being closed is inevitable.

    I don't see I Am ever catching Ditto.

    There's no hypocrisy in those two positions.

  • That means Love Dive is still stronger because it’s the oldest track. The rest will lose steam by the time they get to Love Dive’s age.

    Still it will be interesting to see if Hype boy can really do it

  • Why would it confuse you. I thought hype boy was far ahead of love dive. It’s simply not.

    I expect the difference between hype boy and love dive to be like half. Aka love dive is doing half the points hype boy is doing around the same time later.

    But it’s not. So it’s surprising. Hype boy is a hit but not exponentially bigger than love dive.

  • So sure Hybe Boy do stand a chance to overtake Love Dive (which I already state in an earlier reply), but I AM also stand a chance to overtake Ditto.

    By that logic and I mean your logic I suppose Hybe Boy wins 2022 in the long run and I AM wins 2023 in the long run right?

    You might be misreading this chart

    Ditto vs I Am:

    The recent weekly points? gap (I Am in the lead since it's a newer song) is disappearing, which further decreases likelihood of overtaking the considerable cumulative gap.

    Hype Boy vs Love Dive:

    Cumulative gap isn't as big to overcome (1.24 bn vs 1.18 bn, so 60 million), so the 8.5m weekly points gap in Hype Boy's favor is a big number.

    You know I don't really pick fights, but I find it funny how you come into this thread saying how Hybe Boy is going to surpass Love Dive blah blah blah and how Love Dive has the edge because it is released earlier

    It does - the edge is in terms of the 1.24 bn cumulative number.

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