What If BTS Come Out With Another English Single In 2025 After Their Enlistment...what will happen???

  • like I was just randomly thinking about it.

    especially after I watched Bang PD today on CNN, talking about BTS military stuff and how there's bigger things prepared for 2025 etc.

    i think it could be likely that they put out a 5-6 song Korean album, but then towards the end of the year put out a English single.

    kinda as a way to satisfy fans, but also to make a global impact again.

    yes i know BTS already has global impact, and i know the Korean comeback is gonna do BIG numbers and break records on its own.

    But like, imagine BTS putting out another Dynamite or Butter (not saying the song is gonna sound like either of those lol).......because it'll be a English single, the numbers it'll do on U.S charts, the streams?? The radio spins?? Like girl.

    Butter sat at #1 on the Hot 100 for 10 weeks straight.

    imagine another song like that, after BTS 2 year "break".... oommggggosh. :pepe-life-support:





    Remember BTS came out with Map Of The Soul 7 AND Dynamite in the same year 2020.

    2025 can be a repeat of that.

  • The BTS CB single will definitely debut at #1 regardless of language

    On the Hot 100??

    If its the Korean song, i dont think so tbh.

    in 2022, "Yet To Come" placed at #14 on the Hot 100, and that's after BTS didn't come out with a Korean album since 2020.

    So I feel it'll be the same thing, and that the Title Korean song will place at #10 on the Hot 100

  • A high tempo Korean song will do as good as an English song on the charts with proper playlisting etc

    Dynamite was very big for multiple reasons, not just because it was an English song

    They had good radio, they promoted it a lot and promoted at places like NPR etc where they never performed before

    The song also got viral after like a month or so and it started getting played in European radios

    Then Japan liked the song too and the rest is history

    From August 2020 till the Grammy's next year, Dyna was promoted well by bts

  • there were many reasons why ytc placed #14 (which is still better than any other collab free kpop song - psy is ofc the exception) & if you were even slightly an army, you would know.

    BTS' cb will be immense, regardless of the language & there's A BIG possibility it will reach the top again.

    anyway, whatever bangtan does in 2025, i will be listening

  • there were many reasons why ytc placed #14 (which is still better than any other collab free kpop song - psy is ofc the exception) & if you were even slightly an army, you would know.

    BTS' cb will be immense, regardless of the language & there's A BIG possibility it will reach the top again.

    anyway, whatever bangtan does in 2025, i will be listening

    girl wtf r u talking about.

    #14 on the Hot 100 is a big achievement for a Korean song, no matter which way anyone twist it.

    I know ARMY was rooting for at least Top 10, but like I said #14 was still good.

    so whatever shade ur tryna throw, u can gtf, thank u.

  • lmao I was throwing shade? i think you have some reading problems...

    you are the one underestimating bts... tsk.

    always making these lame bts/army threads. couldn't you use your ALT for something more useful?

  • The erasure of Life goes on. It was the first Korean song to get #1. The most baffling #1 for BTS was PTD IMO. BTS has 6 #1 hits, so yeah they can get a #1 hit with any language. It just depends on the song and the support from their label/HYBE.

  • I feel like it will do well regardless of the language.

    All I know is that I'll be waiting for them since I'm used to it. I don't get kpop stans changing groups they'll support like fast food chains.

  • I think either language will take them to the top but an English single with the kind of promotions Dynamite/Butter had, coupled with the immense hype for their reunion will blow everything out of the water.

    Guinness will once again be busy with the records and achievements BTS will create. For at least 3 or 4 months of its release, BTS will be untouchable. No Kpop group will be able to come close. Music show wins will belong to BTS again and again. If they also drop an album, end of the Year award shows may have a high chance of being swept by BTS again. If they announce a world tour then . . . . God help us!

    Let's not forget, kpoppies will either be quietly grumbling, loudly hyperventilating or openly frothing in the mouth. Some may be looking for any slip in the interviews BTS will provide or hype any type of negativities in the media and "create a scandal" or some stories to deflect from what will be a massive BTS success on their comeback. In other words . . . just another Tuesday in the Kpop world.

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