Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade in landmark case involving abortion access
The Mississippi case was seen as determining the future of abortion access.
In 2022 this is shocking.
Not a surprise though, they had a conservative majority
I fucking hate this country.
It won't stop with abortion rights, they might come for lgbt+ rights as well
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It won't stop with abortion rights, they might come for lgbt+ rights as well
They have interracial marriage in their sights as well. iirc Love v. Virginia was mentioned alongside these in the leaked ruling last month.
Welp it happened
in the last few days, the Supreme Court eliminated the 4th Amendment protection from unreasonable search and seizure from about 2/3 of all Americans, banned states from restricting concealed guns, eliminated your Miranda rights, decided that religious schools should get public funding despite not paying taxes, decided being proven innocent is not sufficient cause for overturning a conviction, and also overturned Roe v. Wade
Can appreciate the direct challenged to the Constitutional legitimacy of Roe vs Wade. Other challenges only chewed at the edges that made minor in-roads.
Not a matter of Conservative as it is Laws of the Land upheld. State's Power was stepped on by Roe vs Wade.
This doesn't stop abortion though it just stops safe abortion . Also gay rights and interracial marriage are probably next. Yeah America sucks
You can still have abortions. Half of the states will keep the abortion rights while others will strongly regulate or completely ban it. It made it harder for women in red states to get access to abortion. They now have to travel to the blue states to get one.
You can still have abortions. Half of the states will keep the abortion rights while others will strongly regulate or completely ban it. It made it harder for women in red states to get access to abortion. They now have to travel to the blue states to get one.
They'll find ways to punish women who do this I'm sure.
They'll find ways to punish women who do this I'm sure.
Can they? Are residents bound to laws of their state ? I know people out of state of California can buy cannabis even though they live in states where it’s illegal. You can only be punished by the Law of the state you’re currently in. If these states allow abortion for everyone they can’t punish these women… also how should the state find out you got pregnant and went to a state that allows abortion? Don’t doctors have something like confidentiality in America ?
lol, the US is officially a medieval craphole.
lol what?
Imagine having to travel in your own country to have rights over your own body.
Wasn’t it always the case even with Roe vs Wade ?
Not everyone could afford the abortion clinic nearest to their home, many don’t want an abortion in their city as they don’t want to be seen by someone they know. And some states already had stricter abortion laws, so many traveled for abortion anyway. A state like Illinois was already known for its abortion tourism as they say they have the healthiest abortion clinics so their patients will now double with the overrule of R v W.
Traveling is nothing new… but it made it all a little more complicated. That’s for sure.
Education varies in the US some states don't teach kids about slavery the same way even.
With that being said, fuck this country. Even in "shit hole countries" abortions are available. I don't fucking want to live by Christian rule, I'm not Christian and I don't care for their beliefs.
fuxk people who are cheering on this and don't pause for fucking 1 Minute to think about bigger implications of this.
This will mostly punish the poor and underprivileged who are on the tight spot.
Abortion is not only for unwanted pregnancies, it's the medical procedure for all kinda of problems that occur during pregnancy.
Now a woman has to sit down and wait for a court order if their body doesn't naturally abort a dead fetus.
They have to sit there and let the corpse of the kid they really wanted rot in their uterus bc state has to make a ruling first if she should be allowed that medical procedure or not.
Even if the court allows it, she still has the risk of nut job nurse calling police on her.
Wasn’t it always the case even with Roe vs Wade ?
Not everyone could afford the abortion clinic nearest to their home, many don’t want an abortion in their city as they don’t want to be seen by someone they know. And some states already had stricter abortion laws, so many traveled for abortion anyway. A state like Illinois was already known for its abortion tourism as they say they have the healthiest abortion clinics so their patients will now double with the overrule of R v W.
Traveling is nothing new… but it made it all a little more complicated. That’s for sure.
Honestly don't get your point and what about whataboutism
Do you think someone who can barely afford to feed themselves can take time off work and travel for abortion???
Do you think the other clinics can handle the extra patients?
Also what about ectopic pregnancy if woman can't get an abortion for that both her and the fetus will both die. The US also has put woman in prison for still birth and miscarriage
Also what about ectopic pregnancy if woman can't get an abortion for that both her and the fetus will both die.
Do you think they really care about them? That's why we got to this in the first place, they don't whatsoever
I don't even know if I can get birth control for my debilitating cramps anymore. There's a lot greatly wrong with this but obviously they don't care
Honestly they dont care . Contraception is most likely the next thing they will take away. Yeah America sucks
I feel like America is slowly caving inward.
