Now that so many gg's have debuted specially in 2022 and 4th gen is pratically semented, who are your best (favorite, concept, members, talent, overall) top 3 gg's out there?
My top 3 is:
@@@211cbee8-1f6d-492a-b1a4-c92a660bc29b@@@ : New Jeans (by faaaaaaar)
They are masters at concepts at this point and their aesthetics are on freaking point (completly my style), the girls all have crazy star power and such pretty voices, each of them could hit big either as singer, model or even actress. And they are all so GORGEOUS and lovebale it's almost impossible to not fall for them 😍. But the best things about them is definitly their music and their desire to florish as artists and musiciens. (Anyway i could write an essay or two on them so i'll stop here lol).
They are the best when it comes to rap, girl crush, etc like NO comparaison, NO competition. Except CL i have never seen anyone at this level when it comes to this concept.
Members like Jurin, Harvey and Cocona are literal diamonds, beasts and could each of them slay as a soloist. Also their vocal line is smoooth and the vocal line girls are so cute 😍 (Juria and Hinata) while the others are more hot and fierce. Anyway i see sooo much potential in them. With the right exposure and promo they could be a game changer type of groupe.
Number 3: aespa
aespa is third for me just because 2 of my biases are in it aka Winter and Ningning 🥰. Winter basicaly has the prettiest vocal color i have ever heard since IU and she is deadly cute i can’t >-<. And Ningning is the real ACE of the group. That girl is gorgeous, great vocalist, really good dancer and her personality is just the best thing about her lol, she is so funny and joyful i don't know, she's irresistible, secially since spicy and even savage she is WOW. She is a STAR.
Also aespa has really good vocals, all of the girls can sing and their music is top tier in term of quality despite lackluster title tracks. Basically their have a lot of potential to do great but they need better TTs. And they need to go of the childish, teenish concept it doesn’t suit them nor their music. With such voices they should also focus on a more melodic music and stop the lackluster endless rap parts as well.
Anyway aespa are in my top 3 because mostly they have more remarquable members than Ssera because music wise it's pretty close. Actually Sseras tt are better in my opinion. (except unforgiven)
Special mention: Ssera and 50 50 just for the quality of their music and the production