K-pop artists on the Oricon charts, J-pop suffers from sales decline while K-pop enjoys all-time highs

  • it has 500 million streams only in Japan, I've never seen that certification till now, shocked

    Yeah 'Dynamite' got Diamond certification in streaming which is the highest certifications by RIAJ for streaming only. Only one songs before this has gotten it.

    But it was long time. Just yesterday they surpassed 700m streams according to RIAJ.


  • That’s kinda sad, but at the same time, I hope this means Japanese artists will start looking beyond their country to promote their music.

    I’m convinced that J-pop could be so much bigger globally if the Japanese music industry didn’t become so exclusionary in the mid to late 2000s. Finding music from some of my favorite artists became almost impossible unless I imported an expensive CD.

    There are so many artists who I think would have success in growing their international fandom. Especially considering how intertwined Jpop is to anime.

  • I love this. Hope JP musical industry colapses because of their lack of self awareness of how important is to actually sell their product outside their own territory. Game industry realized that, movie industry realized that, anime industry realized that, but somehow their music industry still arcaic and backwards

    It's crazy how finding JP music in Spotify is borderline impossible because they don't even bother to localize their own songs titles

    So because a country doesnt need/or want to export their music their domestic industry deserve to collapse, what?

    Most countries in the world dont export their music unless its english/spanish because theres little point if none understands the language. Kpop and jpop to a certain extent(mainly due to anime) are huge exceptions to this, and lets face its, its not due to the groundbreaking music or lyrics that they have managed to gain a foothold in the world.

    And even with kpop being as succesful as it is over the world, its still a niche and the revenue it generates is still nowhere close to japan.

  • So because a country doesnt need/or want to export their music their domestic industry deserve to collapse, what?

    Yes. Isn't this the premise of my post? Do you think countries get richer pocking their products behind their own national limits?

    The majority of markets that have a stable domestic industry are selling their music outside their borders, of course I don't expect people from Vietnam to export their music because of course they don't even a domestic market to being with. Japan was for decades the second biggest music industry, their position isn't nearly the samen

    JP companies seems fine selling mangas everywhere, and let's not start thinking about technology and engineering, why be so fucking resistant in selling music?

    I could understand this in the 80's and 90's where costs to export music were high, but nowadays? You just need to put the music on streaming services and advertise on internet and social media, it's a thing literally anyone can do. How come piss-poor Latin american countries be able to get popular worldwide only by their own push but rich JP labels can't even bother to put their music available to be listened?

  • I'm pretty sure JPOP will be on a rise again with concerts and fanmeeting, and handshake meetings being back in Japan

    it was always part of their culture to kind of 'attend' those things for their Idols, and this was how they attracted new fans too.

  • This is what jpop fans and Japanese people don’t understand. Even America with the largest music and film industry has been exporting their soft power for decades despite being able to support themselves lmfao. This is why the Japanese film/drama and music industry is collapsing on itself. They were told years ago to stop being so prideful with making money only in the domestic market, but to eventually expand out as there are overseas fans waiting to consume content and their birth rates aren’t looking so hot right now which means the economy is in jeopardy. I understand the concept of wanting to cater and make things for them and by them, but that’s not reality right now. Nobody but to blame but themselves at this point if they get to the point of no return. Let this be a wake up call to them :pepe-tea:

  • This is what jpop fans and Japanese people don’t understand. Even America with the largest music and film industry has been exporting their soft power for decades despite being able to support themselves lmfao. This is why the Japanese film/drama and music industry is collapsing on itself. They were told years ago to stop being so prideful with making money only in the domestic market, but to eventually expand out as there are overseas fans waiting to consume content and their birth rates aren’t looking so hot right now which means the economy is in jeopardy. I understand the concept of wanting to cater and make things for them and by them, but that’s not reality right now. Nobody but to blame but themselves at this point if they get to the point of no return. Let this be a wake up call to them :pepe-tea:


    I'll be personally pleased to see their market collapsing. It won't happen overnight because they have a fairly big and wealth population, but will happen eventually, good riddance

  • Sure, making it available to easily stream is one thing i agree they suck at and japanese companies ofc suck at taking the opportunites that exists outside, but that doesnt mean i wish their markets to collapse because of it

    And the majority of countries dont really export much of their music beacuse theres is no demand for music in obscure languages outside their own country, and those that do then seldom do it in their native language, but in english.