Do you really think people are going to just sit there and let their rights be stolen again? To be told who they can and can't marry like this is 1953? Especially with semiautomatics now running wild on these streets?
America may be about to become the wild wild west because people already do not respect the government or the authorities. What's next? Civil rights? Segregation? Are black people and other minorities going to be shuffled to the back of the bus? Women are already losing their rights? Are we about to be relegated to being our husband's property again?
Like hell we will. This is gearing up to be some strong civil unrest if things keep going as they are. And now, we have uncontrolled gun laws in the mix. You guys heard of the fall of the Roman empire? Seems like the US is next, and I'm sure it will be a lot bloodier.
This is insane.. moving backwards
My heart breaks for american women and girls
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thank god Illinois isn't part of that ban list, good to know that the people near me aren't complete idiots.
Can appreciate the direct challenged to the Constitutional legitimacy of Roe vs Wade. Other challenges only chewed at the edges that made minor in-roads.
Not a matter of Conservative as it is Laws of the Land upheld. State's Power was stepped on by Roe vs Wade.
It was a weak case from the start, even RBG said it was gonna get overturned eventually
thank god Illinois isn't part of that ban list, good to know that the people near me aren't complete idiots.
Happy to know I escaped bumf*ck Tennessee.
I was considering moving back there at some point, but the way things are going, that ain't happening.
Happy to know I escaped bumf*ck Tennessee.
I was considering moving back there at some point, but the way things are going, that ain't happening.
girl going back to that heat? I wouldn't even dare!
This is so upsetting.. and the fact there are people celebrating this is hard to bear.
This makes it the case for many more women though. It isn't a small deal, it's huge for us. The way you talk about it makes you sound like you're minimizing it, when it doesn't even pertain to you
I was just responding to your reply to me. You said imagine I have to travel my country… I’m just saying you don’t have to imagine . It was already happening. Now it got more complicated.
I’m not minimizing it. I’m just not talking in a shocked or outraged way cause we saw that coming, this whole thing was leaked weeks ago.
Yes it doesn’t pertain me… neither does it pertain you. In fact it doesn’t pertain the vast majority of women who have something to say about this.
Display MoreHonestly don't get your point and what about whataboutism
Do you think someone who can barely afford to feed themselves can take time off work and travel for abortion???
Do you think the other clinics can handle the extra patients?
What whataboutism?
Anyway good point about people who can’t feed themself… the thing is poor women couldn’t even afford abortion in the first place.
And this is because your country has a very bad health insurance system. So it’s quite ironic that you use them as an argument.
Do I think other clinics can handle more patients?
Well they are releasing articles that they have been preparing for this since the leak. So I guess yes ?
They plan to expand their clinics, hire more people (probably those from states who will loose their jobs at abortion clinics)…
Will there be more waits in the first months? Definitely.
It’s a messed up situation, but you can’t do anything about it except of hoping the remaining states will manage the situation.
But there is still hope… you guys vote wise
Display MoreWhat whataboutism?
Anyway good point about people who can’t feed themself… the thing is poor women couldn’t even afford abortion in the first place.
And this is because your country has a very bad health insurance system. So it’s quite ironic that you use them as an argument.
Do I think other clinics can handle more patients?
Well they are releasing articles that they have been preparing for this since the leak. So I guess yes ?
They plan to expand their clinics, hire more people (probably those from states who will loose their jobs at abortion clinics)…
Will there be more waits in the first months? Definitely.
It’s a messed up situation, but you can’t do anything about it except of hoping the remaining states will manage the situation.
But there is still hope… you guys vote wise
well sike
Im not American, I got rights where I live and national health care thank you
Just bc sth doesnt directly affect me doesnt mean I cant be outrage by it
Its very naive to just sit down and watch other people's rights erode away bc it doesnt affect me
Your point still doesnt make sense, now plus the cost of abortion they have to pay for travel too. Tone deaf
When I say It doesn’t pertain you, I mean because you aren’t pregnant. And I’m sure you won’t get in that situation either.
Well sorry then. That wasn’t my intention.
Display Morewell sike
Im not American, I got rights where I live and national health care thank you
Just bc sth doesnt directly affect me doesnt mean I cant be outrage by it
Its very naive to just sit down and watch other people's rights erode away bc it doesnt affect me
Your point still doesnt make sense, now plus the cost of abortion they have to pay for travel too. Tone deaf
My point makes very much sense as I wasn’t talking to you but replying to other posts. You are replying to a reply taking out of context.
And where did I say we should sit down and watch other peoples rights taking away from them ?
lol I think we are talking pass each other.
You directly replied to my comment
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