How much has Kpop taught you about music and other things?

  • Does Kpop influence toxic behaviour? 11

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    There are many things that I didn't know about music before I got into Kpop.

    1. Bad vocals. I mostly listened to the vocal trinity of all time (Celine, Mariah and Whitney) so I didn't care how weak some vocalists are. Right now, I know that J-Lo, Madona, Rihanna, Taylor Swift etc have some of the weakest vocals ever all thanks to Kpop.

    2. Style and technique were never a thing to me, all I cared about were good vocals. But, Jessica and Taeyeon introduced me to that and now I can easily tell a stylistic or strong technique vocalist just by listening.

    Why are vocals not that big of a deal among fans in Western music?

    3. I had used the internet for ages before I got into kpop but I learnt how it can be toxic first-hand only after I became a kpop stan, seeing how idols are attacked and learning how to defend your favs etc. I had never experienced a stranger passionately attacking me online forcing a fight back. Honestly, this was very interesting. I've learned so much about mental health from being a kpop fan.

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  • Kpop taught me to be more open towards music genres and cultures. Just from the top of my head but I listen to a lot of pop, hip hop and city pop bc Kpop lead me to it, I'd search music references etc.

    About toxicity I've only interacted with it when it comes to kpop, but it's just bc I'm more into it than my previous interests, stan culture of anything was toxic before and it continues to be toxic now.

    Also, last but not least, that american music is not the center of the universe.

  • Not gonna lie, all those "experimental music" actually taught me a bit of a song structure.

    Back when I learned how to play a guitar, I just followed what are written in the chord sheet. I know that there are parts like chorus and stuffs, but I'm close to know nothing about what should they ensue back then.

    Music is an art not just because it's beautiful but also an art or ways on how to make one.

    It actually makes know the recording process, and the team behind the creation of a bop.

    For other things..

    Maybe it makes me appreciate and realize that there are a whole different background and varied people out there. I never pay much heed for cultural appropriation stuffs. But Dreamcatcher's issues taught me on how important it is for the people who had it.

    Also it makes me understand why "normal" people looking down upon kpop stans. And I also learn to read hangeul!

  • I only vote the west reasoning
    because even without the internet or before the internet /social media

    I have interest with the vs discussion or which is better back then

    basketball being sports fan/ 90s marvel comics fan etc

    it just happen the prime of Hallyu wave that include KPOP is on same age of the internet /social media era

    but KPOP help me to be a music follower or (more likely music and video, idol follower)

    due to it weekly live performance and the availability of this in internet
    it easier to follow
    compared to the other source of entertainment

  • Many KPop-stans have no clue about JPop or Japan and so tend to say a lot random BS as for example

    • Hitting a song in the top 10 of Oricon would make an artist the hottest shit in Japan and even makes them so cool that Jop-acts look randomly uncool and stupid compared to that one KPop-act who sold enough for a top 10 entry - WTF is this? People please, nobody can take these statements serious
    • Outseling a JPop-act in Japan makes your KPop-fave a JPop-group - No it does not, wtf you smoking girl that you think a good position on the charts would make a KPop-act turn JPop?
    • Thinking your fave is JPop just cause they sing 2 of their 100 songs in Japanese - Nope thats not how it works
    • Selling enough tickets in Japan to fill out a place in Tokyo that has a decent number so they turn into Japanese gods and godesses - Nope, Tokyo is just big enough to have enough of their Japanese fans at one place, thats all
    • Being a Japanese KPop-idol with some recognition in Japan - This doesn't mean your fave would outshine any JPop-idol or artist that has tons of more fans in Japan but yet there are people who think that people like Yuta or Sana would be the most famous people in all of Japan which is not even true
    • Kpop-fans tend to diss JPop by getting mad when someone doesn't sounds like AKB48 in JPop and than claim the artist they found would be a cheap copy of KPop - almost no group in JPop even wants to copy KPop and dosn't even needs to. If you think the style of music was similiar than ok, could happen, but still dosn't means this artist would copy KPop (Unless they say it themselfs)
    • Just cause XG is famous with KPop-fans dosn't means they are the most famous girlgroup of Japan
    • People take "the most famous male/female KPop-idol in Japan" rankings too serious and belive this would mean their KPop-fave outshines any JPop-artist with this type of list just cause maybe 100 Japanese people voted on such a list plus it dosn't even shows an actual popularity ranking since there is no JPop-act on the same list
    • KPop-fans sometimes think nobody in Korea would like JPop and feel randomly weirded out if a JPop-song has any type of recognitions in Korea