    I mean the second and third biggest markets for music arent exactly known for their big export of music, yet they are at the forefront when it comes to actual music diversity. And there are many small countries with a vibrant music scene that have no problems being sustained by their small domestic populations.

    And japanese companies are fine selling mangas/anime everywhere because it was not actually spread or made popular by japanese companies to begin with, but foreign companies that bought the licenes to sell in other countries (or pirated and fansubbed). Its also a medium that works in any country because it can be easily translated.

    This is what jpop fans and Japanese people don’t understand. Even America with the largest music and film industry has been exporting their soft power for decades despite being able to support themselves lmfao. This is why the Japanese film/drama and music industry is collapsing on itself. They were told years ago to stop being so prideful with making money only in the domestic market, but to eventually expand out as there are overseas fans waiting to consume content and their birth rates aren’t looking so hot right now which means the economy is in jeopardy. I understand the concept of wanting to cater and make things for them and by them, but that’s not reality right now. Nobody but to blame but themselves at this point if they get to the point of no return. Let this be a wake up call to them :pepe-tea:

    I mean with the drop in revenue for Japan, they are still the second biggest market for music by a large marigin, they could lose 2/3 of their market and still be top 5 in the world.

  • You think If kpop was only popular in Korea, they would export their music lol, no. It was hard to buy albums now we got many shops to buy because kpop is global.

    Until a group smash there’s no point exporting them.

    Many artists around the world are doing just fine by just being popular domestically why it should be different for Japan.

    It’s not like market is dying, streaming is growing, i don’t know if their artists started touring, but the legacy acts can easily sell out dome concerts.

    Well, but I do. I'm a resentful person

    Do you even listen J-pop? Why you would them to collapse, Japan isn’t the first country to have a decline in albums sales, it didn’t even affect the USA, Korea is just an anomaly.

  • You think If kpop was only popular in Korea, they would export their music lol, no. It was hard to buy albums now we got many shops to buy because kpop is global.

    Until a group smash there’s no point exporting them.

    Many artists around the world are doing just fine by just being popular domestically why it should be different for Japan.

    It’s not like market is dying, streaming is growing, i don’t know if their artists started touring, but the legacy acts can easily sell out dome concerts.

    Do you even listen J-pop? Why you would them to collapse, Japan isn’t the first country to have a decline in albums sales, it didn’t even affect the USA, Korea is just an anomaly.

    Yup, Jpop artists and groups have started concert tours again.

    "Don’t judge a book by its cover. Everybody has a reason and everybody has a story. I hope people don’t judge a person based on what they see." Kim Taehyung


  • Exactly

    I'll be personally pleased to see their market collapsing. It won't happen overnight because they have a fairly big and wealth population, but will happen eventually, good riddance

    Seems like a them problem now lol. Thing is, they’re trying to compete against kpop groups with the koreanized ones like jo1, niziu, ini, hybe Japan, and etc in collaboration with Korean companies but those are simply collaborations and not done on their own accord which means they still don’t think it’s necessary to actually compete. Without Korean intervention things would be going 2x as slow. People like sky hi with his group be-first are trying to change the Japanese idol scene but that means the whole industry who have to be on board but it’s ran by old stubborn men so…:pepe-shrug:

  • Not related to the OP, but I did not want to create a new thread.

    There may be a shift going on in Japan regarding the most popular kpop GG.

    One is a temporary group, but the other is not.

    Best-selling K-Acts on Oricon in 2023

    3. #LE_SSERAFIM — 303,571

    9. #Kep1er — 65,184
    10. #TWICE — 63,091

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    Japan used to be the Twice fort that even BlackPink could not break.

  • This better be a joke :pepe-hips:

    You're aware that Le Sserafim released Japanese single, this year, right?

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