The best Minnie composed song ? 20
Dahlia (12) 60%
Moon (7) 35%
Already (6) 30%
I'm the Trend (4) 20%
Escape (2) 10%
Tung Tung (1) 5%
For You (1) 5%
Blow your Mind (1) 5%
Those are the 8 songs in which (G)I-dle Minnie took part in the composition, the lyrics and the production (except for Escape and Dahlia).
What are your favorite ones ?
Here is my personnal ranking :
8. I’m the trend. It is a fun song for the fans but not much more imo
7. Blow your Mind. Her first try at composing (and producing) and it does feel a little unfinished idk. I still like it a lot. It has a special vibe and the choruses and verses are great. The biggest problem is the You-ou-ou parts for me
6. Already. Starting from this one they are all amazing. This song is SO Minnie. Nothing bad to say, the melody and instrumental are great
5. For You. Soojin vocals were amazing on this one. The instrumental is amazing too
4. Escape. That amazing intro pulls you right in. The chorus is great
3. Tung Tung. This one is ethereal, the violins are great and Soyeon rap bridge slaps
2. Moon. This is perfection, such a special vibe
1. Dahlia. Perfection part2. Every part is amazing. The instrumental is good. BreadBeat and Minnie did a great job
I also want to give an appreciation for her main co-composers and co-producers BreadBeat (Escape and Dahlia) and Houdini (the rest except Blow your Mind)