    KPop-fans are selfish

    • They love to brag about complete discographies they own, especially when a CD has 13 versions and they bought them all
    • They love to diss your faves if they arn't their faves
    • They love to downplay popular songs by acts that are from lesser known companies
    • If you dislike girlgroups or boygroups people will make fun of you and might even write mean stuff
    • If you unstan a popular group they act as if they won't understand your reasons for it and pretend you did the dumbest thing ever
    • If you say you don't like a certain song of a famous act makes them randomy feel atackt and they might start questioning you in the worst way possible "How can you not like Blackpink's Bombayah? WTF?"
    • They might get pissed of at people who stan more than 2 groups for no reason
    • They also get pissed of at people who stan just 1 group

    Shaming people seems fun?!?!

    • You will learn how to slut shame female idols
    • You will learn how to skinny shame female idols
    • You will learn how to fat shame skinny female idols
    • You will learn how to feel offended by every type of hairstyle
    • You will learn how to call someone untalented who spend weeks of working on something that you didn't even tried once
    • You will learn how to be jealous about a person who's lifestyle you actually don't want to have
    • You will learn how to diss an idol when the fault is not on them
    • You will learn how to get literally offended about anything and everything
    • You will learn how to beef with other KPop-fans just in order to have something to feel mad about so you can brag on the internet about how pissed you feel

    Sex sells

    • "Why is she not wearing cropt tops and hotpants and showing her bra? She must be super super super insecure and shy lol"
    • "Oh my hecking gosh, this man's freakingly chocolate abs"
    • "I love her outfit so much, she needs to wear it more often" said about a mostly minor girl in a dress that almost reveals her pussy
    • "Oh I love this dance" when a man almost dances as if he would make out with a girl
    • "He is such a legend on this stage, did you see that!" Dude just ripped off his shirt and looks sweaty and gross AF from performing 3 hours non stop

    When all of suddon a random pet becomes superior over another pet

    • Yall remember the time where people dissed any KPop-idol's pet that was the same breed of Dog as the dog that V from BTS has? I remember when people literally compared Yeontan with Amber Liu's Jackjack and than said (I kid you not) that Jackjack was ugly ... wtf ?!?!?
    • When you actually don't like a type of animal but all of a suddon claim to be a super fan just cause your fave idol has this as a pet. Imagine you hate parrots but stan TXT and all of a suddon claim you would love that one parrot ...
    • There was a poll on a website of who would own the cutest cat in all of KPop and people randomly based the poll on the owner of the pet like WTF, so that means even if your fave would own the weirdest looking cat, you woul still vote for the cat as cutest pet ?

    Idols can't be human

    • When you literally think working 24/7 would be ok
    • When you literally think not being properly payed for work and ending in dept by the company is ok
    • When you want your faves to be single and virgin forever
    • When you shit on whoever they date or have been dating
    • When you get mad on them smoking or drinking
    • When you get mad at any type of harasment they did to someone when they were children

    And these people who have issues with the behavier of their faves are most likly not even inocent themselfs, like how many of the fans smoke, drink, have sex, bully others etc. but than preach that their idols should stay innocent

    A.C.E | ATEEZ | DRIPPIN| MCND | NU'EST | ONF | SF9 | Stray Kids | TFN

  • half the shit these people say on the net they would never attempt to say to someone's face. Everyone is some keyboard activist warrior who acts like perfect virgin angels Over a computer. That's why I, for the most part follow artists only and stay away from the toxicity these people bring. It amazes me how they behave.

