Why do non fans criticize and complain the most to groups they are not even stans?

  • From what I see in kpop, non fans always the one who have a lot to say about the groups they don't even stan more than the fans of the group itself. Most of time, they even complaining about other groups' songs, concept, company, etc... more than they do to their faves.

    In the end of the day, non fans is not a fans, they will contribute little or nothing to the group, so why the seems to care critiques more than the fans?

  • cant be me

    still sometimes what others do can be entertaining too

    frankly all it takes is a glance at title of threads in akp to get the gist of all the drama in kpop

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  • In the end of the day, non fans is not a fans, they will contribute little or nothing to the group, so why the seems to care critiques more than the fans?

    One reason: fans and non-fans perceive selectively. While fans tend to overlook minor flaws, non-fans tend to magnify them. But you'll find this behavior in every music scene, not only in K-Pop.

  • This is so true. I hate when people clearly don't like the group's music no matter what because of the concept or genre but they insist on listening to every release and letting the world know they don't like like yeah go figures, now do yourself and everyone a favor and stop listening!

    Wish I would have said this

  • Another problem is that some people apparantly don't know (or they don't want to know) the difference between the statements 'I don't like the band for reason xyz' and 'the band is bad'.

    There are a few K-Pop bands (and many Western Rock and Metal bands) that I normally don't listen to, because I don't like their musical style (as far as I know their songs, also opinions may change). But who I am to decide that a band is bad? It's that easy: A band that gives you good energy, can motivate you, can comfort you, can bring good memories back to you, can even heal you, can't just be a bad band.

    Enjoy your favorite bands, enjoy their music. And don't care what others think about your taste in music and your favorite idols.

  • a lot of factor
    maybe if the GG switch concept they will stan them
    or they like one of the member?

    but most of the time this could be multi fan but their is heirarchy ranking from their list

  • From what I see in kpop, non fans always the one who have a lot to say about the groups they don't even stan more than the fans of the group itself. Most of time, they even complaining about other groups' songs, concept, company, etc... more than they do to their faves.

    In the end of the day, non fans is not a fans, they will contribute little or nothing to the group, so why the seems to care critiques more than the fans?

    They're compensating for what their faves are lacking. They want what other groups have that their faves are struggling to get. They want bragging rights for non existent awards so they make their own.

    They will predict the other groups career demise. It gives them pleasure. They get off on what they perceive as other group's failure then sulk about it when they turn out to be wrong. "Maybe next year.". "Wait until XYZ comeback. " "ABC will be ended." "Records will be broken, just wait and see." "Their You Tube stats are dwindling. They are losing their popularity." "The new song is boring as fuck". "They sound too westernized".

    They want to ride on other group's success to lift the image of their faves. They will criticize a minuscule mistake, that typically no one would pay attention, and make it the top month's scandal. This is done to take the triumph away from the other group. They can't fucking stand that the other fandoms are basking in the glory of their faves' success. Thay want it too. Desperately.

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