Have you ever been on a plane?

  • If you get motion sickness, take bonine.

    If you have dry skin, bring a mist.

    If you have issues asking people to move, sit in the aisle.

    Take some form on entertainment with you - the air line may or may not provide it. I usually just read on my phone and listen to music. I sleep if possible because it makes the time go faster.

    I hate planes, but primarily cause I think they are boring and wish someone would invent teleportation. They are my least favorite part of any vacation.

  • yes, quite often

    my advice would be to first, get to the airport early before your flight in case you run into some delays at security (depending on your departing location or destination) and so that you have enough time to reach your gate and get ready.

    bring with you an empty bottle of water and fill it up once you go past security and ALWAYS stay hydrated. flying dehydrates you a lot. some airports have free water dispensers.

    have everything you need to take out of your luggage for security check in hand, so that you don't waste a lot of time there. they usually require you to put liquids in a plastic bag so have that already prepared beforehand.

    bring gum and start chewing before the plane takes off, i can't recommend this enough.

    depending on how long your flight is, it's a good idea to bring a book or download some music/movies to watch because long flights can be excruciatingly boring. also, some people like to bring neck pillows (I never used tho) for comfort.

    but most importantly, relax because remember millions of people fly safely everyday :) don't be afraid to ask a flight attendant for help or assistance if you feel bad or anxious. regardless of the prestige of the air-line, they are there to help you and make your trip a pleasant experience.

    hope you have a safe flight!

  • It’s round trip flight, so there is two, so one is domestic which is an hour and then the longer one is international

    I dunno what your airports are like, but have your ID handy. Pack your laptop in a place where its easy to get out and put separately into a bin. Same for liquids. Not all airports require these things to be removed any more, but there are still some that do, so I always pack that way.

    And WEAR SOCKS. Cause the might make you take off your shoes and walking barefoot through the airport is... gross.

    I'd also dress in layers so that you can take on and off as needed.

    I also bring a backpack as carry-on because half the time, they end up making those with wheeled carry-ons gate check them and I like having my extras with me - book, phone, mist, earphones, sanitizer.

  • I didn't read your post before I wrote mine, but this is exactly what I follow religiously.

    And LOL, I forgot the neck pillow recommendation cause I do use it! In fact I often bring two, one for my back too.

    but most importantly, relax because remember millions of people fly safely everyday :) don't be afraid to ask a flight attendant for help or assistance if you feel bad or anxious. regardless of the prestige of the air-line, they are there to help you and make your trip a pleasant experience. hope you have a safe flight!

    Love this :red-heart::red-heart::red-heart:

  • I'm on a plane about four times per year but always short haul... You board, stuff your carry on luggage into am overhead compartment, sit down in your designated seat, fasten your seat belt, politely listen as the crew tells you what to do in an emergency...and then the plane takes off. Once up in the air, the crew will start selling snacks and drinks, you can go to the toilet, read, listen to music, sleep...

    And before you know it there will an announcement that tells passengers to please prepare for landing (seats in an upright position, seat belts back on, no more walking around etc.) and then the plane begins its descent and lands. Everyone grabs their stuff from the overhead compartments, and leaves, thanking the crew on the way out.

    Unless there's turbulence it's like being on a very large bus really. ^^

  • common sense my friend

    don't be a jerk, if you want something ask nicely

    make sure you know what you can bring or not (ie. amount of checked/hand luggage) and if you get food/water on the plane or not etc et

  • yes alot

    just pray there is no child of demon is sitting behind you crying the whole time and kicking your chair

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  • Thank u for the advice 🤲 I have also another thing what about fear of flying. Im thinking, idk how I’m actually gonna do this I know that I’m going to be genuinely scared or maybe I’m overthinking

    Well what is your fear rooted in? Dying? Getting sick on the plane? That kid Lulu_Key sat in front of? Maybe knowing that can help you address it

  • Well what is your fear rooted in? Dying? Getting sick on the plane? That kid Lulu_Key sat in front of? Maybe knowing that can help you address it

    It’s like being in the plane and not being able to like get off I think idk that is scaring me the most yes and the plane exploding ;(

    Or crashing in the water or on a stranded island

    It sounds crazy but like that’s how I convince myself not to go out because I just think of like worst case scenario idk ;(


    Edited once, last by bcx12 ().

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