Did you know It's a JYPE's policy to never revel the reason why one of their artists was fired?
if they are being honest, and the artist indeed do something bad, that statement would surely kill the artist's reputation, along with jype, because that artist would always be used as a way to mock jype by their antis.
if jype lying for the reason, it would surely backfiring hard.
but yeah, I know what you mean.. because sadly, many kpop fans don't have a good judgement, having a flawed deduction (if they have one) and loves to jump into conclusion. So by keeping it as "private" matters and disclosing it, it is the safest way for both parties, as jype subtly saying "you don't need to know because you could possibly makes thing worse"
agreed, their main motive are also to protect their name.
like, if every of their artist are leaving with a good or at least, no bad reason, then it won't tainting jype brand.
for this one I'm leaning more towards their legality.
since the artist have left, then the company had no right to use their photos/videos anymore in the future.
The same are happening with Garam-Hybe too. Hybe had no rights anymore to include Garam's footage in all of their medias, since Hybe doesn't "own" Garam anymore. And so does JYPE don't "own" Jinni anymore.
but this one makes me wonder about nmixx's season greeting?
maybe it can pass since all the orders had been made before this incident.
Jay Park called Korean's gay, it's just like an Idol being caught for bullying years before they debut as an Idol but the reason that Jay Park was dismissed has never been revealed by JYPE
Devil advocate here but I believe him.
Jyp said they won’t tell the reason but they never promise to protect their image because if it wasn’t a bad reason, why would they even kicked out the member in the first place?
Second, rumors are never as bad as “confirmation”. Rumors can pass but confirmations are fact. So you are asking them to confirm something quite terrible… enough for them to kick out thousands of investments and millions of potential in earnings. Think about that. Companies are money first - they wouldn’t throw out their moneymaker unless they prove to have done something that lose them money.
On the other hand what they doing now can gain some sympathy points for the one that left because of the rumors ~ for both the one that left and the ones still staying. Once they confirm, it kill off any sympathy points.
Honestly, being the humble, non-opinionated person that I am... I actually believe this statement out of JYP because I've seen more loyalty (sort of...) out of JYP than any other company I can think of. Look at all the times JYP stuck with idols during difficult times when I think 90% of other companies would of told them to get the fuck out.
Mental Health
Mihi (He even let her participate in the MV even if she could not perform)
Tzuyu waving her countries flag. (I believe 100% of other companies would have run like a bunch of bitches) I'd still like to break his nose for the response he did have but at least he didn't abandon her. OMG this still makes me so mad I need heart medication....
The man is FAR from perfect but I can see the effort.
on one hand i feel like it could benefit an idol if the company just said outright like "oh there were creative differences" or "this person had health problems and felt it would be better to permanently leave the group" or "there were disagreements about (insert whatever here)" because at least it would settle the fans if they had a reason
but if the reason was pretty bad??? like the member was caught snorting drugs in their dorm, or sneaking out to meet up with their partner, or bullying the other members/maybe they didn't get along at all and there was constant conflict so they had to be removed, isn't it better that the company just keeps their mouth shut?
and then it becomes an issue because if they give a reason for one group but not another, the member who left the group for no reason would be assumed to have done the worst thing possible
so maybe it is better if they just say nothing
has any former JYPE artist themselves revealed the reason they were kicked out/left?
Like I've said, this is fairly standard operating policy for many companies/organisations, ESPECIALLY if the employee has "chosen" to leave.
When I say "chosen", I mean given the choice between tending immediate resignation and getting fired.
If they "choose" to leave, there's technically no fault. In that case publicly revealing wrong doing (if there is any) only damages the person reputation and employment prospects.
This would be especially true in reputation and image obsessed cultures. Jinni is young. She may want to work in entertainment again, she might want to just go on to a different life. If there was wrongdoing and it was a matter of public knowledge that's a stain on her name that is very hard to shrug.
Do you think Garam is going to have an easy time getting into a good college or find good jobs?
And yes there is an element of company protection as well. These are BUSINESSESS. They exist to generate profit. They are some philanthropic organisation dedicated to letting you people achieve their dream. They WILL protect their interests. Idols are their interest of course, unless the idol threatens profits and earnings. Everything is a calculated cost/benefit/risk equation. Sometimes revealing any wrongdoing of an employee can still reflect badly on the company. "How on earth did they employ HIM? What were they thinking?".
Again, look at the hate and scrutiny hybe got for not doing their research on Garam.
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