This is my opinion, as usual, different strokes for different folks.
I think Aespa's choreo is lackluster, awkward, and seriously hinders their performances. I must say, out of all their choreo's black mamba is my favorite though I must say the execution could be a whole lot better. But after that, it simply get too difficult for them to properly execute and looks horribly awkward on stage. it is clear that they are not strong dancers, which is why I don't understand the need to have choreo that requires precision to look good. It only makes it all the more obvious when the members are out of synk or out of formation.
I also have a nit to pick with the facial expressions. I don't think an AI concept means you need to have zero facial expressions, in fact in their mvs they have a variety of facial expressions. What I don't get then, is why they cannot emote on stage. I, personally, think its because they are focusing on trying to keep up with the choreo and the camera rather than enjoying the performance. Seriously, it often seems to me that only Karina is trying to emote and enjoy the performance.
Ok, end of rant. Had to get these thoughts off my mind, also akorns