What's the biggest kpop controversy that you couldn't be bothered to care about?
I think many of them, mostly because it wasn't with people I cared about or because the reason of the controversy was stupid in my emo and gothic opinion
For me, I think it's the time GLAM's Dahee blackmailed the famous actor. I think it wasn't very interesting partially because there was no dispute about what had happened (or if there was, anything Dahee claimed dissolved so quickly under scrutiny that I don't remember it), and partially because the most interesting part, no one seemed to have any focus on. Like, what was going on that Dahee felt desperate enough to blackmail such a wealthy and powerful person? It's not even like the company aggressively threw her under the bus; there was next to no discourse on "wtf was her company doing that left her this desperate?"
I kind of wonder if it'd go down differently if a similar scandal happened today. At least if the blame would land less solely on just the rookie idol.
anything that deals with bullying. Honestly I think Koreans set themselves up when an Idol is a bully past & present. Human Beings aren't perfect.
anything that deals with bullying. Honestly I think Koreans set themselves up when an Idol is a bully past & present. Human Beings aren't perfect.
Yeah, sometimes I think that stuff gets taken too far. I understand if it's like, holding people to account for something that's just, idk, six weeks in the past, but drudging up stuff from a decade or more ago is a little... like yes, children are kind of jerkfaces when they're 12. Yes, it sucks if you struggled to make friends then, but that doesn't mean all your classmates need to remain unemployed for all of time to atone for that.
there was so many different versions of the truth. So many people envolved and got stained by this. To the point it brought up also that group chat that was so bad. I think that the was worst and some didn´t even paid for that
Yeah, sometimes I think that stuff gets taken too far. I understand if it's like, holding people to account for something that's just, idk, six weeks in the past, but drudging up stuff from a decade or more ago is a little... like yes, children are kind of jerkfaces when they're 12. Yes, it sucks if you struggled to make friends then, but that doesn't mean all your classmates need to remain unemployed for all of time to atone for that.
Like I only support cancelling Idols who are bullies if they're bullies currently not something that happened when they were 13 and they're 29 now.
dating scandals.
But recently also "bullying" scandals because i feel half the time people can make things up or play the victim
Yeah, sometimes I think people run a little too wild on the flimsiest of evidence. "Here's my yearbook!" I have yearbooks too, that doesn't mean that the people in them bullied me or anyone else.
I only care about having opinions on controversies involving idols I care about, directly or indirectly. Other than that, I just watch, most of the time
None of them? I literally don’t care about a single one of them. I prefer to pass commentary instead on people and how they react to certain issues because IMO that’s what has more real impact within my near vicinity.
For example if someone is using a scandal to be misogynistic or bigoted, I’d rather debate that than defend OR condemn a celeb from Korea.
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