This ngg competition is like 2nd gen gg but seems more fierce and interesting. All the top groups doing really well in every metrics from sales to chart. But jn 3rd gen, there was no real competition because Twice and Bp were too dominant and Rv slowly catching up with them. They have everything while Gfriend and Mamamoo, their close competitors only has good chart and it's only for really short period of time. You all can see how this forum get more interesting since all these 4th gen debuted, we all miss this kind of heat debate with each other and users trying to predict who's gonna be the final champion, etc...
You know what I notice, boy groups never really had this fierce competition. We have some from 2nd gen but again, Big bang was too dominant. Some other good groups that compete with them gone from scandals and mismanagement. In 3rd gen, it's only Bts vs Exo, Got7 and Bap unable to show their real potential because of the mismanagement. Seventeen debuted too late to be included. And for 4th gen, well it's obvious.