kpop fans nowadays dont know KARA ?!

  • freaking KARA?!!

    Heres some of their discography that you need to listen to get to know them better

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  • I mean I love them but they haven't been active since 2015. That's a good 7 years.

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  • Gonna be honest Wonder girls is utter proof of the advantage big 3 have when it comes to a lasting legacy… like they were barely active compared to most second gen gg especially 2010-, their peak was incredibly short, and don’t even get me started on the Line up changes and rebranding.

    Kinda agree but can't really blame them since JYP ruined them by pushing them to the West without any proper plans..

  • KARA holds a special place in my heart as having released my favorite album in all of kpop.

    Their debut album. The First Blooming.

    Often overlooked for their later fare.. But oh is it a gem.

    It's the kind of old school earnest simplicity and lack of pretention I yearn for in kpop.

    Most tend to love Kara for their later more popular iterations. But I am in love with that original sound Kara.

    A few samples from the album.

    Maybe my 3rd or 2nd favorite song in all of kpop:. They don't make magic like this anymore.

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    Another fav. Has an amateurish and fun kind of rap charm that is disarming.

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  • Hmm. Sometimes the reason we don’t know is because we don’t wanna know, tbh. Quite a bit of second gen music hasn’t aged well and even at the time, could be quite cheesy and dated.

    I knew about Kpop and some songs years before EXO hooked me, but always found the bulk of the music at the time cheesy and dated and just not my taste (I think this may be part of its appeal to some 2nd Gen fans?) Now that I’m older, I’m more willing to dig past the cheesy stuff to find lots of gems (like I humbly apologize to TVXQ for ignoring them for all these years), but a lot of the time I’m reminded why I didn’t get into second Gen in the first place.

    I think there’s a big nostalgia filter in there for second Gen fans that makes them not realize how the music can come off to someone just coming into it. It’s that way for a lot of us - it’s hard to turn off the nostalgia filter (I’m guilty of it myself with music.)

    I’m sure someone will be saying this to me in another 20 years. ^^



  • I don't think it's all nostalgia for everyone.

    I'm a 2nd gen fan from 2007, but mostly focused on SNSD with blinders on for the first half of my kpop experience.

    I later returned to explore a lot of the groups I didn't pay any attention. And I prefer 2nd gen musically overall.

    I'm not sophisticated enough in music description to really say what it is.

    But overall I find modern kpop music to a large extent, too "produced" and polished.

    I often yearn for them to be almost...more amateurish, if that make sense.

    It's sounds weird perhaps. But that's the best I can describe it.

  • :pepemusic:

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  • Remember when Seungyeon ate concrete on Music Core and got back up like a trooper. If you want to know how a professional performs then watch this vid.

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    Edited once, last by zylan ().

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