    A positive thing is that despite not knowing a lack of Korean or Japanese I found something to be excited over to live for to look forward to. Whether I understand or not the music brings me immense joy and happiness having some of the songs in english makes it that much more enjoyable. Kpop led me to jpop and other genres and I just feel so much joy introducing both new friend and old friends to music I enjoy. I love discovering new things. So not everything is bad.

    I learned that I don't have to understand something to enjoy it.

  • It has taught me not to take it seriously. It's just music, not a way of life.

    Also, not to take any notice of fans opinions as they are just that.

    If anything, in recent years, it has taught me to grow up and prioritise what's important in life.

  • It has made me realize a lot of things that happened in Western music too but taken to the max. It has taught me a lot of things about music I wasn't aware of.

    The part of arguing with people I see it more on the internet than in real life. The lack of extraverbal language in internet is a sureway to drag on conversations than wont last two lines in real life.

  • like nothing

    its entertainment for me

    Im not interested in music much outside of how much it can entertain me

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  • I knew nothing about music before kpop. I didn’t even know what a bside meant. I was just listening to songs before lol

    I relate to this! Kpop got me informed about a lot of music stuff.

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  • There are lots of surprisingly awful and unbelievable things about Kpop and I think that contributes a lot to it's growth.

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  • Kpop has taught me optimism about life. Can look in every Kpop direction and find positivity.

    Yes, I learned how to love myself through Kpop.

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  • half the shit these people say on the net they would never attempt to say to someone's face. Everyone is some keyboard activist warrior who acts like perfect virgin angels Over a computer. That's why I, for the most part follow artists only and stay away from the toxicity these people bring. It amazes me how they behave.

    A positive thing is that despite not knowing a lack of Korean or Japanese I found something to be excited over to live for to look forward to. Whether I understand or not the music brings me immense joy and happiness having some of the songs in english makes it that much more enjoyable. Kpop led me to jpop and other genres and I just feel so much joy introducing both new friend and old friends to music I enjoy. I love discovering new things. So not everything is bad.

    I learned that I don't have to understand something to enjoy it.

    I agree. I don't care much about lyrics or learning Korean, instead, I enjoy the music as it comes and only look at the lyrics of the songs I want. In a way, I don't want Kpop to own or define me, I just want to have fun and still be myself.

    It has taught me not to take it seriously. It's just music, not a way of life.

    Also, not to take any notice of fans opinions as they are just that.

    If anything, in recent years, it has taught me to grow up and prioritise what's important in life.

    Same here. To me Kpop is a fantasy because it's based off of lies from lots of manufactured beauty to fake personas etc. Idols can't be human or real most of the time, they have to act a certain way to get noticed and get longevity which I think is ok and it helps me keep true to myself.

    The part of arguing with people I see it more on the internet than in real life. The lack of extraverbal language in internet is a sureway to drag on conversations than wont last two lines in real life.

    Strange but true.

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  • Kpop has taught me that people are crazy and that you should avoid them

    Yes, sometimes you meet horrible people you wish you had never met.

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  • I agree. I don't care much about lyrics or learning Korean, instead, I enjoy the music as it comes and only look at the lyrics of the songs I want. In a way, I don't want Kpop to own or define me, I just want to have fun and still be myself.

    Same here. To me Kpop is a fantasy because it's based off of lies from lots of manufactured beauty to fake personas etc. Idols can't be human or real most of the time, they have to act a certain way to get noticed and get longevity which I think is ok and it helps me keep true to myself.

    Strange but true.

    I've cried over so many songs from looking up the lyrics and realizing what they were singing about. An example of this was Up10tion's Rewind. the first time i heard it i just got the feeling of what it was about. I was fine but the moment i went and actually read the lyrics i can't listen to it without crying now.

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