Hello, everyone! It's the moment we've all been waiting for...a chance for everyone to vote on their favorite aesthetic submissions for the 2022 HALLOWEEN/FALL AESTHETIC COMPETITON!!
- There will be 4 polls with 4 submissions per poll. You will vote for ONE of them for each category. The one in each grouping with the most votes will get points counted toward your score!
But...let me repeat the rules so you guys remember!
- There will be NO self-promotion for your aesthetic (telling people to vote specifically for yours). If you need votes, feel free to promote the event itself. (No hiring non-participants or other participants to promote your aesthetic either. Nice try.)
- No Voting for yourself! I mean, you could, if you really wanted to. But it just wouldn't be counted. To make it easier, vote for anyone else BUT yourself
For Voters...
Please be fair to all participants! Even if you see some aesthetics from one of your favorite users, your bias, your favorite group, etc. do your best to check out other aesthetics before deciding! All participants worked hard on these so choose wisely! If you need tips on how to choose, try to choose by quality, cohesiveness, creativity, how well they fit the theme, and of course, your personal opinion!
Be respectful to all participants and their submissions as well! Thank you
All groupings were randomized using Wheel Decide so please don't get mad with your grouping for voting.