After You Got Into Kpop, How Long Did It Take You To Get Into Korean Culture & Tell Me What You Liked About It??

  • I got into Kpop around 2018...thanks to Jimin.

    So BTS was my first ever kpop group, and I was so obsessed with them and only kept up...with just them.

    After a small time, cuz it was fairly quick, I started to wanna know more about Korea cuz it seemed fun and *perfect* lol.

    So i got into Korean culture around the beginning of 2019.

    I used to watch those girl stoytimes about dating Korean guys and going to Korean clubs over there.

    I was looking up videos about on what you can and can't do living or visiting Korea.

    I even started looking up universities there, because I thought I was really gonna live there lol.

    Idk man, but everything about Korea "at the time", seemed like a cool aesthetic✨😂

  • i got into kpop in 2019 from bts's mic drop mv. i heard it once on youtube and liked it a lot, after that i got into bts and starting stanning them and that's about when itzy debuted so i started to like them a lot. after that i started watching korean videos and watched vlogs by k-tubers. that's basically how i learned about korean culture. #themoreyouknow

  • Right away.

    My first introduction to the Korean entrainment was through Full house, that drama was huge in the Arabic world in 2008, and my very first introduction to kpop was in 2011 so as soon as I got hooked to kpop i wanted to know more about the culture and history of the people that made my favorite songs to me it was the least i could do in order to respect them

  • I don't think I have really gotten into Korean culture

    I mean I love Korean food, but haven't really digged into more.

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  • I got into K pop in 2011, I can't remember how long it took me but I already knew a little bit about the history as my late father served there and even though it was in war time, he told us what life was like there so I already had a little insight. The rest I picked up along the way.

  • About a year after I got into BTS. 공부하는 한국어 촣아하고 한국의 음식을 맛있게 먹어요.

    (I'm trying to practice my writing more)

  • I just took whatever I saw in k-dramas and k-movies and the ocassional article or video. I love whenever I get to see the country thanks to my faves but I've never gotten seriously into Korean culture, I'm studying Korean with an app and I'm already three weeks behind.

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