Give me your controversial opinions on NewJeans

  • I’m going to rank them as they come into the following tiers: (btw feel free to recreate with my template or whatever)


    We’re aligned completely


    -(opinions i completely agree with this)

    - ador/HYBE/MHJ is managing them well ISaidISaid i agree 100% with your take. Some members ARE better at some things, but that doesnt make ADOR punish the other girls for their growth opportunities.

    - TheHeretic i’m on the fence of whether i wanna agree but i kind of do. They might not have taken capitalism out of pop (obviously) but they at least are putting in the full effort to sell me. Like i WANT to buy these albums because i listen to the ENTIRE thing. I WANT the bag because I’ll actually USE it. I WANT to watch the videos because theyre entertaining outside of the actually good music and feel like a free easter egg hunt. I like Grimes like a LOT though so i cant completely hate noise music

    - icyruios they arent hated that much, their fans are. Omg yeah duh i’m literally insufferable but i learned it from being a LOONA stan tbh. However i do think that people like are weirdly obsessed with MHJ being a terrorist/child predator or whatever because those things are dangerous to throw around as a twitter joke

    - theres no favoritism in NewJeans ( Catgirl also) this opinion i have to agree with 100%, especially when considering there are both a biracial and a foreign member in the group. I feel like ADOR really does appreciate each of the girls individually. They seem like… cherished……..


    Y’know??? Youre right tho…


    -(not my first thought but i can’t disagree)

    -ZERO is the worst song @ellenote i wouldnt want to say it but i would say it contends with GODS for my least fav

    - haerin and Minji carry eunchaepower i’m def taking you out of context with this but i will agree with you and disagree with you. I think that probably on some level had this group debuted with a mixture of 4 of any of them i would still stan BUT i do think that without these two i can see how the group would be fundamentally different. But then like vocally the group i feel is centered around Hanni, Dani and Hyein…

    - their concept is sometimes too mature. I dont know 100% where i fall on this one. I think the world has become such a convoluted place compared to when i was 14/15/16, but i also know that the girls were exposed to this type of media already because of social media being so prolific and music culture already being sooo sexualized generally. Cookie, the lyrics are a little much. The euphemism is not lost on me and at best I dislike that the girls innocently were tricked into making it, at worst though i think it makes me uncomfortable and i dont actually think any wrong doing or danger was done. COOL WITH YOU IS THEIR MAGNUM OPUS AND I WONT HEAR IT ITS ART BEG4DAWIN

    -Zero is not experimental hype-girls ya i HATE when people say it is. The chorus is just kinda lazy, the beat however is amazing as well as the verses. I dont listen to it out of respect to Korean speakers “coca Cola tastes good” is just like rude lol (and true)

    - they have the most aesthetic 4th gen videos. I think i agree with this with my whole chest Catgirl but I also don’t really watch other groups. I will say TripleS or whatever the groups name is does have VERY nice videos

    - Catgirl ’s mom. I agree that their voices are the most cohesive amongst like… just any kpop group generally (come for me) but i DONT think that theyre given the chance to show theyre the strongest INDIVIDUALLY.


    Go off I guess


    -(i disagree but i dont condemn you)

    -I didn't like any of the four songs from their debut... selfmate (you redeemed yourself from the dungeon by coming around)

    -theyre annoying nepobabies/babysnobs Yohanee so i definitely just full disagree BUT i can see the perception because theyre literally children who came outta nowhere

    - their outfits were too tight in Super Shy.. nah I think they just like… look different than their first two eras where they wore so much baggy clothing, not that either style is better. hype-girls

    - NmiXXSupremacist The people responsible for Cookie should have been fired. It was very innappropiate. Also this showed the moral bankruptcy of kpop fans. They are willing to protest for the stupidest things, but when is something serious like this they just look to the other way. Hmmmmmm thats a little harsh. I think people let many many idols get away with much much worse




    -(you are wrong, essentially)

    -Kpop would be better off without them. Drew_B i have been waiting sooooo long to put you down here

    - they’re fans are sassy Yohanee youre right and i’m punishing you for it

    - super shy is boring and corporate then explain why “you dont even know my name” is STILL stuck in my head? Did a corporation probably plan this hook? Yes. Is it boring? No.

    - Gods is their best song ever killingtime1934 & Catgirl i have to disagree with my entire NewJeans loving soul……………

  • bangmenah

    Changed the title of the thread from “Give me your controversial opinions” to “Give me your controversial opinions on NewJeans”.
  • so i don't like them because they give me a feeling of annoying little actor kids.

    like you know stranger things?? i literally hate those kids in that show cause their annoying actor kids!(i hate the red head the most)

    i don't know if that many other people get this sort of feeling from things, but it's sort of like little sassy smarty pant sorta kids that think they're great. that's why i don't like new jeans because that's how they feel. the fact that their from hybe and are all brand ambassadors even though some of them are 14 makes it even worse.

    kinda like the girls on dance moms or whatever, i hate them!!!!

    i only like hyein cause i feel like she's a freak but that's literally only based on her face, i know nothing about her, she's probably annoying too.

    danielle is the worst for me. probably because she speaks english. she annoys me so much.

    even the name new jeans, like plz shut up.

    anyways i love ditto and omg though and i'm looking forward to their next comeback!!!!!!

  • This is their worst song ;(

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  • Well I love newjeans but if I absolutely absolutely had to give a bad take....

    Minji and Haerin are HARD CARRYING the group. Like if these 2 weren't in the group then like 70% of newjeans intrigue would be lost (though they would still be massively popular and number 1). If newjeans was a csgo game Minji and Haerin would be s1mple.

  • This is their worst song ;(

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    you watch your mouth COCA COLA MASHITA

  • They are the perfect example of a company being 100% responsible for a groups success. They don’t have stand out members, they don’t have stand out talent they really don’t have anything worth mentioning at all other than enjoyable music (and also some fun choreo)

    Which is ofc not a bad thing a musical group should release good music.

  • a lot of these are from non fans but as a fan:

    -zero is good and it’s not that experimental

    -super shy feels bland and corporate

    -i didn’t like how tight the outfits were in super shy mv

    -the dancing is amazing but the facial expressions of alll members can be a bit boring. happy and fun gets boring too,

    -asap should win for best music video and

    -newjeans fits ethereal concepts better than y2k

  • People don't hate the girls as much as most of y'all think

    People mostly hate the fans especially the toxic ones

    I think that's majority of groups. The hate from fans unfortunately translated to the idols. Because how is an idol thousand of miles away from you, doing their own thing, affecting you anyway for you to hate them? lol. Only answer is because due to fanwars.


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